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黄安年文  黄安年2023129日发布(第32070篇)




黄安年文  黄安年2021111日发布 黄安年日记摘要(2000·年编号022

l  看了F·D·R1933-1945年间的两部传记片,这部American  Experence系列片约请了像鲁克腾堡这样一些著名的历史学家做评论和象罗斯福的孙子、邱吉尔的女儿这样的一些名人家属及罗斯福身边的人来回忆往事,还运用了当时的文献资料,片子相当严肃也较为公正,是部很好的历史教学片,影片的中心在于描述罗斯福受命于危难之际很好地解决了经济危机带来的困扰和领导反对德日法西斯侵略战争的胜利,影片用不少镜头反映罗斯福不顾身患小儿麻痹症为国家操劳的场面,以及罗斯福于1945412在佐治亚温泉脑溢血病故,全国为之震惊的镜头,15日将他的灵柩用火车运回纽约海得公园罗斯福出生地时,沿途数以百万计老百姓自发聚集灵车经过两侧含泪送别罗斯福的感人情景。罗斯福是一位世界级伟人,但影片没有反映世界各国人民和政府对他的反映和评论,这是美中不足的。

l  有关美国在20世纪的某些统计资料:“From 1900 to 1998, the new Abstract reports, the country's resident population grew from 76 million to 270 million; the currently divorced population jumped from less than 200,000 to 19.4 million; married women in the workforce rose from less than 800,000 to 33.9 million; gasoline-fueled vehicles climbed from 8,000 to 208 million (1997); and nitrogen dioxide emissions soared from 2.6 million tons to 23.6 million tons (1997).

l Jaydas更道出了一个重要信息,去年为应付Y2K问题,招聘了大量IT人员,但是今年Y2K已经解决,这些人员显然过剩,因为纷纷裁员,这是IT人员难以找到新工作的重要原因。


2000年1月24日 (星期一) 阴历十二月十八日,阴,-3—2C

   今天是来美国的第94天,是“四九”的第七天。北京气温-13--  -5C,上海1- 3C,哈尔滨-25-- -13C6:50-7:30am晨练时没有寒冷的感觉,但乌云布天,预示又一场势头不小的雪天即将到来。路上见到了两位遛狗人和两只松鼠,还有一批上学的学生。今晨发现在亚历山大和蔡斯路口挂牌的21世纪经纪人的售房牌已经撤消,估计这栋房子的出售已有眉目。

    上午收到来自Registration@hotvoice.comE-MIAL,为昨晚我申请的hotvoice.com帐号,通报如下 From: <Registration@hotvoice.com>  To: annianhuang@hotmail.com Subject: Registration Info Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 19:03:52 -0800 (PST) CONGRATULATIONS! ------Your FREE Hotvoice Email address is annianhuang@hotvoice.com. Your account number is 861062209635 (which should be the same as your full phone number). Your password is GHD4101 You should give the account number to your friends, relatives, or associates, so that they can leave voice/fax to your mailbox by making a local phone call to one of the Hotvoice gateways closest to them. For free Basic Service subscribers, Hotvoice international gateways are meant for senders to leave voice/fax messages to your mailbox, but not for you to receive messages over telephone lines. You have to login from http://www.hotvoice.com to access your all messages. For Pay-Per-Click or Premium subscribers, international gateways can be used for receiving temporarily-stored messages over phone, when roaming/forwarding feature is enabled.

Visit www.hotvoice.com/userGuide.htm for how to  1. Leave voice/fax/email  2. How to login and retrieve messages Currently, people in the following countries and regions can make a **LOCAL CALL** to leave voice/fax messages to your Hotvoice mailbox: USA, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong Guanzhou, Taipei, Mumbai, and other major India cities. Istanbul, Tokyo, Toronto, Kuala Lumpur, You can frequently check our fast-growing network of gateways worldwide at http://www.hotvoice.com Please tell your friends to sign up for this service, so that you can truly keep in touch with each other in the world's most convenient and cost-effective way! Thanks for using Hotvoice services.

12:30-3:20pm,我和L看了F·D·R1933-1945年间的两部传记片,这部American  Experence系列片约请了像鲁克腾堡这样一些著名的历史学家做评论和象罗斯福的孙子、邱吉尔的女儿这样的一些名人家属及罗斯福身边的人来回忆往事,还运用了当时的文献资料,片子相当严肃也较为公正,是部很好的历史教学片,影片的中心在于描述罗斯福受命于危难之际很好地解决了经济危机带来的困扰和领导反对德日法西斯侵略战争的胜利,影片用不少镜头反映罗斯福不顾身患小儿麻痹症为国家操劳的场面,以及罗斯福于1945412在佐治亚温泉脑溢血病故,全国为之震惊的镜头,15日将他的灵柩用火车运回纽约海得公园罗斯福出生地时,沿途数以百万计老百姓自发聚集灵车经过两侧含泪送别罗斯福的感人情景。罗斯福是一位世界级伟人,但影片没有反映世界各国人民和政府对他的反映和评论,这是美中不足的。

3:30-3:50pm, 吕和陈清华通了电话,她在洛杉矶生活得很不错,还和女儿去夏威夷旅行一番。她女儿在圣荷塞工作租了一间10平方米的房子,月租550美元,而有人前年花27万买了110英尺的房子,今年的价格已经飙升到38万元。


    收到在北京的美中教育交流中心信息资料中心主任顾红发来的E-ALERT这份电子资料“is a new email service we receive from the Department of State's International Information Programs. We are sending it to you to alert you of the latest issues and debates in the United States.”。E-MAIL是寄往北京师范大学转来的。我回了顾红一份E-MAIL。顾的地址如下:Gu Hong  Director of Information Resource Center PAS - American Center for Educational Exchange American Embassy - Beijing E-Mail: GH1@EXCHANGE.USIA.GOV Fax: (86-10)-6597-3247 Phone: (86-10)-6597-3242 Visit Our Web Site: www.usembassy-china.org.cn我粗看了一篇,其中的一些材料相当有用,如有关美国在20世纪的某些统计资料:“From 1900 to 1998, the new Abstract reports, the country's resident population grew from 76 million to 270 million; the currently divorced population jumped from less than 200,000 to 19.4 million; married women in the workforce rose from less than 800,000 to 33.9 million; gasoline-fueled vehicles climbed from 8,000 to 208 million (1997); and nitrogen dioxide emissions soared from 2.6 million tons to 23.6 million tons (1997).

    Y为上海来美的PW同事谋职一事,询问过莫亚平和Jaydas,得到的一致信息是今年的招工指标已经满额(每年有分配招工的配额,一般在10月报满,但今年初即已满额), 而没有这个指标,公司难以进人(否则为非法招工)Jaydas更道出了一个重要信息,去年为应付Y2K问题,招聘了大量IT人员,但是今年Y2K已经解决,这些人员显然过剩,因为纷纷裁员,这是IT人员难以找到新工作的重要原因。



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