职业编辑出版人,开放存取倡导者分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/wangyk Visiting Scholar at University of Minnesota,PhD at Peking University, Bachelor & Master Degree at Northwest A&F University



已有 3942 次阅读 2008-8-11 20:41 |个人分类:国际英文刊IJABE| 英文刊, IJABE, 创刊, 贺词

Congratulatory Letter
Jiang Yiyuan

Please accept my warmest congratulations on the launch of the new journal entitled “International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering” jointly published by AOCABFE and CSAE. This is a pioneering undertaking in the history of academic exchange and cooperation in the agricultural engineering field between China and the outside world. I hope it will be a budding beauty in the academic garden and ever increasingly prosperous in the Chinese agricultural and biological engineering circle.

I heartily endorse the open access policy adopted by this journal, which makes our articles freely accessible online immediately upon publication, removes the price barriers, and thus will greatly facilitate Chinese scientific professionals in a broader spectrum to participate in scientific exchanges with the peers at home and the rest of the world.

The inadequate level of the technical English language and the unfamiliarity with the western peer-reviewing process make Chinese professionals reluctant to contribute their papers to the English language publications. IJABE is changing this situation. With the assistance of AOCABFE whose members are mostly bilingual, the communication between the Chinese contributors and the peer-reviewers will be far more convenient than ever before.

Nowadays, China is at the all-around developing stage. Food supply is a world wide issue and has been an eternal theme in the domestic economic development in China, a country with about 1.3 billion population and only about 800 m2 of arable land per capita. To greatly increase the cereal output lies in enlarging the production scale and speeding up the farm mechanization. Obviously, the blooming spring of Chinese agricultural and biological engineering cause has come. For instance, the central government planned to allocate 10 billion or so Chinese RMB Yuan to Heilongjiang Province’s farm mechanization, aiming to increase 10 billion kg of cereal production in the period from 2008—2010. This is an unprecedented high investment in the farm mechanization sector for one province. Although the advanced agricultural equipment in the developed countries has reached an amazing high level, it is still improving, let alone China has quite different economic and social conditions for developing farm mechanization. Chinese agricultural engineers are facing unique challenges and opportunities to make innovations and progress in agricultural and biological engineering.

I have only one suggestion in terms of the criteria for decision making on the selection of the paper to be published. I wish to pay more attention to such papers in which new principles and new constructions are used in solving unique problems rather than too much pure mathematic modeling without sufficient, strict experimental support. Surely, for the former the scientific experimental verification is also required.

In short, both the inductive and deductive inference (reasoning) approaches in scientific research should be equally emphasized, not stressing one at the cost of the other. But in some Chinese agricultural engineering journals theoretical analysis without substantial experimental justification is prevailing to a greater extent than ever before. I hope this new journal at the very beginning will present itself in a new fashion in front of the worldwide readers, which means it meets the international academic standards and at the same time reflects the realistc conditions in China.

Jiang Yiyuan
Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering
Professor of Northeast Agricultural University


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