Here's a useful explanation of the difference between development, applied res
earch, and pure research. In my opinion, 99% of academic computer architecture
research falls into the first two categories, with very little "pure" researc
h being conducted anywhere. Since I think of myself as an engineer and not a s
cientist, I don't have a problem with that.
On Development, Applied Research, and Pure Research
Here is a useful set of definitions for these three activities:
【1】 Development is when you know the question and that there is an answer,
so all you have to do is find one.
【2】 Applied research is when you know the question but not whether it has an
answer, and the purpose is to find out if it does.
【3】 Pure research is when you are trying to find a question that is worth as
--Nick Maclaren on comp.arch, December 2001
I would assert that approximately 75% of published academic computer architect
ure "research" falls into the first category, approximately 25% of the remaini
ng work falls into the middle category, and approximately 0% falls into the th
ird category.