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CIGR Journal 期刊政策委员会第二次会议纪要

已有 5239 次阅读 2010-10-30 05:06 |个人分类:国际英文刊IJABE|系统分类:科研笔记| 出版, 期刊, 会议纪要, CIGR




UMN, St Paul




CIGR Journal 期刊政策委员会第二次会议纪要



20101028日美国东部时间上午900-1000CIGR期刊政策委员会主任Fedro教授主持召开了自该委员会成立以来的第二次网络会议。因为时差,我所在的明尼苏达大学圣保罗校区为中部时区,开始时间应为早上800,前一晚干到凌晨3点,睡了4个小时,早上7点半起床跑步到办公室,接通网络刚好赶上。Bill Stout更惨,在Idaho的州府Boise属于美国山地夏令时,开会时间是早上7点,就得起来更早。全体委员出席,会议按照议程首先审议了20106月在加拿大魁北克召开的政策委员会第一次全体及扩大会议的纪要。然后由主编报告期刊编辑出版的进展,报告主要分两大部分:第一部分为前期所做的工作以及正在做和将要做的工作,包括编辑出版第23期稿件,在线监控跟踪全部稿件的评审,与作者、栏目主编和评审者联系沟通,编辑完善期刊网站提供完整的作者指南,稿件的初审和筛选,与检索系统沟通等方面。报告第2部分为主编考虑需要优先启动的行动计划建议,包括增加栏目主编人数以分担工作负荷,每个栏目推荐至少10位合格且高效的评阅人,各技术分会推荐专家担任编委,组约高质量的综述和研究论文,计划赴Thomson Reuters访问交流,指定助理编辑协助栏目主编和主编进行稿件评审联系沟通工作等。


然后是Bill Stout教授报告过去2个多月他在中国农机院担任访问学者协助主编工作的情况,主要包括CIGR期刊网站文件的编辑整理和网站信息的改进建议以及CIGR主网站的改进建议。委员们就会议提出的相关问题进行了讨论和决定,达成了共识。会议历时一个多小时。主编报告和详细纪要附后。


1 会议纪要



CIGR Journal Policy Board Meeting

On Line, 9:00 -10:00 AM Eastern

Thursday, October 28, 2010





Call to order 9:12 AM Eastern Time.


Attendees: Fedro Zazueta, Yingkuan Wang, Daniel Berckmans, Antonio Saraiva, Bill Stout


Review of Agenda


Minutes of Journal Board Meeting in Quebec were approved.


Editor’s Report


Report was sent by email.  See attachment.


Action Items


1)      Increase the number of section editors as appropriate.  Editor will work with Section Chairs to identify these individuals.

2)      Identify at least 10 highly qualified individuals for each section that are willing to provide quick turnaround in review, and form the basis of the Editorial Board.  A general criteria needs to be specified that defines a qualified reviewer (such as published authors in the field). Editor will recruit current section editors for this purpose.

3)      Invite high quality papers. These should be submitted through the standard blind process review.

4)      Yingkuan and Fedro will visit Thompson, no objections.

5)      Assign assistant editors – Each assistant editor will help the Editor with logistics (only, not involved in technical decisions)



Stout Report


Past two months were spent in CAMMS. An abbreviated version of the report will be sent by email, including:



1. Priority action by the Editor-in-Chief"

a. Revision of the OJS website    To many steps for authors to submit in strict compliance with the guidelines.  Guidelines need to be moved to the OJS site. Likewise with the template. Add to toolbar an “Author Guidelines” get to all the information.

b. Move vigorously to obtain indexing, EI, CAB, and eventually Thompson ISI

2. Recommendations regarding the editorial process – The Journal was run in the past placing a lot of responsibility on the authors. Starting with a list of items to comply with. Also, authors submit a final draft responding to reviewers comments, these are checked, if deficient send back to the authors.

3. Needed modifications to the CIGR main website – Did and a had written edit was given to Lanfang, recommend that this should beis forwarded to the main website.  Many errors related to the Journal that needs to be corrected.



Responsiveness Issues raised by Banhazi and Aarnik. There is a need to review why a publication was “lost” in the process.  For some reason it was archived. Yingkuan will review the process to obtain some insight.


Creative Commons Link on Journal Web Page.  Defer discussion to email.


Next Meeting (early January, before January 15th)


Adjourn 10:02 AM Eastern.



2 主编报告提纲


Editor’s Report and Priority Action Proposals

Dr. Wang Yingkuan

Editor-in-chief of CIGR Journal


I. Things done, being done and to be done


1 Editing and formatting accepted paper for the second issue

2 Assigning accepted papers to edit and format for the third issue

3 Monitoring the review process of all the manuscripts

4 Communicating with authors, section editors and reviewers (delay in response)

5 Editing and improving the CIGR Journal website with help of Prof. Bill Stout

6 Preparing for setting up the Editorial Board of CIGR Journal

7 Pre-review, pre-screen the submissions

8 Communicate with indexing databases



II. Editor’s Priority Action Plans


First, Increase the number of section editors

At present, there are over 20 in the section editor list (attached as follows), however, some of them retired, outdated or failed in one’s duty. Too much workload has become one of the major reasons for the delay. Therefore, increasing the number of section editor to share workload will likely be an effective way to solve the delay problem.  Specifically, the suggested numbers according the number of submissions are as follows:


Land and water engineering, LWE-4 (35)

(4-recommended number of SE, 35—present number of submissions)

Farm buildings and construction, FBC-3 (20)

Equipment engineering for plant production, EEPP-4 (38)

Energy in agriculture, EA-4 (35)

Information system, IS-2 (11) ,

Management, ergonomics, system engineering, MESE-3 (24)

Postharvest technologies and process engineering, PTPE-5 (52)


Second, Recommend at least ten highly qualified and efficient reviewers for each section

Many section editors complained that it is hard to find suitable reviewers. In some cases, one paper was sent to over ten reviewers, still no response for months. I wish each section can recommend some good reviewers, providing me their detailed information including name, educational level, technical title, major, research and review interest, affiliation, email address, etc. I will register them in the OJS reviewer databases. That must help.


Third, Recommend experts to set up the International Editorial Board

The editorial board will include over 100 members from over 50 countries


Fourth, Invite high quality research papers and overview by each section


Fifth, Visit and communicate with Thomson ISI for indexing and inclusion


Sixth, Assign assistant editors to assist section editors in order to respond to inquiries timely


Yao Haiyan, assigned to work and communicate with section LWE and FBC

Dr. Wang Jin, assigned to work and communicate with section PTPE

Zhang Pengzi, assigned to work and communicate with section MESE, EA

Wang Yingkuan, myself, will take care of section EEPP and IS, invited overview



Appendix: The present list of section editors

Andre Aarnink, Netherlands
Thomas M. Banhazi, SARDI, LSA, Australia
Laszlo Baranyai, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Daniel Berkmans, Belgium
Remigio Berruto
Antonio Brasa Ramos, University of Castilla-La Mancha
William Joseph Chancellor, ASABE, United States
Jozef Grochowicz, Poland
Guanhua Huang, China Agricultural University, China
Richard Love, Massey University
Milan Martinov
Neil McLaughlin
Soren Pedersen, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Pietro Piccarolo, Italy
Antonio M Saraiva, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
John K. Schueller, University of Florida, United States
Bill A Stout, Texas A & M University
Jose Tarjuelo, Spain
Mikio Umeda, Japan
Yingkuan Wang, CSAE/CAAE--CSAM/CAAMS, China
Fedro S. Zazueta Ranahan, University of Florida




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