迷海明灯分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/lyz_228 梦想照亮现实!



已有 2558 次阅读 2012-8-17 08:25 |系统分类:科研笔记

It's autumn in China now.
Autumn is a harvest season.
Farmers work all year long
 just waiting for the harvest.
As a researcher,
I should also be good
at summarizing.
The goal of hard working is
to get more fruits.
While the fruits are ripe ,
it's time to harvest.
Otherwise, with flowing of time,
fruits are no longer fruits.
Some others may pick it up
without any hard work.
Do not just enjoy the process of working.
Set aside a little bit time
on collecting your results.
Do not be lazy while harvest.
Do not drop the fruit just because
it's a little smaller.
Conclude and collect,
you will get a fantastic result.
Several stories from animals may be helpful:
A monkey : losing the water melon, geting the sesame;
A bear: getting no corn after hard harvest.
We still have a saying to encourage the freshman:
Just try one time, without knowing whether
is there any date on the tree.
However, don't just try time and time again,
without picking up any date on the floor.
The autumn is a harvest season.
Don't be the one who is empty in their hands.
Collect and conclude your work in time.


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