CiteSpace4.0 到CiteSpace5.0新增重要功能
5.0 R3 SE 1/1/2017 Labeling:if the largest K connected components are selected,
then the labeling process is restricted to nodes in the Kcomponents only
5.0 R3 SE 12/27/2016 Clusters: Labeling by T: Optimized; MI:expanded to list more terms
5.0 R3 SE 12/26/2016 Clusters: Summarization of clusters:
Save a whitelist of domain-specific terms
5.0 R3 SE 12/26/2016 Display: Save As PNG: Revised
5.0 R3 SE 12/17/2016 Display: Node Size and Node Labelsynchronized
5.0 R3 SE 12/10/2016 TimelineView: New design: Node labels
5.0 R3 SE 12/8/2016 Display: Sub-cluster Labels: LSIdimensions and rows of terms
5.0 R3 SE 12/8/2016 Display: Node rendering in uniformedsize: revised to color by cluster
5.0 R3 SE 12/8/2016 Display:Term Labels: By Burstness
5.0 R3 SE 12/7/2016 Display:Article Labels: By Burstness
5.0 R3 SE 12/7/2016 Main GUI: Defer the Status Report
5.0 R3 SE 11/26/2016 Main GUI: the mininum resolution required:1024x768
5.0 R3 SE 11/19/2016 ViewsTab: Timeline View Controls: Row span
5.0 R3 SE 11/16/2016 Timeline View: Cluster labels over years
5.0 R3 SE 11/16/2016 TimelineView: Fisheye View: Adjustable focal point
5.0 R2 SE 11/4/2016 Data: Extract WoS Records Based on UIDsfiles
5.0 R2 SE 11/4/2016 Clusters: export UIDs of each cluster'sciting articles
5.0 R2 SE 11/3/2016 GUI:CiteSpace Built-in Database
5.0 R2 SE 11/3/2016 GUI:Cluster Explorer; Control Panel: Clusters, Search
5.0 R2 SE 10/31/2016 Display: Label Color: Use Variable Colors
5.0 R2 SE 10/31/2016 Cluster Labels: refined the way to handleit if no terms found
5.0 R2 SE 10/27/2016 Cluster Labels: Alignment: Center
5.0 R2 SE 10/24/2016 Display: Label Alignment: (Avoid NodeLabel Overlapping: Center or Right)
5.0 R2 SE 10/24/2016 ProjectProperties: e for TopN={v|f(v)>=min(f(top(N), e)}
5.0 R2 SE 10/19/2016 AvoidOverlapping Labels: Integrated cluster labels and node labels
5.0 R2 SE 10/19/2016 Views: Lower Bound Label Alpha: Fadeout asfrequency decreases
5.0 R2 SE 10/18/2016 Control Panel: Views: Guiding LineTransparency
5.0 R2 SE 10/16/2016 Project Properties: Nodes to Labelinitially (default: 5%)
5.0 R2 SE 10/16/2016 Adjust Node Label Positions: Optimized infavor of important nodes
5.0 R2 SE 10/14/2016 Database Control Panel: Keywords/PhrasesMenu; Refined GUI
5.0 R1 SE 9/3/2016 Terms: Entropy: Revised and optimized
5.0 R1 SE 9/2/2016 Filter: Show Largest k Connected Components
5.0 R1 SE 8/28/2016 Visualization: Open Saved Visualization:Updated
5.0 R1 SE 8/25/2016 ClusterLabeling: CSSCI: Labels in English by design. Not a bug.
5.0 R1 SE 8/25/2016 ClusterLabeling: CNKI: K; Year by Year: K
5.0 R1 SE 8/24/2016 Citation History and Frequency Table:Consistent
5.0 R1 SE 8/24/2016 Largest CC: Aligned labels
5.0 R1 SE 8/24/2016 GO!Added a brief summary of the dataset
4.5 R1 8/7/2016 Dual-Map Overlays v. 1.6
4.4 R1 7/31/2016 Geospatial Map: Restored after athird-party data format change
4.3 R1 7/29/2016 Display: Link Raw Counts: Show/Hide
4.3 R1 7/29/2016 Visualization: Open Saved Visualizationrevised
4.3 R1 7/28/2016 Analytics:Structural Variation Analysis (SVA): 2012 JASISt and R script
4.3 R1 7/28/2016 Clusters:Label Clusters Year by Year
4.2 R4 7/26/2016 DataSource: Korean Citation Index (KCI) revised
4.2 R4 7/21/2016 Data Import/Export: New CSSCI Converter2.0
4.2 R3 7/18/2016 Java Source/binary: JDK 1.8.0_91
4.2 R3 7/15/2016 Filters: Show the entire network(default) or the largest connected component (LCC) only
4.2 R3 7/12/2016 Node Type: WC and SC categories are okayto include a comma
4.2 R3 7/7/2016 Visualization: t-SNE View
4.2 R2 6/27/2016 Adjust Label Positions: Further refined;more compact
4.2 R2 6/26/2016 Visualization: Added a t-SNE-basedvisualization (beta)
4.2 R2 6/26/2016 AdjustNode Label Positions: Revised
4.2 R1 6/21/2016 Cluster Labeling: Using LSI instead oftf*idf
4.2 R1 6/21/2016 Projects: Fixed the problem withcreating a new project
4.1 R1 6/17/2016 Cluster Labeling: tf*idf revised
4.1 R1 6/16/2016 Demo 6: CSCD
4.1 R1 6/13/2016 Import/Export: Export: Merge variants ofreferences: revised
4.1 R1 6/13/2016 Time Slicing: Automatically reset if itis outside data range
4.1 R1 6/12/2016 New Data Formats (beta): Russian SCI(RSCI)
andKorean Journal Database(KJD)
4.1 R1 6/11/2016 New Data Format: CSDS
4.1 R1 6/11/2016 Note Type: Institution revised
4.1 R1 5/27/2016 Import/Export: Scopus: RISReader a rareexception fix
4.1 R1 5/16/2016 Import/Export: Export: Merge variants ofreferences
4.1 R1 4/14/2016 Nourn Phrases: Using exising POS tags.The function is now fully restored.
4.1 R1 2/21/2016 Cluster Labels: The evolution of acluster is shown by labels computed for each year
4.1 R1 2/14/2016 Cluster Labels: Display all three labelsas TFIDF/LLR/MI
4.1 R1 2/14/2016 MySQL: Store cluster membership towos.clusters
4.0 R5 12/29/2015 MySQL: Fixed a connection problem
4.0 R5 12/27/2015 MySQL: Made the initial setup userfriendlier
4.0 R5 12/17/2015 Demo Projects: Added Demo 3: Scopus
4.0 R5 12/16/2015 Display: Clusters: Filter out small clusters(renamed and revised)
4.0 R5 12/15/2015 Display: Revised Usage180 and Usage2013
4.0 R5 12/15/2015 Demo Projects: ReplaceTerrorism(1996-2015) with Scientometrics(1980-2015)
4.0 R5 12/14/2015 Display: Clusters: Color each cluster bythe average year of cited references
4.0 R5 12/14/2015 Demo Projects: CNKI, CSSCI, WoS
4.0 R5 12/14/2015 CNKI/CSSCI: fixed the problem with Keyword
4.0 R5 12/12/2015 Display: drag with the left mouse buttonto pane the graphics
4.0 R5 12/12/2015 Display: Clusters: Show/Hide SmallClusters
4.0 R5 12/12/2015 Project Properties: Link Retaining Factor:-1 for unlimited
4.0 R5 12/11/2015 Display: Layout: Views: Timeline View
4.0 R5 12/11/2015 Display: revised Adjust Node LabelPositions
4.0 R5 12/11/2015 Clusters: revised #5 List Top Terms Rankedby LSA
4.0 R5 12/11/2015 Read the simplified ISI Export formatexported from Publish or Perish
4.0 R4 11/27/2015 Project Properties: Cutoff thresholdreplaced by link retaining
4.0 R4 11/25/2015 The new eBook published: How to UseCiteSpace
4.0 R4 11/15/2015 Database: Import/Export: Keywords: convertplural to its single form
4.0 R3 11/14/2015 Node Selection: Selection by g-index,modifiable with a scale factor k
4.0 R3 11/13/2015 Node Type: Keywords: Convert plural to itssingle form
4.0 R2 10/14/2015 Display: Render node size and label byusage (180 days or since 2013); This feature is currently provided for DCAonly.
4.0 R2 10/11/2015 Node Selection Criteria: Usage (180 daysor since 2013)
4.0 R1 9/23/2015 Control Panel: Replaced sliders withscroll bars
4.0 R1 9/21/2015 Network: Further optimized speed
4.0 R1 9/17/2015 Analytics: Structural Variation Analysis(SVA)
Chen,C. (2012) Predictive effects of structural variation on citation counts.
Journalof the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(3), 431-449.
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