沃罗诺伊图(Voronoi Diagram,也称作Dirichlet tessellation,狄利克雷镶嵌)是由俄国数学家格奧爾吉·沃羅諾伊建立的空间分割算法。灵感来源于笛卡尔用凸域分割空间的思想。
用 表示一个距离函数为 的空间(一个非空集合)。令 为一个指数集合, 为空间 的一个非空子集的有序元组。对应于的 ,称沃罗诺伊原胞,或称沃罗诺伊区域,是空间 中所有到 的距离不大于到其他位置 (j≠k)的点集。或者说,如果定义 为点 和子集 的距离,则
沃罗诺伊图即原胞的元组。理论上有些位点能够交叉甚至重合,但事实上它们往往被设定为不相交的。另外,定义过程中允许位点数目无限(这在几何数论和 结晶学有着重要应用),然而通常情况下,只考虑有限位点数。
As a simple illustration, consider a group of shops in a city. Suppose we want to estimate the number of customers of a given shop. With all else being equal (price, products, quality of service, etc.), it is reasonable to assume that customers choose their preferred shop simply by distance considerations: they will go to the shop located nearest to them. In this case the Voronoi cell of a given shop can be used for giving a rough estimate on the number of potential customers going to this shop (which is modeled by a point in our city).
For most cities, the distance between points can be measured using the familiar Euclidean distance: or the Manhattan distance: . The corresponding Voronoi diagrams look different for different distance metrics.
Voronoi diagrams of 20 points under two different metrics (2-模, 1-模)
Higher-order Voronoi diagrams
Although a normal Voronoi cell is defined as the set of points closest to a single point in S, an nth-order Voronoi cell is defined as the set of points having a particular set of n points in S as its n nearest neighbors. Higher-order Voronoi diagrams also subdivide space.
Higher-order Voronoi diagrams can be generated recursively. To generate the nth-order Voronoi diagram from set S, start with the (n − 1)th-order diagram and replace each cell generated by X = {x1, x2, ..., xn−1} with a Voronoi diagram generated on the set S − X.
On the Structure of Higher Order Voronoi Cells - arXiv 1811.10257.pdf
"Centroidal Voronoi tessellations: Applications and algorithms" SIAM Review 41 (1999), no. 4, pp. 637–676: http://www.personal.psu.edu/staff/q/u/qud2/Res/Pre/dfg99sirv.pdf
An Optimization Model of Molecular Voronoi Cells in Computational Chemistry.pdf
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