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已有 6934 次阅读 2010-6-30 08:35 |个人分类:国际英文刊IJABE|系统分类:博客资讯| 收录, 英文刊, IJABE, Scopus, AGRICOLA




Beijing, China




经过斯高帕斯内容选择与咨询委员会(Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board)近半年的严格评估,IJABE通过各项评估,同意被《斯高帕斯数据库》(Scopus)收录。同时IJABE也通过评估被美国国家农业图书馆(NAL)出版的世界著名三大农业类数据库之一的Agricola收录。详情参见英文报道(下文)。IJABE通过评估被ScopusAgricola收录,表明期刊的质量和国际化进程稳步提升。


截至20106月底,IJABE已先后被十个国际知名数据库收录,具体包括化学文摘(CA, 国际农业与生物工程文摘及全文数据库(CAB AbstractsCAB Full Text Repository, INSPEC数据库检索系统(物理、电子学和计算文献数据库,Inspec Database)EBSCO数据库学术搜索大全(Academic Search Complete of EBSCOhost databases, 俄罗斯文摘杂志(Abstract Journal, AJ of VINITI, Russia), 哥白尼索引(Index Copernicus, IC), 《斯高帕斯数据库》(Scopus) , 阿格里科拉数据库(Agricola)和谷歌学术(Google Scholar)。此外,IJABE还被链接到世界著名的三大网络在线平台:Open J-Gate (http://www.openj-gate.com)Directory of Open Access Journals (http://www.doaj.org),和乌里西期刊目录Ulrich PD, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (http://www.ulrichsweb.com/ulrichsweb/)






IJABE has recently been accepted for indexing in Scopus and Agricola


I have received some good news from Scopus of Elsevier and National Agricultural Library of USDA. After about half-year’s evaluation of my journal IJABE by the Scopus title evaluation by the Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board has been completed, “International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering”- (1934-6344/1934-6352, IJABE, http://www.ijabe.org) has been accepted for indexing in Scopus!

Meanwhile, I got an official email from Mr. Carlo Nuss, an AGRICOLA Indexing Supervisor, from National Agricultural Library, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland, USA. The email informs me that “This is to confirm that in 2009 the Journal Evaluation Panel voted to accept International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering for inclusion in AGRICOLA.”

By the end of June 28, 2010, after having published seven issues including some 70 papers since launched in 2008, IJABE has successively been covered and indexed by Chemical Abstracts(CA), CAB Abstracts databases, and the CAB Full Text Repository, Inspec Database, Academic Search Complete of EBSCOhost databases, Abstract Journal (AJ of VINITI, Russia), Index Copernicus (IC), Scopus, Agricola, and Google Scholar. Moreover, IJABE has been listed in the world's biggest open access journal platform, Open J-Gate (http://www.openj-gate.com) and Directory of Open Access Journals (http://www.doaj.org). It was also listed in Ulrich PD, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (http://www.ulrichsweb.com/ulrichsweb/). Being covered by world famous indexing databases and listed in online directory platform are very helpful to improve the visibility, accessibility, availability and impact of the research articles published in IJABE.


(By Wang Yingkuan)



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