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对Nature“剽窃非源于文化”稿的一点看法 精选

已有 9278 次阅读 2010-10-24 12:08 |个人分类:期刊基金SCI-NS|系统分类:观点评述




“Plagiarism not rooted in culture

            Don’t blame ancient Chinese culture for modern evils in science (Nature 467, 153: 2010). Plagiarism is becoming more common in China, as it is elsewhere. But this problem cannot be rooted in Chinese culture, otherwise it would have existed widely in ancient China and still be evident across Chinese communities today.

            Copying out of respect in order to learn, with appropriate citation, is not the same as plagiarism, which is copying to steal credit.”



      别把现代科学中的恶行怪罪于中国古文化 (Nature 467, 153: 2010)。 和其它地方一样,剽窃在中国有蔓延之势。但剽窃的问题,绝非源于中国文化,否则它在古代中国就会广泛存在,也仍会见于今天的华人社区。



      这一段写得精紧干净利落把原稿中的主要思想表达了出来:剽窃和中国文化没有因果关系它口气中立,直接表达观点,让读者自己去判断是非,而不是作者做是非的评判。稿虽短,但在平衡上可以说做得很好。比如用了“as it is elsewhere”, 说明这不是一个中国独有的问题。此外,“Chinese communities”表达的意思,不仅是中国大陆上的群体,而是华人群体,无论是在非洲、美洲、台湾、香港,只要是受中国文化影响的华人群体都涵盖了。这在更广泛的意义上,强调了“文化”的本义,加强了剽窃和文化没有因果关系的观点。否则,即使大陆有剽窃现象,为什么台湾没有,香港没有?所以,尽管简单,但说到点上了。

      再来看下面的修改稿,我就不翻译了。首先,题目就偏了,口气也弱了。完全没有Nature修改稿中直接点出剽窃与文化无关的不含糊的口气。题目给人的印象是要追究剽窃的起源和探讨对它的解决办法,但在文中却都没有涉及到。修改稿第二段中对“剽窃”这个词的词语意义,带有敬意地“抄”了一段来解释,这一段基本上是多余。首先,它不是在探讨剽窃的“origin”, 只是在介绍这个词的含义和词源,和文化-剽窃是否有因果关系的命题毫无关系。而且解释引自网络,不够严谨。剽窃这种行为从哪儿、怎么冒出来的,不是几句话能讲清楚的。此外,跟英国人去解释一个英文词的拉丁词源和意义,没有必要。第三段,是说判断剽窃不能靠机器,而需要人的智慧。不痛不痒,完全脱开了问题的本质:文化和剽窃的关系是什么?最后一段基本上在说为了防止剽窃,刊物该怎么做。仍然没有去扣住作者在第一段提出的命题:把剽窃怪罪到中国文化上是错误的。




Opinions on origin and solution for plagiarism

            In some recent publications (Nature 467, 153, 252, and 261, 2010) ancient Chinese culture has been blamed for the increasingly spreading of plagiarism in the mainland of China. This understanding may not be correct and may even prevent the discovery of a right solution for the problem.

            In fact plagiarism was derived from a Latin word plagiarius and introduced into English around 1615–25 (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plagiarism). It refers to “wrongful appropriation, close imitation, or purloining and publication, of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions, and the representation of them as one's own original work”. This stealing without respect is totally different from coping with respect, which is a way of learning and promoting others’ work..

            To combat plagiarism, we need to find a way to efficiently and reliably identify true plagiarism and establish a mechanism to effectively and powerfully deter plagiarists. CrossCheck is helpful in detecting similarity but human intelligence is needed for differentiating respectful copying and credit-robbing plagiarism.

            Publishing directly in English may not form a solution for plagiarism. Opening every publication for unrestricted scientific criticism may intimidate temptation for making false claims including plagiarism. However, to achieve that, some publishers need to change their culture of allowing only very limited space for scientific criticism and exposing unethical plagiarism just occasionally after misconduct is established.


1. http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=373273

2. http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=373348

3. http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=374992

4. http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=376472



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