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张扬个性与社会共识 精选

已有 10333 次阅读 2011-10-9 01:38 |个人分类:研究生教育|系统分类:科研笔记| 个性, 社会共识












什么是社会共识?有点类似我们经常听说的 Common sense。青年学者在张扬个性的同时,往往会忽视社会共识。如学生是学生,教师是教师,尊师爱教,集体精神,爱心和宽容,责任和态度,等等方面都有一个社会共识。社会规范,学术规范,行为规范等等,都属于社会共识。遵守社会规范,遵循社会共识,不是没有创新精神,不是使自己变得普通,也不是抹杀个性,实际情况是恰恰相反。







Common sense is defined by Merriam-Webster as, "sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts." Thus, "common sense" (in this view) equates to the knowledge and experience which most people already have, or which the person using the term believes that they do or should have. The Cambridge Dictionary defines it as, "the basic level of practical knowledge and judgment that we all need to help us live in a reasonable and safe way".

Whichever definition is used, identifying particular items of knowledge as "common sense" is difficult. Philosophers may choose to avoid using the phrase when using precise language. But common sense remains a perennial topic in epistemology and many philosophers make wide use of the concept or at least refer to it. Some related concepts include intuitions, pre-theoretic belief, ordinary language, the frame problem, foundational beliefs, good sense, endoxa, axioms, wisdom, folk wisdom, folklore and public opinion.

Common-sense ideas tend to relate to events within human experience (such as good will), and thus appear commensurate with human scale. Humans lack any common-sense intuition of, for example, the behavior of the universe at subatomic distances [see Quantum mechanics], or of speeds approaching that of light [see Special relativity]. Often ideas that may be considered to be true by common sense are in fact false.


常识(中文)有两个意思,一是英语“Common Sense”的翻译,指与生俱来、无须特别学习而得的思维能力、判断力,或是众人接受、无须解释或论证的意见观念,也即“寻常见识”;另一意思是指普通社会上一个智力正常的人应有的知识,也即“平常知识”。以中英翻译而言,作“平常知识”解的中文词“常识”,其英文对应说法却不是“common sense”,而应是包含或涉及“knowledge”的某个英文词语。







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