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已有 4028 次阅读 2011-5-21 15:16 |系统分类:科研笔记| 生物学, 游戏, 选择性, 大自然, 老狼

【Wolf's Fable】 life is information,living is game.

生命是在环境选择性压力下的自适应程序组(life is adaptive programs in the selective pressure of environment)
基因就是功能程序模块(gene is program module)
生物就是可以执行自我复制功能的程序载体(creature are beings with the ability of procedural proliferation)
大自然是生命的编程师(nature is programmer of life,God 1.0)
单细胞生物——程序组间松散的合作群落(unicellular organisms—— Loose collaboration of programs )
原始多细胞生物——程序组的原始分工协作组织(Multicellular organisms—— specific collaboration programs )
哺乳动物——程序组的紧密的分工合作体系(mammals are tight cooperation system of programs)  

生命活动就是程序的执行和重编程(living is execution and reprogramming of program)
进化就是大自然对生物种群的重编程(evolution——reprogramming of life )
发育就是程序组依照时空顺序的执行过程(development is space & time sequencing of program )
分化就是细胞功能程序模块选择性地开启和关闭(differentiation is selective openning and closing of Programs)

疾病就是细胞重编程的产物(disease is reprogramming of cells )
炎症就是微环境对体细胞的重编程现象(Inflammation is the reprogramming process of somatic cell in vivo!)
药物就是细胞微环境调节性物质(so-called medicine is niche regulator)

细胞就是一套能够执行完整自适应功能的基本程序组合(cell is a set of basic portfolio of complete life program.)  
遗传物质是细胞源程序文库(hereditary substance is library of program)  
细胞质是生命程序的编译场所(cytoplasm is the workshop for program compilation)
细胞膜是程序载体的边界(membrane is boundary of life)
微环境就是细胞程序员(microenviroment is programmer of cells)  

微环境决定细胞的命运(microenviroment determine cell fate)
细胞质掌握细胞命运(cytoplasm master cell fate!)
RNAs是细胞命运的操纵者(RNAs are cytoplasmic determinants)   
微小RNA就是细胞命运操纵子(miRNA——The manipulator of  cell fate!)

细胞的可增殖性就是分化潜能(Proliferation is differentiation potentiality)
细胞的不对称分裂就是分化(differentiation——asymmetric cell division !
死细胞就是不可逆地丧失增殖能力的细胞(dead cell is cell with irreversiblly losing of proliferative ability)
活细胞就是干细胞(viable cell is proliferative cell is stem cell ,《Cell Stem Cell》means “cell is stem cell”)

癌本质上是远古单细胞生物在哺乳动物体中的返祖重现( cancer is atavistic reappearance of unicellular organisms)
癌现象是细胞生命的原始本能(Cancer phenomenon is the primitive instinct of cells )
癌源自可再生细胞源自体细胞的重编程(cancer origins from the regenerative cells results from reprogramming of somatic cells)
癌症起始细胞就是内源性重编程多能干细胞(endogenous iPS is the cancer initiating cell)
癌是在恶劣微环境中正常体细胞(cancer——good cells in bad niche!)
癌是在异常的细胞质中正常基因组(cancer —— good nuclear in bad cytoplasm)

子曰:上善若水 大成若缺  干细胞治疗的终极解决方案就是不使用外源干细胞(cell-free is the final solution of stem cell therapy )


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