革命性的生物医用金属材料(RMB) ...分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/郑玉峰 从事新型生物医用金属材料(镁基、铁基、钛基、BMG、纳米晶)研究



已有 2858 次阅读 2015-8-27 06:17 |系统分类:博客资讯



K3‐Possibilities and limitations ofelectrochemical measurement techniques to assess the degradation behaviour ofMg and Mg ‐ alloys for biomedical application – an overview


1Dentaland Biomaterial Research Gr., CC3 Charité Universitaetsmeizin Berlin, Germany



Activecorrosion with passive layer

No activecorrosion

Instablepassive layer-pitting


O12‐The use of rotating disk electrode toimprove Mg degradation characterization by polarization experiments

IMarco1, O van der Biest1

1Departmentof Materials Engineering (MTM), KU Leuven, Belgium



Influence ofrotation speed: 0-3000 rpm

Staticcondition VS RDE

Immersion vspolarization with RDE


O13‐Challenges for accurate determinationof rare earth elements in degradable Mg alloys

CVogt1, F Zimmermann1,N Hort2

1LeibnizUniversity Hannover, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Hannover; 2Helmholtz

ZentrumGeesthacht, Magnesium Processing, Geesthacht, Germany


opticalemission microscopy

resolution ofoptical grating at 165-340nm: 3pm at>340nm; 6pm>3000 lines for REEbetween 240-600nm

Dy(II)364.540 La(II) 364.542nm line overlap


Sparc sourcewith even more lines and line overlaps

As long aslines have been selected careful both calibriation methods give appropriateresults

XRF X-rayfluorescence spectroscopy

Resolution ofenergy dispersice detectors 135eV, typical line width 0.2keV

Without interferenceonly Y, La, Ce and Pr

For otherssevere interferences


O14‐Three dimensional in silico study ofcoating debonding for biodegradable magnesium alloy stents

WWu1, M Mercuri1,C Petroni1, L Petrini2,F Migliavacca1

1Chemistry,Materials and Chemical Eng. Dept; 2Civiland Environmental Eng. Dept,

Politecnicodi Milano, Italy


Coating delamination

Cohesive zonemethod

A monolayerof cohesive elements of zero thickness represents the bonded interface.

SDEG Scalarstiffness degradation index

No availablemeshing tools to model cohesive layers of zero thickness

3D models ofHBS delamination


SOP20‐Investigation on adjustment forbiodegradation behaviour of iron‐based metal

XMYu1, X Lu1,LL Tan1, K Yang1

1Instituteof Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China


SOP21‐Uniformed and accelerated degradationof pure iron patterned by Pt electrode

THuang1, Y Zheng1,LQ Ruan2

1StateKey Laboratory for Turbulence and Complex System and Department of Materials

Scienceand Engineering, Peking University, China; 2MagnesiumResearch Center,

KumamotoUniversity, Kumamoto‐shi, Japan


SOP22‐Corrosion behavior of Mg‐Ca‐Zn alloys in Artificial Saliva

NZumdick1, S Ubber1,M Modabber2, E Goloborodko2,S Neuß‐Stein2, D Zander 1

1Chairof Corrosion and Corrosion Protection; 2UniklinikRWTH Aachen, Germany



O15‐Bioreactor‐basedIn Vitro Degradation Testing for Biodegradable Magnesium Alloys

YYun1, Y Koo1,J Wang1,2, B Collins1,V Shanov3, J Sankar1

1EngineeringResearch Center for Revolution Metallic Biomaterials, North Carolina A&T

StateUniversity, NC, USA; 2Key Lab. ofAdvanced Materials Technology, Southwest Jiaotong

University,China; 3Department of Biomedical, Chemical& Environmental Eng., University of

Cincinnati,OH, USA


Mechanicaland corrosion behavior under stressed environment

120MPa for 90days


O16‐Remaining strength of cold drawn andaged WE43 wires after corrosion

PMaier1, AJ Griebel2,O Scheffler1, JE Schaffer2

1Universityof Applied Sciences Stralsund, Germany; 2FortWayne Metals Research Products Corp., IN, USA

Determinationof the remaining strength of cold drawn WE43 wires with different thermaltreatment


Cold drawnfrom 3.2mm to 1.63 with inter-pass annealing

Annealed at450 degree C

Ageing at 250degree C with precipitate forming

Annealing at400 degree C

Annealing at500 degree C

3 wires werecorroded in       500ml electrode


As-drawn422MPa UTS Elongation3%

16 days

Homogenouscorrosion, with some local pittings

Slight localcorrosion does not develop into pitting , rather in a passive layer


O17‐The need of bioactive coatings forbiodegradable implants

AEliezer1,4, C Gasqueres4,KS Lips3, L Heimann2,E Dingeldein2

1CorrosionResearch Center, Nano‐Bio & Advanced Materials, Shamoon College of

Engineering,Bialik/Basel Sts. Beer‐Sheva, Israel; 2AapBiomaterials GmbH, Dieburg; 3Justus‐

Liebig‐UniversitätGießen, Klinik für Poliklinik und Unfallchirurgie, Labor für

ExperimentelleUnfallchirurgie, Gießen; 4AapImplantate AG, Berlin, Germany


Will a coatedbiodegradable implant have an added bio medical value in the market?

What will bethe outcome for CE FDA

Up to date itis very difficult to create a biodegradable magnesium alloy with a controlledhydrogen dissolution under in vivo conditions.

Corrosionrate (EIS)

Lower initialcorrosion rate 0.01mm/y

After 10 days0.458mm/y


SOP23‐Surface modification of magnesiumalloys using electrophoretic deposition of chitosan and bioactive glass

HHornberger1, S Heise1,M Hoehlinger1, L Cordero‐Arias1,AR Boccaccini1, S Virtanen1

1Friedrich‐Alexander‐UniversityErlangen – Nuremberg, Germany


Bioadaptive coating

Bondingbetween the bioactive glass and substrate

Bondingbetween the bioactive glass and bone


SOP24‐Self‐assemblingalkyl‐silane anticorrosion coatings for resorbable Mgdevices

EBeniash1,2,3, A Patil2,3,O Jackson2, L Fulton2

1Deptof Oral Biology; 2Dept ofBioengineering; 3Center forCraniofacial Regeneration,

Universityof Pittsburgh, USA


Mg ispolished, etched with acid, treated with NaOH and deep coated with a mixture ofDTES and TMOS.

EDAXanaliysis of the coating after 2 weeks in tissue culture condition detects noCa signal, suggesting the coating prevent Ca phosphate precipitation.


SOP25‐Improvement of coating adhesion abilityon magnesium by femtosecond laser

surface modification

JPark1,2, HS Han1,S Lee1, J Park1,YC Kim1, M OK1,HK Seok1, S Chung2,J Lee3, H Jeon1

1Centerfor Biomaterials, Biomedical Research Institute, Korea Institute of Science and

Technology,Seoul, Korea; 2Small integrative devicelaboratory, Department of Micro/Nano

system,Korea University


lasertreatment layer+ coating


SOP26‐In vitro degradation of HA‐silica coated AZ91 magnesium alloy in SBF

YMoharrer1, S Saber‐Samandari2,Gh. Rouhi1

1Facultyof Biomedical Engineering; 2NewTechnologies Research Center, Amirkabir

Universityof Technology, Iran


Produce doublelayer coating silica as bottom layer and HA as the top layer.



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