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已有 3958 次阅读 2015-2-13 06:03 |个人分类:学术问题研究(10-11)|系统分类:科研笔记


黄安年文  黄安年的博客/2015213发布


 五年前,笔者写了《从中国大百科全书(第二版)编纂出版荣誉证书说开去》(黄安年的博客201035;2010528的博文发布了《红楼梦、红学词条(中国大百科全书第二版)》(黄安年受权发吕启祥文);其后又写了再谈《红楼梦、红学词条》的撰写,黄安年文  黄安年的博客/201094发布(均见下附文)







黄安年文  黄安年的博客/201094发布


在笔者看来, 以大百科全书的评价作为《红楼梦》评价依据,其份量是远不够的,原因在于大百科全书在很大程度的是相关学者撰写的学术评价,仅仅是一家之言,词条评价和撰写人关系很大。以中国大百科全书中《红楼梦》词条为例,这第二版上并没有署名人,实际上是吕启祥撰写的。


笔者2010528的博文发布了《红楼梦、红学词条(中国大百科全书第二版)》(黄安年受权发吕启祥文)文中提到:“笔者《从中国大百科全书(第二版)编纂出版荣誉证书说开去》(黄安年的博客201035)说到:日前接获中国大百科全书出版社打来电话找老吕,说中国大百科全书(第二版)出版社,要颁发荣誉证书特快专递送到家,希望提供详细地址和电话。隔了一天特快专递送到,显得相当的重视,上面写着:“您在编纂出版《中国大百科全书(第二版)》工作中作出重要贡献,特授予荣誉证书,以示表彰。中央宣传部、新闻出版署  2009年八月”。接到证书,老吕打电话给出版社问及撰写词条(红楼梦, 红学)时,出版社根本没有提及要将中国大百科全书中她撰写的词条哪怕是复印一份给她,而是强调为防止盗版,词条是打乱编排的,言下之意,不可能一一找出复印给作者。没看到作者撰写的词条出版后的词条是什么样子?”(http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=299859




from the

Encyclopædia Britannica

Pinyin romanization Hongloumeng, Wade-Giles romanization Hung-lou-meng

novel written by Cao Zhan in the 18th century; it is generally considered to be thegreatest of all Chinese novels.

The work, published in English asDream of the Red Chamber (1929), first appeared in manuscript form in Beijing during Cao Zhan’slifetime. In 1791, almost 30 years after his death, the novel was published ina complete version of 120 chapters prepared by ChengWeiyuan and Gao E.Uncertainty remains about the final 40 chapters of the book; they may have beenforged by Gao, substantially written by Cao Zhan and simply discovered and putinto final form by Cheng and Gao, or perhaps composed by an unknown author. TheStory of the Stone (1973–86) is a complete five-volume English translation.

The novel is a blend of realismand romance, psychological motivation and fate, daily life and supernaturaloccurrences. A series of episodes rather than a strongly plotted work, itdetails the decline of the Jia family, composed of two main branches, with aproliferation of kinsmen and servants. There are 30 main characters and morethan 400 minor ones. The major focus, however, is on young Baoyu, the giftedbut obstinate heir of the clan. Spoiled by his mother and grandmother, he iscontinually reprimanded by his strict Confucian father, who especially abhorsBaoyu’s intimacy with his numerous female cousins and maidservants. Mostnotable among these relations are the melancholy Daiyu (Black Jade), Baoyu’sill-fated love, and the vivacious Baochai (Precious Clasp), his eventual wife.The work and the character of Baoyu in particular are generally thought to besemiautobiographical creations of Cao Zhan. His portrait of the extended family reflects a faithful image of upper-class life in the early Qing dynasty (1644–1911/12), while the variety of individual characterportraits reveals a psychological depth not previously approached in Chinese literature.


本文引用地址:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-415-359283.html 此文来自科学网黄安年博客



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