职业编辑出版人,开放存取倡导者分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/wangyk Visiting Scholar at University of Minnesota,PhD at Peking University, Bachelor & Master Degree at Northwest A&F University



已有 5903 次阅读 2009-6-7 23:00 |个人分类:国际英文刊IJABE|系统分类:科研笔记| 开放存取, 国际英文刊IJABE, 编委会, 会议纪要

UMN,St Paul




63在明尼苏达大学召开了由主编和执行主编参加的英文刊IJABE编辑工作会议,会议议程包括期刊的现状、问题、对策以及筹备6月下旬美国农业与生物工程师学会在内华达州的里诺(Reno)召开学术年会(2009 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Reno, Nevada, June 21-24)之际召开IJABE编委会等内容。会议围绕议程展开,讨论了若干重大问题,并达成了共识,现纪要如下:




Editorial Staff Meeting Minutes


Time: 13:30 PM, June 3, 2009

Place: Conference Room 201, BBE South Bldg, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN

Attendees: Roger Ruan, Wang Yingkuan, Paul Chen

Agenda (attached)


1. State of the journal

The journal has published three issues of high quality papers. The journal is now indexed by Chemical Abstracts, CAB Abstracts, and CABI. The journal is growing fast. The entire editorial team including editors and editorial staff has been doing excellent jobs. The editorial office will prepare an annual report with detailed statistics of submissions, review, decision and published papers, indexing, performance of the OJS and website, competence of editors, and income and expenses.


2. Manuscript management system issues

The journal uses OJS as the manuscript management platform. The system has some minor bugs but the main issue is that many of our editors and reviewers are not familiar with the system. We plan to further customize and debug the OJS and website to enhance functionality, improve their user-friendliness and to provide better user (editor, reviewer, and author) manuals


3. Web server issues

The website has a number of problems and rooms for improvement. Many of the issues are related to the server performance. Readers outside of China often experience download failures. Some automatic actions regarding editorial are not executed as expected, causing some problems along the peer review line. This is very serious. One option is to set up a mirror site in the US maintained by editorial staff at St. Paul, USA. We have begun to explore the technical and financial feasibility of setting up the mirror site.


4. Peer review issues

Our DEs and AEs have been doing a very good job in getting manuscripts reviewed in time. However there were some cases with long delay causing some complaints. While the OJS is somewhat to blame, some DEs and AEs are overloaded. Therefore we suggest adding DEs and AEs to some divisions if necessary. We also need to recruit peer reviewers. We also believe that all elements of the review process must follow the schedule to ensure a speedy review as promised. We will also implement some kind of alert process to remind editors and reviewers of any unfinished/ongoing reviews.


5. Manuscript issues

High quality submission is the key to the well being and success of our journal. We need to drum up our efforts in attracting more high quality submissions. We should invite and encourage our colleagues and friends to submit their manuscripts to the journal. Now is a critical phase of our growing journal. We must do more to move our journal a big step foreword towards “editor-market” state as opposed to “author-market.” We also hope that each division would solicit 1-2 review articles and ensure 1-2 very high impact research papers every year.


6. Accounting issues

We will provide more details regarding income and expenses when we have the financial report. In principles, the journal is operated on the not-for-profit basis. All incomes are used to cover legitimate operational expenses including mainly printing, web service, mailing, editorial staff, and office supplies. Any major changes must be approved by the boards of AOCABFE and CSAE, and the joint publication committee.


We also need to collect page charges from authors who have not paid yet.


7. Fundraising activities

There are opportunities for us to raise more funds to support the mission of the journal. One such opportunity is to sponsor or co-sponsor international conferences on general BAE areas or specific areas. A highly visible and high impact journal could be an attractive feature of technical conferences.


8. Promoting the journal

We must do more to increase the visibility of the journal. DEs and AEs are the most efficient network to accomplish this. Only when DEs and AEs have a passion for the journal could we convince others and gain strong support. We have also designed a flyer to be distributed during the upcoming IFT and ASABE meetings and other meetings (attached).


We are also working to seek indexing by EI Compendex and SCI. We expect to get in EI later this year. SCI requires a few years of publication history. We ask our DEs and AEs to cite papers published on IJABE. This will certainly help boost our visibility in SCI indexing database.


9. Editorial Board Meeting during ASABE Annual Meeting, Reno

We wish to report and discuss some issues during the ASABE meeting. Yingkuan and Paul will be at the ASABE meeting (Roger will be travelling in China during that period). We intend to attend the AOC board meeting and hold a special meeting for IJABE editorial board and AOC publication committee. We like to schedule the joint journal meeting, discuss agendas, and inform all editorial members.


10. The meeting adjourned at 3pm.




Editorial staff meeting Agenda

13:00 PM, June 3, 2009, Room 201, BioAgriEng Bldg, UMN, St. Paul

  1. State of the Journal
  2. Improving Manuscript management and its use
  3. Improving IJABE website
  4. Peer review process: problems and solutions
  5. Attracting more high quality submissions, invited overviews
  6. Management, accounting system, collecting publication fees
  7. Fundraising
  8. Actions to promote IJABE and gain indexing by SCI, EI, etc.
  9. Meetings at ASABE in Reno




IJABE Flyer for Promotion




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