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已有 2666 次阅读 2018-4-18 21:20 |个人分类:建言新农村|系统分类:科普集锦| 生态农场, 农业六害, 弘毅生态农业, 生态文明




本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明


3.2.2 Ecological farm gets rid of the “6 curses”



In the mid-autumn festival of 2013, a crowd of farmers are gathering around some female postgraduates to buy their apples in the village of Jiangjiazhuang in Shandong.



Villagers told each other: “Their apple trees use no pesticide, so come and buy some.”



In the village, a five-year-old girl no longer wanted to eat other apples once she tried those apples sold by the postgraduates, telling her grandfather to buy only from this farm.



The apples (“not good-looking, but with good taste”—the comments by the local farmers) were from Hongyi ecological farm.



This farm not only supplies delicious apples to the local people, but also brings great changes to the farmland and even the local ecology.



In and around the ecological farm, birds have increased in number but pests are on the wane.



As the amount of fertilizers used has dwindled, the soil has become dark and wet.



In the organic orchard, there are nearly 2,000 earthworms per cubic meter in the top 20 centimeters of soil, while in the orchards of local farmers there are only dozens of earthworms or even none at all. The farmland has revitalized its ecology.



In fact, Hongyi Organic Farm is very small in scale. Its area has enlarged from 40 mu to only 150 mu. I raised the initial fund to invest in the farm. It was set up in July 2006 with the efforts of Hongyi research team of ecological agriculture under the CAS Institute of Botany. After several years of research, it became the first farm in China to realize circular ecological farming and to get rid of the “6 curses on the farmland”, namely, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, herbicides, agricultural film, additives and GMO (gen modified organisms). They are all unsustainable technologies. In fact, all farming activities hinge on the concept of circular ecology. We have increased biodiversity, and through comprehensively utilizing straw “pests” and “weeds” and combining planting, breeding and processing, we have brought about the biogeochemical cycle and energy flow. We have succeeded in producing pure organic food and achieving carbon sequestration. With low cost, zero pollutants, and high yield, we have found an effective way to circular ecological agriculture.



Hongyi Organic Farm feeds cattle with straw and weeds, the by-product of farming and the waste of the land respectively. Feeding on these wastes in the field, cows can produce a lot of dung which is turned into high-quality organic fertilizer. By using this type of organic fertilizer to replace chemical fertilizer, the pollution problem has been removed.



In previous harvest seasons, farmers in Jiangjiazhuang burned straw, thus producing heavy smoke. Now, Hongyi Organic Farm has found a way to recycle straw. The farmers nearby will come and sell their straw to our farm with the aid of their tractors and with trolleys. Through the combination of animal husbandry and farming, the problem of straw burning in the area has been easily solved.



Our farm controls the damage by pests through comprehensive use of physical and biological methods. The physical methods include the use of an impulse-type insecticidal lamp, while the biological methods are executed through the raising of poultry like ducks, chickens and geese, and the cultivation of healthful ecology. The natural enemies of pests, like insects and wild birds, have returned to our farm, helping us get rid of harmful pesticides.



By manure fertilizer treatment, composting, etc, we managed to avoid the harm of chemical fertilizer done to the farm. Poisonous pesticides and herbicides have dropped out of use. These are all reasons why the biodiversity in the farmland has been enhanced and why the soil ecosystem restored. Infertile soil has regained life; grain production has increased from 600 kg/mu to 1,028 kg/mu. The annual production of corn and wheat exceeds 1 ton per mu. Since 2009, our farm has become profitable and all the costs have been recovered with an annual profit of 930,000 Yuan. Developing agriculture of ecological cycle improves the local ecology helps exceed chemical agriculture in productivity and promotes the profitability of the farm. In a word, the agriculture of ecological cycle will have a beautiful future.



Either the chemical agriculture or the ecological agriculture is expected to reap a good harvest from high-quality farmland. But ecological agriculture can improve land quality as well as get a high yield. There are 1.8 billion mu of farmland in China. If the 600 million mu of infertile farmland are invested with organic planting and ecological breeding in earlier stage to develop agriculture of ecological cycle, many benefits will be gained. First, if high-quality agriculture products are accepted by the market and make enough profit, farmers will be attracted back to their villages instead of looking for jobs in the urban areas, so as to boost the declining rural economy and culture. Second, sufficient rural labor will help China get rid of the “six curses on the farmland”, and alleviate the increasingly serious problem of rural non-point pollution. Third, the villages that get rid of the “six curses on the farmland” will gradually restore the former habitable space, and ecological tourism and care of the aged in rural areas can be developed as an industry to improve the harmony between urban and rural areas. Fourth, developing ecological agriculture on a large-scale can provide healthy food for national wellbeing, and support China’s livelihood construction and sustainable development. More importantly, after years of developing ecological agriculture, infertile farmland has gradually been changed into fertile farmland. Protracted and consistent use of farmland is what the sustainable development of China requires.



Hongyi Organic Farm’s success has exerted widespread influence. 20 Chinese media have covered it, such as People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, China National Radio, etc. And foreign media have also shown interest, such as Ta Kung Pao in Hong Kong, the Guardian, The Times, Chinadialogue, Los Angeles Times, Der Spiegel and France 2. Some web-media reported the farm, too, such as Greenpeace, Wyzxsx.com, Haodaxue.net, Baike.com, Sohu.com, Beijing Green Cow Organic Farm and Green Earth. Nearly 10 famous scientific research institutions in China like Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Tsinghua University sent researchers there. More than 40 foreign researchers have come from foreign universities like Harvard, Princeton and Boston University in the US, RWTH Aachen in Germany, and Seoul National University in Korea. What’s more, leaders of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Department of Science & Technology and the Department of Agriculture of Shandong Province and consultants of the State Council have organized experts for on-site research and instruction.



Inspired by Hongyi Organic Farm, many farmers in the village of Jiangjiazhuang (Pingyi County, Shandong province) have embarked on the way of developing ecological agriculture. Among the farmers, 10 families are using straw to raise 160 heads of cattle, thus marking straw a continuous resource of the local place. In and around the village, many farmers have begun to adopt methods of vertical circulation breeding. The number of chickens raised in the forest has reached 30,000; the numbers of laying ducks and pigs have amounted to 300 and 150 respectively. With the help of the ecological farm, 130 families have begun to use biogas, thus further upgrading the energy supply of the village. And 900 meters of village streets have been transformed under its guidance.



In addition, the farm fully played its role as a research model by providing guidance and demonstration to other places. Many entrepreneurs, farmers, and veterans coming from the provinces of Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Liaoning provinces, etc. have joined the team to develop an organic agricultural industry, Hongyi Organic Farm has helped expand organic farmland or grassland to a total area of about 145,000 mu in China.


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