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已有 7192 次阅读 2017-7-30 18:25 |系统分类:科研笔记






1.    神经元的诱导

1.1. 2010年斯坦福大学的MariusWernig等人,用类似Yamanaka的诱导多能性干细胞的技术,用Ascl1Brn2/4Myt1LABM)三个转录因子成功的把小鼠的成纤维细胞转化成为了诱导神经元(induced neuronsiNs)[2]。这是在这个领域的一次开创性成果,以后的许多研究都是追随着这个研究。Marius Wernig等人的研究用的是直接转分化的方法,这种方法绕过了多潜能细胞或前体细胞,将一种类型的成体细胞直接跨谱系转化成了另一种成体细胞。这种方法缩短了诱导时间,操作比较简单,致瘤性和免疫原性也比较小。用这种方法可以成功的诱导多种神经元细胞。

1.2. 帕金森病是严重危害老年人的一种退行性神经疾病,多巴胺能神经元是帕金森病的关键细胞,在帕金森病人的中脑黑质中多巴胺能神经元变性坏死,使得纹状多巴胺能神经元细胞显著减少,如果能修复或者再生可以持续分泌多巴胺的神经元就能治疗这个疾病。2011年,丁胜及其团队用miR-124和两个转录因子MYT1LBRN2成功的用胎儿成纤维细胞诱导出了多巴胺能神经元[3]。2014Maria Teresa Dell’Anno和她的同事们用Ascl1Nurr1Lmx1a诱导出了有功能的诱导多巴胺能神经元,并把它们移植到了帕金森病模型大鼠的体内,发现这些诱导出来的小鼠可以长期存活,并且确实改善了这些大鼠的运动功能[4]。

1.3. 运动神经元受损会引起一些外周性神经疾病,比如折磨着著名理论物理学家霍金的肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS)等,修复和再生运动性神经元就是治疗这一类疾病的关键,Esther Y. Son等人用ABM加上了一些特异性的运动神经元的因子把人和大鼠的成纤维细胞转化成了诱导运动神经元(induced motor neurons iMNs),这些iMNs具有神经电生理特性并能形成突触,把它们移植到肌萎缩侧索硬化症的模型小鸡的脊髓中后,发现有80%存活的iMNs从神经根向周围的肌肉组织伸出了突触[5]。

2. 神经胶质细胞的诱导


2015MassimilianoCaiazzo等在众多转录因子中筛选出了NFIANFIBSOX9三个因子,可以把人和大鼠的成纤维细胞转化成有功能的诱导星形胶质细胞[6]。Marius Wernig实验室则筛选出Sox10Olig2Zfp536三个因子制备出了高效率的诱导少突胶质细胞,当把它们移植到髓鞘碱性蛋白基因敲除小鼠的胼胝体和小脑后,它们可以分化成为成熟的少突胶质细胞,并且还可以形成包裹了轴突的髓鞘[7]。Eva C. Thoma等则仅用一种化合物:多激酶抑制剂化合物B,就将包皮成纤维细胞诱导成了施旺细胞,这些施旺细胞可以形成髓鞘,而且还具有电生理功能[8]。这些研究为治疗周围神经损伤带来了新的希望。

3. 其他诱导方法

3.1. 小分子诱导

在所有的重编程转分化的策略中,小分子诱导具有无基因组整合,操作简单,剂量易控与可逆性等优点,受到了广泛的关注。小分子可以通过调控表观遗传修饰,信号通路与代谢激酶等多种途径来影响细胞命运转变过程,进而实现重编程效率的提升并替代相关转录因子。第一次完全由小分子诱导的神经细胞是2015Ping Dai等人用6个确定的化合物完成的,他们的转化效率能达到80%,而且不受细胞来源的年龄和培养代数的影响[9]。3个月后,上海生命科学研究院的裴刚实验室也发表文章,表明他们用了7个化合物将正常人和阿尔茨海默病患者的皮肤细胞诱导成了神经元细胞[10]。同时,同济大学仁济医院的Huiming Xu等人,在神经营养因子3基因修饰的嗅鞘细胞的条件培养基中加入SB431542GDNFRA三种小分子化合物,经过三周的培养,成功的将小鼠的成纤维细胞转变成为了氨基丁酸能神经元。这种神经元的损伤或缺乏可以导致癫痫和自闭症谱系神经障碍[11]。

3.2. microRNA诱导

microRNA作为内源基因编码的非编码单链分子,不翻译成蛋白质,但参与转录后基因表达调控,在细胞增殖和细胞周期调控中起着重要作用,可以诱导多种细胞的转分化。Andrew S. Yoo等人的研究表明,miR-9/9*-124在神经元细胞命运决定中起重要作用,过表达它们可以使人的成纤维细胞转换成为神经元细胞,NEUROD2ASCL1MYT1L可以促进这个过程[12]。Zhou Chen等人发现,过表达多能性干细胞特异性miRNAmiRNA-302/367和另外两个神经特异性miRNA,包括miRNA-9/9*miRNA-124可以诱导成纤维细胞转化为神经元[13]。Yuanchao Xue等人则发现,通过miR-124抑制单个RNA结合多聚嘧啶序列结合蛋白(PTB)可以诱导人成纤维细胞转分化为功能性神经元[14]。

4. 间接转分化


4.1. 诱导神经干细胞(inducedneural stem cells, iNSCs

诱导神经干细胞(iNSCs)具有很强的可塑性和分化再生的能力,并且可以抗炎抗凋亡,具有免疫调节的作用。Marc Thier等在小鼠成纤维细胞中通过先短暂表达Oct4,再持续高表达Sox2Klf4c-Myc,得到了可以在体外传代超过50代的诱导神经干细胞(inducedneural stem cells, iNSCs),这些iNSCs与神经干细胞NSCs有着类似的表型和基因型,并可以分化成为神经元、星形胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞[15]。

4.2. 诱导神经前体细胞(inducedneural progenitor cells, iNPCs


Mi-Sun Lim等在小鼠成纤维细胞中过表达Bcl-xLMyt1L可将其诱导成为诱导神经前体细胞,这种iNPCs可以扩增超过100倍,在过表达Nurr1Foxa2后产生具有突触前神经元的功能的成熟的中脑多巴胺能神经元,并在帕金森氏病模型小鼠的治疗上有一定的潜力[17]。

4.3. 神经限制性前体细胞

鉴于诱导神经干细胞和诱导神经前体细胞在移植后增殖能力有限、存活率低,而且主要分化方向是神经胶质细胞,只有很少量的细胞可以分化为有功能的神经元,Changhai Tian等通过异位表达Brn2Sox2Foxa2将小鼠成纤维细胞转分化成为神经限制性前体细胞,这种细胞只向神经元分化,并且有较强的再生和迁移能力,在帕金森氏病模型鼠大脑移植后可以缓解功能性运动障碍,并减少纹状体DA神经元轴突目的地的损失。而且最重要的是在移植后的小鼠大脑中检测不到星形胶质细胞和肿瘤[18]。




1Vogel G. How can a skin cell become a nerve cell? Science. 2005 Jul1;309(5731):85.

2Vierbuchen T, Ostermeier A, Pang ZP, et al. Direct conversion offibroblasts to functional neurons by defined factors. Nature. 2010 Feb25;463(7284):1035-41.

3Ambasudhan R, Talantova M, Ding S, et al. Direct reprogramming ofadult human fibroblasts to functional neurons under defined conditions. CellStem Cell. 2011 Aug 5;9(2):113-8.

4Dell'Anno MT, Caiazzo M, Leo D, Dvoretskova E, et al. Remote controlof induced dopaminergic neurons in parkinsonian rats. J Clin Invest. 2014Jul;124(7):3215-29.

5Son EY, Ichida JK, Wainger BJ, et al. Conversion of mouse and humanfibroblasts into functional spinal motor neurons. Cell Stem Cell. 2011 Sep2;9(3):205-18.

6Caiazzo M, Giannelli S, Valente P, et al. Direct conversion offibroblasts into functional astrocytes by defined transcription factors. StemCell Reports. 2015 Jan 13;4(1):25-36.

7Yang N, Zuchero JB, Ahlenius H, et al. Generation ofoligodendroglial cells by direct lineage conversion. Nat Biotechnol. 2013May;31(5):434-9.

8Thoma EC, Merkl C, Heckel T, et al. Chemical conversion of humanfibroblasts into functional Schwann cells. Stem Cell Reports. 2014 Oct14;3(4):539-47.

9Dai P, Harada Y, Takamatsu T. Highly efficient direct conversion ofhuman fibroblasts to neuronal cells by chemical compounds. J Clin Biochem Nutr.2015 May;56(3):166-70.

10Hu W, Qiu B, Guan W, et al. Direct Conversion of Normal andAlzheimer's Disease Human Fibroblasts into Neuronal Cells by Small Molecules.Cell Stem Cell. 2015 Aug 6;17(2):204-12.

11Xu H, Wang Y, He Z, et al. Direct conversion of mouse fibroblasts toGABAergic neurons with combined medium without the introduction oftranscription factors or miRNAs. Cell Cycle. 2015 Aug 3;14(15):2451-60.

12Andrew S. Yoo, Sun AX, Li L, et al. MicroRNA-mediated conversion ofhuman fibroblasts to neurons. Nature. 2011 Jul 13;476(7359):228-31.

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14Yuanchao Xue, Ouyang K, Huang J, et al. Direct conversion offibroblasts to neurons by reprogramming PTB-regulated microRNA circuits. Cell.2013 Jan 17;152(1-2):82-96.

15Marc Thier, Wörsdörfer P, Lakes YB, et al. Direct conversion offibroblasts into stably expandable neural stem cells. Cell Stem Cell. 2012 Apr6;10(4):473-9.

16Wang L, Wang L, Huang W, et al. Generation of integration-freeneural progenitor cells from cells in human urine. Nat Methods. 2013Jan;10(1):84-9.

17Mi-Sun Lim, Chang MY, Kim SM, et al. Generation of Dopamine Neuronsfrom Rodent Fibroblasts through the Expandable Neural Precursor Cell Stage. JBiol Chem. 2015 Jul 10;290(28):17401-14.

18Changhai Tian, Li Y, Huang Y, et al. Selective Generation ofDopaminergic Precursors from Mouse Fibroblasts by Direct Lineage Conversion. SciRep. 2015 Jul 30;5:12622.

HowCan a Skin Cell Become a Nerve Cell

How Can a Skin Cell Become a Nerve CellThis is oneof the 125 big questions of Science Magazine's 125th anniversary. Here we describesome results about conversions from fibroblast into neural cells, includingneuron and other neural cells. And then we explored the methods and strategy ofinduction. For the moment it is reality that make the cells of skin becomeneural cells in lab. But it is more important and difficult to make it happenedin clinical.

The nervous system includes the centralnervous system, the peripheral nervous system and the autonomic nervous system,many reasons, such as Infection, poisoning, immune damage, nutritionaldisorders, endocrine disorders and genetic factors, could hurt the nervoussystem, made nerve cells degeneration, apoptosis, or necrosis, causingneurological impairment or absence. The repair of nerve injury is a worldwideproblem, especially the central nervous system, which has been consideredirreparable for a long time. To study neural repair, the stem cells are alwaysthe central issues. But the embryonic stem cells are subject to ethicalrestrictions. Adult stem cells are difficult to isolate and purify, havelimited differentiation ability and immune rejection. Induced pluripotent stemcells (iPSCs) have low efficiency, complex operation and strong tumorigenicity.Since 2010, Vierbuchen et la use three transcriptions, Ascl1, Brn2/4 andMyt1L(ABM), transform the fibroblast into induced neurons (iNs). This is thefirst time transformation between ectoderm. Because of the fibroblast has thecharacteristics of neuroectoderm and easy to obtain, it becomes the firstchoice of the initial cells to induce the nerve cells. The technology offibroblast transdifferentiation to repair nerve cell become the most rapidlydeveloping field of nervous system injury and diseases, and gives us hopes.

From now on, fibroblast could transform asort of type of nerve cells, such as Neuron, glial cell, astrocyte oligodendrocyteand Schwann cell, by many kinds of strategies, including transcriptions, smallmolecule compound, microRNA and so on. These techniques can be used to repairmotor neuronstreatment of Parkinson's disease and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.There is a brilliant future for these techniques. But these techniques are alllimited in animal models, for use them on human they should be more safety, moreefficiency and with higher survival rate. A lot of research work needs to bedone in clinical practice.

Most importantly, the research offibroblast transdifferentiation could help use realize the law of cell fate determinationand the mechanism of organism development. Establish the foundation of furtherinvestigation.

Keywords: fibroblast, induced neurons, induced neuron stem cell


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