周 慧1 黄理力1 龚洪林1 刘亚雷2 文 磊2 李曰俊3
(1 . 中国石油勘探开发研究院 北京 100083;2. 中国地质调查局油气资源调查中心北京 100029;
3. 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 北京 100029)
摘 要 跃南断裂带是塔里木盆地北部的一条形状奇特的断裂带,平面展布呈口袋状。在系统的地震资料解释的基础上,通过认真地断裂构造分析,认为跃南断裂带经历了二叠纪、二叠纪末—三叠纪和侏罗—白垩纪3期断裂作用的叠加。二叠纪大陆裂谷作用形成的一系列NE-SW和NW-SE走向的陡倾的正断层,组成一个共轭断裂系统。沿跃南断裂带的两组不同方向的正断层活动加强,并最终追踪、贯通,形成了口袋状的跃南断裂带。也就是说,跃南断裂带实际上是由NE-SW和NW-SE走向两组断层组合而成的。断裂带围限的地块相对抬升,形成一个大型的垒块。二叠纪末—三叠纪南天山碰撞造山作用引起的逆冲断层,叠加在二叠纪正断层之上,进一步强化了跃南断裂带,使之断距加大,围限的垒块进一步抬升。侏罗—白垩纪的正断层属于南天山造山后的伸展构造,见于跃南断裂带上方,规模不大,数量不多,对断裂带有一定的调整作用。
关键词 二叠纪正断层 二叠纪末—三叠纪逆冲断层 侏罗—白垩纪正断层 大陆裂谷 同碰撞构造 碰撞后构造 跃南断裂带 塔里木盆地北部
The formation and evolution of the Yuenan fault belt in the northern Tarim Basin
Abstract:The Yuenan fault belt in the Northern Tarim Basin distributes in a pocket shape horizontally. This is a very strange and interesting shape for a fault belt. After carful fault analysis on the basis of systematic seismic interpretation, three faulting phases were revealed in the fault belt. They are Permian normal faulting, end Permian-Triassic thrusting and Jurassic-Cretaceous normal faulting. Many normal faults with high dip-angle trending in NE-SW and NW-SE directions were formed in the studied area during the Permian continental rifting. They formed a conjugate fault system. Along the place of the present Yuenan fault belt, the normal faults in both NE-SW and NW-SE directions were intensified and finally jointed as one fault belt. In fact, the Yuenan fault belt is comprised of two group of normal faults. The block encircled by the fault uplifted and formed a large horst. The end Permian-Triassic thrusting induced by the collision between the Tarim continent and central Tianshan block, superimposed on the Yuenan fault belt, made its fault displacement larger. The block encircled by the fault belt uplifted for second time. The Jurassic-Cretaceous normal faults are the post-collision structures. They are small in scale and only seen on a few seismic profiles. The Jurassic-Cretaceous normal faulting influence the Yuenan fault belt slightly.
Keywords Permian normal fault, End Permian-Triassic thrust, Jurassic-Cretaceous normal fault, Continental rift, Syn-collision structure, Post-collision structure, Yuenan fault belt, Northern Tarim Basin
塔里木盆地的断裂是油气成藏的关键控制因素之一,一直为石油勘探人所重视。盆地周缘的山前褶皱冲断带的构造分析,起始于地表的地质调查,在油气勘探之前就已经开始了(Molnar and Tapponnier, 1975; Tapponnier and Molnar, 1977; 郭令智等,1992;新疆地质矿产局,1993;张培震等,1996;Allen et al., 1999; Charreau et al., 2006)。塔里木盆地的油气勘探也是从山前的褶皱冲断带开始的。依奇克里克油矿、柯克亚气田、克拉2气田等都是塔里木盆地油气勘探历史中具有里程碑意义的发现。油气勘探的发现,进一步促进了山前褶皱冲断带的构造研究和建模(Lu et al., 1994; 贾东等,1997;卢华复等,1999;田作基等,1999;刘志宏等,2000;李曰俊等,2001, 2010;汪新等,2002;管树巍等,2007;陈汉林等,2009;杨海军等,2010;Li et al., 2016a; Wen et al., 2017)。塔里木盆地山前褶皱冲断带,特别是其北缘的库车褶皱冲断带,勘探和研究研究程度都很高。
塔里木盆地内部被新生界覆盖。这里的断裂构造研究是伴随着地球物理勘探,特别是地震资料的采集、解释而开展起来的。伴随着盆地油气勘探的步伐,高品质的地震资料积累越来越多,特别是三维地震覆盖区域逐渐扩大,地质学家们对盆地内部覆盖区的断裂研究也越来越多,越来越深入(肖安成等,2002;杨海军等,2007,2016,2020;李曰俊等2008,2014;朱德丰等,2008;汤良杰等,2012;赵岩等,2012;Li et al., 2013, 2015a,2015b,2016b,2016c;李勇等,2016;马德波等,2016;邓尚等,2018;韩剑发等2019;李洪辉等,2019,2020;Wen et al., 2019)。但是,迄今为止,缺乏关于跃南断裂带的专门研究,也未见关于跃南断裂带的论文发表。由于其形态怪异,难以理解,甚至有的石油勘探专家否定该断裂的存在。作者认真、细致地解释了该区域的地震资料,认为跃南断裂是客观存在的。本文介绍我们的解释结果。
图1 轮南低凸起及邻区中奥陶统顶面构造图,示跃南断裂的位置和展布
Fig.1 Structural map of the top of the Middle Ordovician in the Lunnan lower uplift and adjacent areas,
showing the location and distribution of the Yuenan fault belt
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