1. Chen Xiqing , 2008, Secular Changes of Minimum Flows from the Upper Yangtze River, China, since 1882 and its Implication in Operation of Three-Gorge Dam , Chinese-Germany Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, August 25-30, 2008, Germany.
2. Chen Xiqing, Earlier and Sustained Low Streamflow from the Upper Yangtze River in 2006 during Water Storage of the Three Gorge Reservoir, Second International Symposium on Larger Asian Rivers, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China. September 27, 2007.
3. Chen Xiqing, Long-term changes in grain-size of bottom sediment at the landward limit of the Yangtze Estuary: Response to suspended sediment decline over the past decades, AOGS 2007, Bangkok, Thailand, July 29, 2007.
4. Chen Xiqing, Long-term coarsening trend of bottom sediment at the landward limit of the Yangtze Estuary under the background of riverbed aggradation, the Second International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts, Guangzhou, China. 2006.
5. Chen Xiqing, Reservoirs in the Mid-lower Yangtze River Basin and their Influence on Sediment Delivery to the Main Yangtze, Workshop on River Basin Dynamics in the Humid Tropics, Singapore, July 2006.
6. Chen Xiqing, Sand Extraction from the mid-lower Yangtze Channel and its Impacts on Sediment Discharge into the sea, The Ninth International Symposium on River Sedimentation”, Yichang, Hubei Province, China, 2005.
7. Chen Xiqing, 2004, Hydrological response to closure of the Three-Gorge Dam and its effects on the mid-lower Yangtze River, China, International Symposium on Flood Mitigation, Wuhan, China.
8. Chen Xiqing, Human Impacts on Sediment Discharge from the Yangtze into the Sea: History and Future Perspective, International Symposium on Mega-delta, Shanghai, China, October 2004.
9. Chen Xiqing, The Changjiang(Yangtze)River Delta, China, a keynote report in the International World Delta Symposium in August 1998 held in New Orleans, USA. 1998年:赴美国新澳尔良参加“世界三角洲国际研讨会”(大会资助),应邀作大会特邀报告:题目为"The Yangtze River Delta ",该文刊载于Journal of Coastal Research(SCi检索定期刊物)。
10. Chen Xiqing, Yongqiang Zong, Major impacts of sea level rise on the coastal lowland agriculture in the Changjiang River Delta, In: Fifth Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, held in 16-19, Sept., 1997, London. Sponsored by Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development(OECD), Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute, Louisiana State University, USA, and Royal Holloway Institute for Environmental Research, Royal Holloway University of London.
11. Chen Xiqing, Chen Jiyu, A study of closure depth associated with the application of Bruun Rule in the Changjiang deltaic coast, In: The 1st meeting of SCOR 106 Working Group on Relative Sea Level and Muddy Coast of the World, Nanjing, China in Oct. 3-9, 1995.
12. Chen Xiqing, Natural and anthropogenic effects on the flood disasters in the coastal Taihu Plain: history and trend, In: Global Changes and Geography, IGU annual conference in Moscow, Russia in Aug. 14-24, 1994.
13. Chen Xiqing, The impact of longitudinal river-bed profile adjustment and sediment discharge changes on the development of the Changjiang River delta, In: International Symposium on Global Change in Asia and the Pacific Region, Beijing, China in Aug. 8-10, 1994.
14. Chen Xiqing, The relative changes of ground altitude in Shanghai urban area by the year 2050, In: The 13th INQUA Congress, Beijing, China in Aug. 2-9, 1991
15. Chen Xiqing, Chen Jiyu, Major hazards in coastal areas of China, their mitigation and associated planning policies, In: Geo-hazards and Their Mitigation, Nanjing, China in Aug. 21-26, 1990 (jointly organized by Chinese Academy of Sciences and IGU Study Group on Rapid Geomorphologic Hazards).
16. Chen Xiqing (ed.), Coastal Environments on Hangzhou Bay and Changjiang Estuary: An introduction and field guild for Coastal Field Symposium in August 5-10, 1990, Shanghai, China organized by Commission on Coastal Environment, International Geographical Union
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