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发现乳腺癌骨转移的分子基础 精选

已有 6720 次阅读 2015-5-30 11:36 |个人分类:自然科学|系统分类:海外观察



a, Representative three-dimensional reconstructions of tibiae from tumour-bearing mice with or without bisphosphonate treatment. b, Tibial bone loss is abrogated in tumour-bearing mice treated with bisphosphonate (n: mice; control 5; 4T1scr tumour 4; 4T1scr tumour + bisphosphonate 4). c, Similar effects are observed in CM-conditioned models treated with bisphosphonate (n = 5 mice all groups). d, e, Quantification (d) and representative whole-body IVIS imaging (e) of intracardially injected 4T1Luc tumour cells after conditioning with 4T1scr or 4T1shLOX CM. (n: mice; 4T1scr CM+IgG 8; 4T1scr CM+LOXAb 8; 4T1shLOX CM+IgG 10). f, Micro-CT lesion analysis of mice after intracardiac injection following pre-conditioning (n: mice; 4T1scr CM+IgG 6; 4T1scr CM+LOXAb 8; 4T1shLOX CM+IgG 8). g, Representative whole-body IVIS imaging of 4T1Luc tumour cells at 1 and 5 weeks after intracardiac injection. Mice were conditioned with hypoxic 4T1scr CM with and without simultaneous treatment with bisphosphonate. White boxes in e and g denote, tumour burden analysis region-of-interest. h, log2 quantification of g (n = 5 mice all groups). i, Schematic of LOX-mediated effects on bone homeostasis in vivo.bd, f, h, Data are mean ± s.e.m. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, unpaired parametric two-tailed t-test.




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