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已有 4485 次阅读 2008-6-24 10:58 |个人分类:教育心得


1 就这样被取消考试资格了 
 作者: 125.85.85.* 2008-6-19 22:48   回复此发言   
2 回复:就这样被取消考试资格了 
 作者: wangjiesll   2008-6-19 22:49   回复此发言   
4 回复:就这样被取消考试资格了 
 作者: 新**(注:删去学校名) 2008-6-20 09:47   回复此发言   
5 回复:就这样被取消考试资格了 
 作者: 殇皴 2008-6-20 14:40   回复此发言   
6 回复:就这样被取消考试资格了 
 作者: 61.161.67.* 2008-6-20 18:22   回复此发言   
7 回复:就这样被取消考试资格了 
 作者: cock_girl 2008-6-20 19:16   回复此发言   
8 回复:就这样被取消考试资格了 
 作者: 1xpr1ss 2008-6-21 23:44   回复此发言   
9 回复:就这样被取消考试资格了 
 You think I also do not read BBS? Maybe I don't speak Chinese very well, but that does not mean that I am stupid. I read what is written about me...

To 125.85.85.* : You are lying and also being very lazy. In the university a student should act like a man, not act like a lazy boy. You fail the exam because you are lazy, maybe you don't come to class, or just don't do the work. So you decide to go on BBS and make up a lie about smoking? You just make yourself look very foolish and stupid! 

My response to wangjiesll: You think this is true? You think this is "the foreign style" of doing things? You are uneducated and ignorant.

I find many of my students in ****(注:删去学校名) to be very lazy and I have to put up with too much cheating. For the students who cheat and are very lazy, I must say, you are so lucky to live in China. If you do such things at a university in the USA, you can easily get kicked out of the university.

I hope my students in the future will have more sense and not go on BBS to show everyone they are lazy and a liar.

....And to cock_girl: maybe you should change your name, do you know the meaning of "cock girl" in English?

作者: 211.83.223.* 2008-6-23 22:54   回复此发言   

10 回复9:就这样被取消考试资格了 
 I do not know if things are not really
So I think it's a joke 
 作者: wangjiesll   2008-6-23 22:59   回复此发言   
11 回复:就这样被取消考试资格了 
 Perhaps. If a joke, it's very juvenile...

 作者: 211.83.223.* 2008-6-23 23:00   回复此发言   
12 回复:就这样被取消考试资格了 
 i hate liar 
 作者: 211.83.223.* 2008-6-23 23:02   回复此发言   
13 回复:就这样被取消考试资格了 
 说谎的人 liar 
 作者: wangjiesll   2008-6-23 23:06   回复此发言   
14 回复:就这样被取消考试资格了 
 If something is "juvenile" that can mean that it's very immature or rude... like something a child would do who has no manners. 
 作者: 211.83.223.* 2008-6-23 23:09   回复此发言   
15 回复:就这样被取消考试资格了 
 作者: wangjiesll   2008-6-23 23:11   回复此发言    








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