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黄安年文 黄安年的博客/2023年2月23日发布(第32231篇)




























2000年3月16日 (星期四)  阴历二月初十一,洛杉矶,晴,来加州后第二十天

今天是来美国的第145,Grand Canyon & Las Vegas之行的第二天,4:00am起床,吃了早点。房间使用的一次性电子牌开门(上面写着:This side up: Insert and remove at once, Turn handle to open),因为是一次性的,过期消磁作废,可以不用归还留个纪念。4:50am(规定时间是4:30am)旅游车出发,离开Laughlin,跨过科罗拉河,看到Davis Dam, 该大坝和胡佛水坝相对构成内华达地区的著名沙漠中的灌溉系统。汽车走163号和68号公路,经过Union Pass, EL 3625 FT, 到了内华达的重要交通枢纽男王(Kingman,这里离大峡谷172英里,离凤凰城188英里,离尼得斯约60英里,离Laughlin按照地图显示公里表示计算约80英里路程),这时正好6:00am,停车吃早点,我们已经吃过,只是观察重镇周围情势,感到明显的气候冷海拔高度为3341ft,好在我们的随身厚衣全部用上足够御寒。原来Kingman有40号公路、93号公路、66号公路、68号公路相连,四通八达,向北通大峡谷,向西北通拉斯维加斯,向南到(Lake Havasu City)。6:30am汽车出发,沿着40号公路向亚利桑那州的大峡谷地区进发。这里已是高原气候,沿途经过座座雪线高山,看上去没有出类拔萃的挺拔高峰,但是海拔高度已使人刮目相看。临近Kingman的是著名的Mohave印第安人居住地,附近有8417ft的Hualapai高峰。汽车经过Snow Mts. 5879ft, Juniper Mts., 到达Seliman,这里附近是悬崖(Aubrey Cliffs),旁边有Picacho Butte 7250ft(1英尺合30.48厘米), Trinity Mts. 7160ft.再到Williams小镇,稍事方便,这时约7:20-7:35am。汽车继续向大峡谷进发,Williams附近有高9264ft的Bill Williams Mts. 从Williams走64号公路的165出口向北挺进,经180号公路,进入Kalbab National Forest(位于大峡谷国家公园的南侧),她的旁边是Grand Canyon National Park Airport,这里是Tusayan,继续前进,就到了大峡谷公园(Canyon National Park)。大峡谷被誉为世界七大奇景之一,从国家公园进口开始,里面由联邦政府管辖,导游说,旅游车的门票需350.00$,公园里面的旅馆费用贵得惊人,因为床位不多。这里的按照联邦政府法律执行,所以行动上要注意不宜太随便以免违反政府法律。

进了公园64号公路再往北到了南环边(South Rim),这里的Cape Royal有 7865ft。科罗拉多河流经大峡谷地区。峡谷的对岸是北环边(North Rim,8824ft, 2690m)那里是Grand Canyon National Park的另一侧,再往北是Kalbab National Forest的另一侧。北侧通向犹他州,我们不去那里,所以没有到北环参观。从大峡谷经64号公路向东到Desert View有Desert View Pl. 7438ft,大峡谷西部是Havasupai Indian Res., 西南部是高地(Cocomino Plateau),北部是另外两个高地(Kalbab Plateau & Paria Plateau)和悬崖(Vermillion Cliffs。大峡谷的西面是另外一个峡谷(Marble Canyon)和一片大沙漠(Painted Desert),大峡谷是在这个特定地理环境中形成的。


9:00-11:00am,我们在大峡谷参观停留时间有两个小时。我们来到大峡谷停车不久,即赶上9:30-10:00am看全立体电影show(Grand Canyon IMAX Theater,The Hidden Secrets G.C. Video Coupon, Ticket #1829256, 1829255 Sold at 9:35am)的好机会。这部全立体电影是超级大屏幕,和我们在纽约自然历史博物馆所见不相上下,甚至更大。Show在30多分钟里向我们揭示了大峡谷形成和发展的奥秘(Grand Canyon, The Hidden Secret),介绍称:“The IMAX film format, used to create Grand Canyon- The Hidden Secrets, lets you explore the depths of this magnificent Canyon with starting realism. State-of-the-art film technology creates an image of unsurpassed clarity and impact using 70mm film in a Rolling loop that runs horizontaly through the massive projection system, each frame with an area 3 times that of a conventional 70mm frame and 10 times that of 35mm. The projected area is up to 8 times larger than conventional screens, filling the viewers entire field of vision. The 6-track Dolby stereo surround sound system used 14 speakers, allowing the sound to move through and behind the audience, creating an unprecedented sense of motion in this journey of discovery into Grand Canyon-The Hidden Secrets.  Now you can relive the excitement of Grand Canyon-The Hidden Secrets EXPERIENCE the human history of the Canyon beginning 4,000 years ago. JOIN the first explores to brave the uncharted chasm. FEEL the excitement of river rafting the mighty Colorado River and EXPLORE the Canyons beauty from an ultra-light aircraft. Its all in the full length version of Grand Canyon-The Hidden Secrets As a special bonus, 24 minutes of behind-the -scenes footage of included as you accompany the film crew during production.影片向我们展示大峡谷的社会历史发展是和印第安人的辛勤劳动分不开,在这个穷山恶水之地也只有印第安人的足迹,而今天只有白人和来自世界各地的游客才会到这里来光顾。大峡谷的地貌之奇特为世界之最。只有看了这部电影,再来实地考察大峡谷(只能在景点看)才能领略鬼斧神功大峡谷的雄伟气魄,它和报道中的西藏大峡谷不同,以宽阔空旷著称,而西藏则以险恶见长,人们可以很容易来到大峡谷参观,但是人们难以来到比世界七大奇迹还要奇的西藏大峡谷参观。有关大峡谷的介绍称:“Perhaps no landscape on earth as starting to the observer as the vast yet intricate face of the Grand Canyon. Over several million years the Colorado River has carved an immense chasm through an arid land-one of the greatest geological features of its kind. The layers of rock exposed in the canyon walls record much of the geologic history of North America. But it is the sheer visual impact of the landscape that impresses most people. The world seems large here with sunrises,

sunsets, and storms taking on an added dimension to match the landscape. It is a land to humble the soul. Grand Canyon National Park includes the South Rim, which draws most visitors, the North Rim, which attracts about to percent of the parks visitors, and the canyon itself. Though the rims are only 10 miles apart as the crow files, they are separated by more than 215 miles of road. The South Rim is open all year, the North Rim is usually open mid-May to mid-October”。

    10:00-11:00am,我们先后参观大峡谷的两侧(Pima Point, Hopi Point),在两侧的不同角度停留观察和拍照,我们所看的位置显示大峡谷并不是很陡,也不是很险,但确实是很特别,有点像人工开辟的梯田式山体,最底下是逶延连绵不断的峡谷,这条峡谷就是著名的上花岗岩峡谷(Upper Granite Gorge),向东北方向和科罗拉多河相连接,夏天汛期或雨水来临时,这里是一付惊涛骇浪的场面,我们现在看到的则是风平浪静,只能想象它的惊险。我在1991年就听说,这里开展乘坐直升飞机旅游大峡谷上空,确实非常刺激,但是有相当的风险,据说有次飞机失事,现在坐飞机旅游的不是很多。在我们参观两个景点的东面还有Yayapai Point, Yaki Point,离Visitor Center & Grand Canyon Village很近。

    11:00-11:50am离开大峡谷和大峡谷公园,回到williams City。11:50am-12:30pm由williams City向Kingman驶去,在这里休息片刻。从这里向北20 Miles是Chloride是座旧的银矿,1862年开发。12:50pm汽车沿着93号公路继续向西北胡佛水坝方向前进。1:15pm,大概到了Chloride附近的小镇,我们在一个自助餐餐厅饱食一顿比萨饼,其实除了比萨饼还有其他水果蔬菜及肉食之类的自选食品,尽管你吃饱,两人总共才12.00$。2:10pm,汽车继续进发。在93号公路上约摸两个多小时进程,一路所经之地,多属半沙漠地带和山区高原地区,快到胡佛水坝时路上出现了明显的塞车现象。

4:30-5:30pm,我们在胡佛水坝地区参观,因为塞车无法下车停留太久,只能汽车慢速前进中导游介绍沿途景点。胡佛水坝(Hoover Dam)和水力发电及世界上最大的人工湖密德(Mead Lake)湖相联的。关于密德湖介绍称:“Extending about 140 miles along the Colorado River from Grand Canyon National Park, Ariz., to a point 67 miles below Hoover Dam, Lake Mead National Recreation Area including Lake Mohava, Lake Mead and an isolated pocket of land north of Grand Canyon National Park. Fishing is popular in both lakes all year; Licenses are required . ”。关于胡佛水坝介绍称:“726 feet high, is one of the highest dams ever constructed. Completed in 1936 as a flood control measure, it impounds Lake Mead, one of the largest man-made lakes in United States by volume of water. Although the dam originally was intended to be built in the Boulder Canyon, construction begin in Black Canyon in 1931.Until the spring of 1995 construction of new visitor facilities may cause traffic delays, Free shuttle lots along US 93 in the vicinity of the dam during most tour hours. The Exhibit Building at the west end of the dam houses a model of the river basin; a recorded lecture can be Played.”胡佛水坝得益于科落拉多河和特殊的地理环境,也由于政府的干预行为。正是由于有了像胡佛水坝这样一些的工程才出现象拉斯维加斯、拉夫林这样一类的娱乐城,否则是不可想象的。而这一点导游在介绍中并没有强调。我们在胡佛水坝地区之所以速度极慢,还由于这条公路十分险要,并非双行道,旅游车和工程车走在一条道上的缘故。



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