寻正治学分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/fs007 欢迎腾讯微博联系:寻正(xunzhengxz)



已有 3962 次阅读 2012-5-29 00:15 |个人分类:趣侃乱弹|系统分类:海外观察| 方舟子, MSU, 刘菊花, 密歇根州立大学, 国际论坛



Dear Mr. Zhang and the forum,

Please be warned that the following contents are not to be read while you are eating and drinking. There could be uncontrollable spill that you may regret later otherwise.


Whether Wenzhuo Zhang is real name or not is a moot point. The key issue here is that Fang’s supporters always fail to establish their true identity and state their true credentials. Yet Fang’s people are keen on exposing the privacy of those who dare to challenge him. Fang’s supporters themselves are jokes on this forum. We still remember the UK scholar and the non-scholar who rewrite U.S. constitution so that Dr. Fang gets his right to plagiarize.

Mr. Zhang apparently chooses to neglect what had been revealed in this forum. As a common strategy, Dr. Fang and his gangs always blacklist anyone who speaks against him. They call such persons Fang defamers so that those receptive to their message would be immunized against any criticism of Fang. Mr. Zhang repeated this strategy here by suggesting that we choose to expose Fang out of revenge where Dr. Fang had somehow exposed and embarrassed us in the past. Fang and his gangs always repeat such a lie because he had exposed almost nothing of us. On the contrary, we exposed Fang and his wife. Dr. Fang and his wife have been trying to retaliate but are disappointed that they could not find anything. In my case, Dr. Fang humiliated himself twice by pointing out my science mistakes, nothing of plagiarism of course.

In one case, Dr. Fang accused me of using wrong translation of Haff disease. I had correctly diagnosed a mysterious disease emerged in China as Haff disease when China CDC and health experts were scratching their heads crazy. Ironically, I got nothing out of it. Dr. Fang pocketed some money from writing about the disease. Wikipedia committed an error by suggesting the translation I used as wrong. Dr. Fang thought he got something and launched an attack on me. I then proved that they were deadly wrong and the matter was settled. Dr. Fang once accused me of using wrong number on measles immunization side effects because what I used was different from CDC documentation. There I had to show him beside CDC documentations, there are WHO documentations or other authorities and a large literature base that those authorities derive their numbers. That is pretty much it.

I have exposed Dr. Fang’s bad science numerous times. If I do what he does, none of his articles can survive. Every time I expose Fang, I list tens of mistakes in one article. Dr. Fang and his gangs have never been able to respond to my criticism. The reason is simple; he borrowed materials from somewhere and someone that he does not fully understand. Dr. Fang at least initially tried to respond to my criticism but realized that he had to expose more of his ignorance. The more he says, the faster people realize how much he really knows about the topics. I do not know how MSU should feel about it. Many of the articles that I criticized heavily are in Dr. Fang’s own field.

I had promised everyone a new round of laugh. Mr. Zhang and his kind are so keen on knowing how much time we spend exposing Fang that I’d like to share a little bit more about my personal life. I have just returned from a relaxing trip to a camp where I enjoyed life and pursued other meanings of life. Now I feel it’s time to share the big joke. One person in the name of Dr. Ma was found by me as a habitual plagiarizer—all articles I examined contain plagiarism. To my amusement I found that Dr. Fang had held a science writing competition in 2009 which oddly the “best” science writer Dr. Fang himself did not participate. When that happens, it means one thing: nobody can get the grand prize for 1000 American bucks.

OK, Dr. Ma could not get class A award. He got class C. He had submitted three articles full of plagiarism—very interestingly, most of the plagiarism occurred on the literature parts of the articles. The forum might be familiar with the fact that Dr. Fang also wears a crown in literature and poems. He likes his “first place in Chinese literature” a lot. Dr. Ma has a habit of copying literary comments from textbooks! Yet, Dr. Fang listed him highly in the competition admitting three articles.

Dr. Fang has been touted as “the one Chinese writer whose science is worth reading” by another writer Yue Yuan. Dr. Fang of course has copious of recommendation for this guy as well. I got curious and examined Yuan. He forged credentials and his writing was so bad that I have yet to find one sound article. Out of a book he wrote, I had serially examined the articles and each and every one of the articles I examined turned out containing as many errors as the worst articles written by Dr. Fang. Here’s the joke. Almighty Fang decided to award Dr. Ma a prize ($200) and guess which article he would choose of the three articles Dr. Ma had submitted? The one containing most plagiarism of course! Are you fully amused? I was. I laughed out loud. The article contains plagiarism in literary comments as well as in science contents. Everybody knows what I would draw parallel to this article, yes, the master thesis of Dr. Fang’s wife Liu.

The self-claimed fraud buster handed a cheater big prize for the most fraudulent work. Dr. Fang does not believe in God and often disparages against Him. I do and I see God’s humor in this case. Do you?




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