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已有 7888 次阅读 2015-1-21 20:31 |系统分类:论文交流| 十字花科, 拟南芥, 花转录组, 花发育

Analysis of Arabidopsis floral transcriptome: detection of new florally expressed genes and expansion of Brassicaceae-specific gene families


本文主要利用 花早期(ap1cal突变体),花的1~9期和花12期RNA-seq数据,对花发育早中晚相关基因进行了分析。主要比较了不同时期差异和特异表达基因。对于差异表达基因,对富集基因家族进行了分析,发现大部分基因在花早期开始高表达,特别转录因子。对于特异表达基因,主要分析特异表达的基因家族,主要找到了花12期富集不少特异基因家族,这些基因家族主要在十字花科中扩张。


Front. Plant Sci., 20 January 2015 | doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00802
Analysis of Arabidopsis floral transcriptome: detection of new florally expressed genes and expansion of Brassicaceae-specific gene families
  • 1Department of Pharmacy, Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

  • 2Advanced Institute of Translational Medicine, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

  • 3State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering and Collaborative Innovation Center for Genetics and Development, Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Biodiversity Science and Ecological Engineering and Institute of Biodiversity Sciences, Institute of Plants Biology, Center for Evolutionary Biology, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

  • 4Institutes of Biomedical Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

The flower is essential for sexual reproduction of flowering plants and has been extensively studied. However, it is still not clear how many genes are expressed in the flower. Here, we performed RNA-seq analysis as a highly sensitive approach to investigate the Arabidopsis floral transcriptome at three developmental stages. We provide evidence that at least 23, 961 genes are active in theArabidopsis flower, including 8512 genes that have not been reported as florally expressed previously. We compared gene expression at different stages and found that many genes encoding transcription factors are preferentially expressed in early flower development. Other genes with expression at distinct developmental stages included DUF577 in meiotic cells and DUF220,DUF1216, and Oleosin in stage 12 flowers. DUF1216 and DUF577 are Brassicaceae specific, and together with other families experienced expansion within the Brassicaceae lineage, suggesting novel/greater roles in Brassicaceae floral development than other plants. The large dataset from this study can serve as a resource for expression analysis of genes involved in flower development inArabidopsis and for comparison with other species. Together, this work provides clues regarding molecular networks underlying flower development.


2014 Feb 12;5:25. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2014.00025. eCollection 2014.

Alternative splicing during Arabidopsis flower development results in constitutive and stage-regulated isoforms.






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  4. LeiL, Zhou S, Ma H*,Zhang L*: Expansion and Diversification of SET DomainGene Family following Whole-Genome Duplications in Populus. BMC Evolutionary Biology.2012,12:51.


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