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已有 1392 次阅读 2023-7-7 08:52 |个人分类:美国所i见所闻(2017--)|系统分类:科研笔记


黄安年文  黄安年的博客/2023年7月7日发布(第32906篇)






2000年6月12日 (星期一) 阴历五月十一,White Plains,多云,C19-C24

 4:05-5:05pm,我们登上Uncle San Boat Tours畅游千岛湖(1000 Islands,我们这31位游客实际上是包船,因为除了我们纵横游客外再也没有别的游客了。这座游船备有电脑控制的中文讲解,所有每经过一岛介绍均很清楚,估计重点介绍的岛屿也有三、四十个之多。这里的湖水极其清澈,很少污染,河面波浪很少,行驶十分平稳,来这里欣赏千岛千面确实是种自然艺术的享受。这里和加拿大以千岛群岛的水面中间为界,我们的旅游船有几次是越过国界的,不过这里并没有警察巡逻,问题是出境容易入境难。我们还在水面上看到来自加拿大的旅游船,不知这里会不会有什么“偷越国境”现象。

有关Alexandria Bay介绍称:Alexandria Bay, on the St. Lawrence River in Jefferson County, New York, is the resort center in the heart of the 1000 Islands. The Bay, as it is affectionately called, offers several magnificent million-dollar resorts for the Luxury-seeking vacationer. For the lover of the rustic and natural, The Bay has the best in motels, cottages, and campgrounds.”。从地图上看,Alexandria Bay处于Jefferson County, New York境内千岛群岛地区的中心地带,向西是一片广阔的圣劳棱斯河(St. Lawrence River)水面,流向安大略湖(Lake Ontario),向东则是千岛的精华部分。1991年曾从加拿大Kingston乘旅游船畅游千岛湖,那段游程比起现在要长得多,旅游船穿过了两座大桥并接近另一座大桥。今天我们的一小时游程仅在Alexandria Bay周围岛屿附近游弋,仔细品尝,别有情趣。其实如果弃车座船从Alexandria BaySt. Lawrence River进入Lake OntarioBuffalo是很有意思的,不过这需要旅游公司开创水陆联运线路才行(介绍称:“The 1000 Islands region is an important segment of New York State’s Seaway Trail. Stretching 454 miles along the St. lawrence River, Lake Ontario, Niagara River and Lake Erie; the Seaway Trail offers diverse opportunities to experience our scenic, natural, recreational, historic, and cultural resource; Be sure to visit the new Seaway Trail Discovery Center in Sackets Harbor.”。)或者走加拿大旅游线路从Kingston到多伦多(Toronto)和汉密尔顿(Hamilton)。我的感觉是美、加两地的千岛旅游景点各不相同,相互补充,不可或缺。今天在旅游船上发现增加了电脑显示中文讲解的新节目,这对于华人参观千岛群岛了解它的轶事奇闻是很有兴味的。导游介绍的各种岛屿中都有引人瞩目之处,如两个临近仅十几米却分属美国和加拿大不同国家的小岛,有一座小桥相连,成为世界上最短的国际桥梁;三座小岛由两个木桥相连接;著名剧作家约翰.米勒(John Miller)购买的岛屿,其后由耶鲁大学管理;许多私人购买用作Summer House的岛屿,据说现在还可以购买其中的某些岛屿,其起价只有四、五十万(实际上只具旅游观光价值,并无工作和生活的价值),在这些岛屿中最有意思的是爱情古堡Boldt Castle。我们的船只在这里转悠了好一会。按照介绍游千岛的旅游航线共有8条,从一小时到三小时长度不等。游St. Lawrence River地区的千岛群岛中心部分的码头有Alexandria Bay, Clayton, Gananoque, Lvy Lea, Rockport; 而游西部地区的是由Kingston to  Gananoque 游东部地区的是自Brockville以东。Uncle Sam Boat Tours的优势不仅在于位于中心地区,而且她是唯一经过加拿大水域而又不需护照或签证的旅游船。在美加共管的千岛群岛的St. Lowrence River上,共有三座大桥,一座在Clayton & Alexandria间联结Canada Gananoque东侧,一座在Ogdensburg , NY to Prescott, Canada, 另一座在Massena ,NY东,到加拿大境内的Cornwall,如果坐船畅游三桥等于游览千岛的全部精华和St. Lowrence River的主要地段。Watertown & Alexandria Bay地处秀丽的风景区Adirondack North Country的西翼,在她的正东临近Vermont的地方是著名的Lake Champlain,1812年美英战争中,这里发生了著名的海战,而离该湖不远的西侧是两次冬季奥运会的所在地Lake Placid

Boldt Castle是千岛之最,介绍称:Romantic Heart Island in Alexandria Bay provides the setting for the saddest of true love stories ever told. In 1900, George C. Boldt, millionaire proprietor of the world-famous Waldorf Astoria Hotel in new York City, set out build a  full-sized Rhineland Castle on Heart Island. The magnificent 120 room structure was to be a monument of his love for his wife, Louise. Work was well underway, when tragedy struck. In 1904, Louise died and Boldt commanded all work to cease immediately, He never returned to the island. For 73 years, the castle and its buildings were left to the mercy of rain, ice, snow and vandals. Since 1977, millions of dollars have gone into its restoration. The island is now fully handicapped accessible, has restrooms, brick-paved walkways, extensive docking for private water crafts, a gift shop, picnic area and a food and beverage concession to serve the public.”。另一份介绍还说:Since 1977, Millions of dollars have been invested in the restoration of the Heart Island structures and the magnificent  Boldt Yacht House on Wellesley island. The Boldt Yacht House features a collection of antique wooden boats, including some from the original Boldt fleet.”。其实我们是沿着千岛群岛的美国一侧游览的,在Alexandria Bay的西侧沿着81号公路一直想北,跨过St. Lawrence River是和加拿大境内的401号国道,沿着这条国道一直向西则可以到多伦多,向东则一直开到Montreal,向北到加拿大首都Ottawa.我们的旅游船并没有开到大桥(1000 Islands Bridge,81 Rout to Canada 401 Rout)的下面。自来美国后,今天的千岛河上旅游算是最令人舒心的一次了。唯一的缺点该是两小时游才是,因为从上午8点半到达这里下午四点,只看了一个小时就匆匆离去实在可惜,如果改为两小时水路游,晚上停留在锣切斯特该是可以达到同样目的,如果顺利还可以参观科达照相机博物馆。



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