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已有 4109 次阅读 2013-6-24 08:48 |个人分类:业务流程管理|系统分类:教学心得| 课程, 流程管理

业务流程管理(Business Process Management)是信息系统协会[注释1]制定的"信息系统本科学位课程指导纲要"(IS2010)中的推荐课程(Sample Elective Course)

Title: Business Process Management

Catalog description
In this course students will be introduced to key concepts and approaches to business process management and improvement.


     The main focus of this course is both  understanding and designing business processes.


     Students will learn how to identify,document, model, assess, and improve core business processes.


     Students will be introduced to process design principles. The way in which information technology can be used to manage, transform, and improve business processes is discussed.


     Students will be exposed to challenges and approaches to organizational change, domestic and offshore outsourcing, and inter-organizational processes.


Learning objectives

      Students will learn to:
       1. Model business processes(业务流程建模)
       2. Benchmark business processes performance(建立业务流程绩效考评基准)
       3. Assess business processes performance(评估业务流程绩效)
       4. Design business process improvements(改进业务流程设计)
       5. Understand the role and potential of IT to support business process management(理解IT在业务流程管理中的独特作用和潜在价值)
       6. Understand the challenges of business process change(理解业务流程变革)
       7. Understand how to support business process change (知道该如何支持业务流程变革)
       8. Understand different approaches to business process modeling and improvement(能够用不同的方法去进行流程建模和改善)
       9. Understand the challenges and risks concerning business process outsourcing, especially those dealing with ethnic cultural differences from offshore engagements.(能够理解外包流程机遇和风险并存,能够处理不同文化背景下的国际贸易流程)
       10. Use basic business process modeling tools(能够使用基本的建模工具)
       11. Simulate simple business processes and use simulation results in business process analysis (能够做简单的流程仿真分析)


     • Overview(综述)
     • Challenges in managing business processes(管理业务流程面临新的挑战)
     • Approaches to business process management & improvement(业务流程管理和改进方法)
     • Understanding organizational processes(理解什么是组织流程)
     • Business process definition and classification(流程定义和分类)
     • Identifying core processes(识别核心流程)
     • Modeling processes(流程建模)
     • Documenting processes(流程文档)
     • Process assessment(流程集成)
     • Measuring performance(绩效测量)
     • Benchmarking(制定考核标准)
     • Statistical techniques for process measurement(统计流程测量)
     • Process improvement(流程改进)
     • Process design guidelines and principles(流程设计框架和原理)

IS 2010 Curriculum Guidelines

     • Continuous process improvement(持续流程改进)
     • Change management(变化管理)
     • Using IT for process management and improvement(运用IT去管理和改进流程)
     • Business process improvement and modeling software(流程改进和建模软件)
     • Tools of business process simulation(流程仿真工具)
     • ERP systems(ERP系统)
     • Use cases(用例)
     • Organizational issues in business process management(业务流程管理组织问题)
     • Understanding the customer(理解顾客)
     • Business process outsourcing(流程外包)
     • Managing processes that cross organizational borders(协同流程管理)


    • The course description does not identify specific approaches and methods for
business process management and improvements, such as BPR, TQM, or Six
Sigma. This will allow instructors and institutions to decide which specific
approaches to cover.(本课程不是去验证一些特殊的流程管理方法和原理,比如业务流程再造,统计质量管理,以及六西格玛,而是去寻求在这些特殊方法和原理背后的流程管理规律)
   • The demonstration of leading ERP systems such as SAP is highly recommended.(本课程的学习可有助于更好理解一些诸如SAP的ERP系统)
   • The use of case studies for discussion and reflection in this course is highly
   • The use of group project in this course is highly recommended.(项目小组讨论的学习形式也值得推荐)
   • The organization of an SAP Practicum can be considered.(可以考虑到SAP这样的机构建立实习基地)

注释1: 信息系统协会(Association for Information Systems,AIS)是全球范围内信息系统和信息管理方面最重要的专业学术团体之一。CNAIS是AIS服务于中国的分会,其目标是帮助国内学者以AIS为平台,与世界范围内其他学术团体及学者进行广泛交流,促进国内学者和学术团体的协作以及加强相关学科领域的发展,实现学术信息的有效沟通以及研究资源的共享。CNAIS挂靠中国系统工程学会,秘书处设在清华大学。




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