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已有 3686 次阅读 2007-10-21 17:03 |个人分类:催化科技导读

What Is The World's Potential To Produce Biodiesel?

ScienceDaily (Oct. 20, 2007) — What do the countries of Thailand, Uruguay and Ghana have in common? They all could become leading producers of the emerging renewable fuel known as biodiesel, says a study from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies.

背景介绍:The ease of manufacturing biodiesel from vegetable oils and animal fats has made it one of the most promising, near-term alternatives to fossil fuels. Seeking to understand which nations are best positioned today to enter the burgeoning biodiesel market, researchers Matt Johnston and Tracey Holloway of the Nelson Institute's Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE) ranked 226 countries according to their potential to make large volumes of biodiesel at low cost.

Reported online Oct. 17 in Environmental Science and Technology, the analysis uncovered many of the usual suspects, including the United States, a top soybean grower; and Brazil, already a major biodiesel producer. The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Spain also cracked the top ten in overall volume potential.

But the researchers say the study's true motivation was to identify developing countries that already export significant amounts of vegetable oil for profit, but may not have considered refining it into biodiesel. By exporting biodiesel - a higher value commodity - these countries could improve their trade balances, says Johnston, or use the fuel to offset their own energy needs.

"A lot of these countries don't have any petroleum resources and so they're having to import petroleum," he says. "At the same time, they're exporting vegetable oil that they could be turning into biodiesel and using domestically."

Overall, the study ranked Malaysia, Thailand, Colombia, Uruguay and Ghana as the developing nations most likely to attract biodiesel investment, (最具吸引力的发展中国家)not only because of their strong agricultural industries, but also due to their relative safety and stability, lack of debt, among other economic factors.

Johnston emphasizes, however, that the set of criteria he and Holloway used is just one among many.

"As long as they're profitable and have large volumes of vegetable oils, all the countries on our list - even if they aren't on our top ten list - they could do this," he says.

The idea for the analysis first struck Johnston on a visit to a remote island of Fiji, where people rely primarily on petroleum diesel to run generators for electricity. Transported in by boat, the fuel cost the equivalent of $20 per gallon. Meanwhile, the islanders were growing coconuts and processing them into oil that sold for 50 cents a liter.

"The price disparity was just incredible," says Johnston, "and it prompted me to think about where else in the world countries might have this biofuels potential, but not necessarily realize it."

At the same time, many agencies - chief among them the United Nations - have raised concerns about the biofuel industry's possible impact on the world's poor, as vegetable oils, now used for food, are increasingly diverted to fuel production. Rampant growth of biofuels could also negatively affect the environment; a soaring demand for palm oil, for example, has already led to deforestation in Southeast Asia.

By highlighting the places in the world where biodiesel development will likely happen, Johnston and Holloway hope their analysis will help people foresee these problems and make plans to mitigate them.

"We're not saying, 'There's all this potential out there, go get it,'" says Johnston. "Instead, we're looking at which vegetable oil feed stocks are most likely to be affected and which countries will most likely be doing this at a large-scale. That way, we can anticipate some of the impacts, as opposed to having to react after the fact."

Of all the vegetable oils and animal fats examined in the study, soybean and palm oil were by far the most common. In fact, the world's top five soybean and palm oil producers - Malaysia, Indonesia, Argentina, the United States and Brazil - accounted for 80 percent of the potential global biodiesel production, the researchers found.

Based on current export volumes of vegetable oil from 119 countries, Johnston also estimated that a grand total of 51 billion liters of biodiesel could be produced annually - enough to meet roughly 4-5 percent of the world's existing demand for petroleum diesel. Yet, although interesting, these numbers aren't the main point.

"We're not suggesting that all exported vegetable oil should be converted into biodiesel, because that would fundamentally upset the food supply," says Holloway. "We're looking at this more from each individual country's perspective: They're already exporting one thing, could they be exporting something else?"

Because the study employed data from online, public sources - primarily the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Statistics Division - Holloway points out that any country could repeat the calculations or do its own analysis of the biodiesel opportunity. And she and Johnston hope they will.

"I'd love to see some of these development opportunities come to fruition for some of these countries," Johnston says.


A map is available at:  http://www.sage.wisc.edu/energy/


Adapted from materials provided by University of Wisconsin-Madison.

 美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin-MadisonNelson环境研究所(Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies)通过研究发现泰国、乌拉圭和加纳有一个共同点,即它们均为生物柴油生产大国。以植物油与动物油脂制造生物柴油技术相对比较成熟,使生物柴油成为短期内替代化石燃料最有前景的可再生能源。Nelson环境研究所可持续发展与全球环境研究中心(Center for Sustainability and the Global EnvironmentSAGE)的两位研究人员Matt JohnstonTracey Holloway通过比较以低成本生产生物柴油的潜力,试图发现当今哪些国家将在这个方兴未艾的领域占据优势地位。 生物柴油化工论坛  
Matt JohnstonTracey Holloway1017正 式在线发布了他们的研究报告,该报告分析了美国、巴西、荷兰、德国、比利时与西班牙等国家的生物柴油生产潜力。当初的动机是为了区别那些依靠出口大量植物 油赢利,但又不会提炼生物柴油的发展中国家。因为通过出口生物柴油这种高附加值商品,可以赚取更多的利润,或者满足国内的能源需求。 生物柴油化工论坛  
研究结果表明,总体来看,马来西亚、泰国、哥伦比亚、乌拉圭和加纳将成为最可能吸引生物柴油投资的几个国家,因为这些国家不仅农业发达,而且安全性与稳定性也更高,不存在负债或其他经济因素的影响。在排名前10的国家中,都有大量的植物油。 生物柴油化工论坛  
但 由于植物油目前在发展中国家主要用作粮食,大量植物油用作生物柴油原料引起了业内人士的担忧,而且生物燃料快速增长也可能引发对环境的负面影响,比如棕榈 油需求的增加导致东南亚的森林滥伐。但生物柴油在全球会大力发展的趋势基本已定。报告的两位作者对生物柴油发展潜力进行了分析。在作为生物柴油生产原料的 植物油与动物油脂中,最常用的、最具潜力的是大豆油与棕榈油。全球居前五位的大豆油与棕榈油生产国,即马来西亚、印尼、阿根廷、美国和巴西,生物柴油生产 潜力占据全球的80%。根据当有119个国家植物油出口量来分析,全球每年生物柴油总量预计为510亿公升,约占全球石油柴油需求量的4%~5%。 生物柴油化工论坛  
报告依据的数据均为公开发布,主要来源于FAO和联合国统计局。 生物柴油化工论坛  
作者:江洪波, 来源:ScienceDaily, 2007年10月23日 生物柴油化工论坛  


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