1 Do more references bring more citations? Because I found that JOI is almost a net importer of knowledge, but its impact factor is still high. It turns out that it cites more references than the others. 我记得有一篇在NATURE上发表的论文讲的就是这个问题。是啊,参考文献越多,通过引文检索找到它的可能性越大,被引用的概率就越高;此外,随着JOI的影响因子越来越高,论文引用JOI而不是引用其参考文献的可能性越来越大。
2 content analysis of citations. use microsoft academic search citation context. 使用与Academic Bing相同的方式,可以抽到出引用背景进行内容分析,这也算深入语义了吧。 3 期刊编委会视角下的学科结构分析。