明年4月4-8日,英国剑桥的 Isaac Newton 数学科学研究所和威尔士的数学与计算科学研究所(WIMCS)将联合在Swansea大学举办一个 PDE计算挑战的学术会议。具体信息如下:
In April 2011, the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (INI), Cambridge, and the Wales Institute of Mathematical and Computational Sciences (WIMCS) will jointly organise a meeting on
Computational Challenges in Partial Differential Equations
at Swansea University. The meeting will start on Monday, April 4th and end on Friday, April 8th.
This will be a follow-up meeting which, hopefully, will build upon the success of the six-month research programme, of the same name, that was held at the INI in 2003.
Financial support for the meeting has been provided by the INI, WIMCS and the Centre for Numerical Analysis and Intelligent Software (NAIS).
The scientific organisers of the meeting are:
The meeting will consist of eight half-day sessions, each concentrating on a particular research area that is currently attracting significant interest within the community. The sessions will address the following themes:
Each half-day session will consist of invited presentations by four leading scientists. The following have agreed to participate and make presentations:
An outline version of the programme has been prepared. This will be updated as more information becomes available.
The meeting will be held on the campus of Swansea University, in the Faraday Building. The location of this building is clearly marked on the campus map.
Swansea can be reached by road or by direct train service from London. The nearest major airport is Cardiff, with international connections via Amsterdam and Paris.
The registration fee is £155. This covers attendance at the sessions, the welcome drinks reception on April 4th and the special dinner on April 7th. The costs of morning coffee, afternoon tea and lunches, for each day, are also included. To register, please complete and return the registration form.
A limited number of en-suite rooms, in student campus accommodation, are available. To reserve accommodation, please complete and return the accommodation form.
Please address queries for further information to k.morgan@swansea.ac.uk
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