双体或二体(disomy)一般归于非整倍体类型,是指细胞中染色体存在两个拷贝(Disomy is the presence of two copies of a chromosome)。
对于二倍体生物(如人类)而言,每个体细胞中的染色体都存在两个拷贝,即一对同源染色体(For organisms such as humans that have two copies of each chromosome (those that are diploid), it is the normal condition.),因此在二倍体生物中,配子中单体为常态,而体细胞组织中二体为常态(monosomy is the norm in gametes and disomy in somatic tissue.)。
而对于多倍体生物,如体细胞中每条染色体具有三个或三个以上的拷贝,二体或双体就是一种非整倍体状况(For organisms that normally have three or more copies of each chromosome (those that are triploid or above), disomy is an aneuploid chromosome complement.)。
在单亲源二体(uniparental disomy)中,来自父母一方的染色体片段被另一方的同源部分取代,或一个个体的两条同源染色体都来自同一亲体,前者称为节段性单亲源二体(In uniparental disomy-Uniparental disomy (UPD) occurs when a person receives two copies of a chromosome, or part of a chromosome, from one parent and no copies from the other parent, both copies of a chromosome come from the same parent (with no contribution from the other parent).)。
在二体单倍体(disomic haploid)或二倍体的二体配子(disomic gamete),指单倍体细胞中比正常单倍体配子染色体数(n)多一条染色体,且额外染色体是该物种配子体的成员。染色体公式为n+1。
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