革命性的生物医用金属材料(RMB) ...分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/郑玉峰 从事新型生物医用金属材料(镁基、铁基、钛基、BMG、纳米晶)研究



已有 4158 次阅读 2015-8-28 05:27 |系统分类:博客资讯





K4‐Cytotoxicity and antibacterial propertyof Mg‐Ag alloys

ZLiu1, R Willumeit‐Römer1,N Hort2, R Schade3,F Feyerabend1

1MetallicBiomaterials; 2MagIC – Magnesium InnovationCenter, Helmholtz‐Zentrum

Geesthacht;3Institute for Bioprocessing andAnalytical Measurement Techniques, Heilbad


Limitation of Silver in human body, 5-6g

Mg-6Ag Mg-8Ag

Extrusion, extrusion +T4

Adhesion test (9 days)

Bioreactor testing

Ti, glass, Cu, pure Mg, Mg-6Ag, Mg-8Ag


O18‐Molecular pathways involved in theimmune response on magnesium alloys

MDCostantino1, BJC Luthringer2,R Willumeit‐Römer1

1Helmholtz‐ZentrumGeesthacht, Zentrum für Material‐ und Küstenforschung, Germany

Cells against biomaterial

Nat rev Mol Cell Biol 4(11) 2003, pp897-901


Elimination foreign agent—inflammatory cytokines

Cell proliferation---anti-inflammatory cytokines

Mg, Mg-2Ag, Mg-10Gd


O19‐Alter increased Magnesium levels thecell functionality in vitro?

ABruinink1, Y Elbs‐Glatz1

1Labfor Biointerfaces, Empa, St. Gallen, Switzerland

Mg2+ alters differention of fibroblast

Affect Mg2+ ions the polarization state of M1 macrophages


SOP27‐Influence of magnesium alloysdegradation on human undifferentiated cells

FCecchinato1, N Ahmad2,F Feyerabend2, R Jimbo1,R Willumeit‐Römer2, A Wennerberg1

1Departmentof Prosthodontics, Faculty of Odontology, Malmö, Sweden; 2Helmholtz‐

ZentrumGeesthacht, Germany

Mg2Ag, Mg10Gd, Mg4Y3RE, with 99.97% Pure Mg

Surface degradation ---atomic force microscopy


SOP28‐Effects of magnesium alloys onchondrogenic differentiation of HUCPV

AHMartínez‐Sánchez1, F Feyerabend1,B Luthringer1, R Willumeit‐Römer1

1Helmholtz‐ZentrumGeesthacht: Zentrum für Material‐ und Küstenforschung GmbH,


Mg extract showed no effect on chondrogenicdifferentiation


O20‐In vitro cytotoxicity evaluation ofvascular cells after exposure to zinc

ERShearier1, PK Bowen2,J Drelich2, J Goldman1,F Zhao1

1Departmentof Biomedical Engineering; 2Departmentof Materials Science and Engineering,

MichiganTechnological University, Houghton, Michigan, USA

ZnCl2sait was incompatible wthe culture bufferingenvironment, cuased immediate precipitation of ZnO/Zn(OH)2

Direct culture on metallic Zn foil

Cells donot like to direct attached to Zn

Zn discs were modified by attaching collagen sheet ofcontrolled thickness.

Zn2+ induces a dose-dependent inhibition of cell adhesionand migration


O21‐Hemocompatibility of newly designedbioabsorbable Zn/ZnO composites

HTYang1, ZH Wang2(co‐firstauthor), HF Li1, YF Zheng1,*,YW Li2 and R Li2

1Departmentof Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, PekingUniversity,

Beijing100871, China; 2Department of General Surgery,Zhengzhou University Affiliated

LuoyangCentral Hospital, Luoyang 471009, China


SOP30‐In vitro degradation of PLA/Mgcomposites: Relevance of matrix and filler nature

S.C.Cifuentes1,2, M. Lieblich1,R. Benavente2, J.L. González‐Carrasco1,3

1CentroNacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas CENIM‐CSIC, Spain; 2Institutode Ciencia y

Tecnologíade Polímeros ICTP‐CSIC, Spain; 5Centrode Investigación Biomédica en Red de

Bioingeniería,Biomateriales y Nanomedicina CIBER‐BBN, Spain

Matrix: crystalline and amorpous

Filler: Mg, Mg-5Zn

The composite can be tailored by controllingcrystallinity degree of the matrix and Mg particle nature/shape.


SOP32‐Comparison of crystalline and amorphousversions of a magnesium‐based alloy: corrosion and cellresponse

JByrne1, ED O Cearbhaill1,DJ Browne1

1Schoolof Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University College Dublin, Ireland


BMG/ Crystalline

72h in DMEM


O22‐The response of human endothelial andsmooth muscle cells to high concentrations of magnesium

SCastiglioni1, A Cazzaniga1,JA Maier1

1Universitàdi Milano, Milano, Italy

An ideal stent would

1 do its job and then disappear

2 have adequate radial force to prevent collapsing

3 be made of biocompatible materials to prevent vesselirritation and actually

4 promote the restoration of the damaged artery to ahealthy artery.


High Mg promotes the growth and migration of endothelialcells.

High Mg inhibits inflammation

Mg stimulates the synthesis of prostacyclin and nitricoxide


High Mg inhibits the migration of vascular smooth musclecells.

High Mg promotes the growth of vascular smooth musclecells


co-culture endothelial/vascular smooth muscle cells

Conditioned media   transwell



Prevention of clot formation

Reduction of inflammation

Promotion of endothelialaztion


O23‐Analysis of the response of bone cellstowards magnesium alloys by proteomics

HSchlüter1, M Omidi1,M Kwiatkowski1, M Wurlitzer1,A Burmester2, Berengere Luthringer2,


1MassSpectrometric Proteomics, Department of Clinical Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine

UniversityMedical Center Hamburg‐Eppendorf, Hamburg; 2Centrefor Materials and Coastal

Research,Helmholtz‐Zentrum Geesthacht, Geesthacht, Germany

Proteomics can give information about the kind ofresponse of cells to perturbations.

Huang Y FASEB J 2007 21:732-742

AHANAK can modulate Ca2+ channels


Information about the response to elevated Mg2+


Kwlatkowski et al. Angew Chem Int Ed 2015, 54


SOP35‐Investigation the impact of magnesium‐implants compared to titaniumimplant

on protein composition in culturedosteoblast by label free quantification

MOmidi1, A Burmester2,P Kiani1, M Kwiatkowski1,B Luthringer2, R Willumeit2,H Schlüter1

1MassSpectrometric Proteomics, Department of Clinical Chemistry & LaboratoryMedicine,

UniversityMedical Center Hamburg‐Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; 2Centrefor Materials

andCoastal Research, Helmholtz‐Zentrum Geesthacht, Geesthacht, Germany


SOP33‐Understanding the response of skeletaltissue to Magnesium alloy corrosion

DMaradze1, M Lewis2,Y Zheng3, Y Liu1,

1WolfsonSchool of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University,

UK;2School of Sport, Exercise andHealth Science, Loughborough University, UK; 3Collegeof

Engineering,Peking University, Beijing, China


Myoblast were cultured and allowed to fuse into maturemyotubes, then were maintained in Mg conditioned medium.


SOP34‐Evaluation of murine adipose derivedmesenchymal stem cell behaviour on PCL and P(3HB)/P(4HB) coated magnesiumscaffolds

MGrau¹, J Matena¹, L Roland¹, M Gieseke², M Teske³, S Petersen4,A Kampmann5, I Linke5,H

MuruaEscobar6, NC Gellrich5,H Haferkamp7, I Nolte¹

¹SmallAnimal Clinic, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Foundation; ²Laser

ZentrumHannover e.V.; ³Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Rostock UniversityMedical

Center;4Fakultaet Ingenieurwissenschaftenund Informatik, University of Applied Sciences,

Osnabrueck;5Department of Oral andMaxillofacial Surgery, Hannover Medical School;

6Divisionof Medicine Clinic III, Hematology, Oncology and Palliative Medicine, Rostock

UniversityMedical Center; 7Institut fuerWerkstoffkunde, Leibniz Universitaet Hannover,



Dip coating

Keep the degradation products on the surface of PCL andP(3HB)/P(4HB)





K5‐Overview of long term clinical studyperformed in Korea

HSHan1, HK Seok 1,2,YC Kim 1,2

1Centerfor bio‐materials, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea; 2Departmentof

Bio‐medicalEngineering, University of Science & Technology, Korea



0 month-12month

2013.07.09开始,53 patient

All cases show bone growth after 1 year.



K6‐Vascularized bone grafting fixed bybiodegradable magnesium screw for treating osteonecrosis of the femoral head – a pilot clinical trial

XZhang1, D Zhao1,B Wang1, S Huang1,Faqiang‐Lu1, L Qin2*,Y Li3

1Departmentof Orthopedics, Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital of Dalian University,Dalian;

2MusculoskeletalResearch Laboratory, Department of Orthopaedics& Traumatology, The

ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR; 3DongguanYi'an Technology, China


Over 80 cases with the longest observation time of 24months


Screw shaft 4mm, length 30-45mm

Fixation of bone flap

Femoral neck fracture

24 months post operation

Ankle fractures


Metatarsal fractures

3 months


O24‐Corrosion behaviour of 3 Mg‐alloys in bone: a high‐resolutioninvestigation

SGalli1, JU Hammel2,J Herzen3, G Szakács2,F Lukáč4, M Vlček4,I Marco5, A Wennerberg1,R

Willumeit‐Römer2,R Jimbo1

1MalmöUniversity, Sweden; 2Helmholtz‐ZentrumGeesthacht, Germany; 3Technical

Universityof Munich, Germany; 4CharlesUniversity, Prague, Czech Republic; 5KULeuven,



Mg10Gd Mg2Ag Mg4Y3RE

20 rats

Synchrotron-base microCT

Edge enhanced

Due to inhomogeneous corrosion in surface area of thesamples increase with times.


O25‐Influence of trace impurities on the invivo degradation of biodegradable Mg–5Zn–0.3Ca

EMartinelli1, J Hofstetter2,S Pogatscher2, P Schmutz3,E Povoden‐Karadeniz4, J Eichler1,A

Myrissa1,T Kraus5, S Fischerauer1,P J Uggowitzer2, J F Löffler2,A Weinberg1

1Departmentof Orthopaedics, Medical University of Graz; 2Laboratoryof Metal Physics and

Technology,Department of Materials, ETH Zurich; 3Laboratoryfor Joining Technologies and

Corrosion,EMPA, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology;

4ChristianDoppler Laboratory for Early Stages of Precipitation, Vienna University of

Technology;5Department of Paediatric Orthopaedics,Medical University of Graz, Austria





XHP ZX50 higher implant volume after 8 weeks, buy similarafter 12 weeks


O26‐Dual in vivo Behavior and BiologicalEffect of Mg in Bone

AChaya1,2, DT Chou2,D Hong2, S Yoshizawa1,3,K Verdelis1,3, P N. Kumta1,2,3,C Sfeir1,2,3

1Centerfor Craniofacial Regeneration; 2Departmentof Bioengineering; 3Department ofOral

Biology,University of Pittsburgh, USA


WXQK: 05<Y<4, 0<Ca<1, 0<Ag<0.25, 0<Zr<1

Increased porosity in bone overgrowth

Mg degradation can enhance periosteal bone formation

O27‐FACS based Analysis of the earlyinflammatory reaction to biodegradable and not biodegradable implantedmaterials in rats

MCHeinze1,2, T Schmidt1,2,S Krummsdorf 1,2, M Geiling 1,2, Z Kronbach1,2,F Witte1,2

1JuliusWolff Institute, Charité‐ Universitaetsmedizin Berlin; 2BerlinBrandenburg Center for

RegenerativeTherapies (BCRT), Charité‐ Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, Germany

Flow cytometry

PEEK, Polystrene(PS), Pure Mg capsule

1,3,7,14,21,28 days

Significant higher number of leukocytes for PS at earlystage.

Mg corrosion did not increase the number of inflammatorycells.


O28‐In vitro and In vivo characterizationof biodegradable Zinc coronary stent

JZhou1, H Gong1,X Miao1, Y Wang1,X Yan1, Y Zhang1,G Guo1, M Zhao1,G Qu1

1Xi'anAdvanced Medical Technology, China


In vitro immersion in SBF

Zn5(OH)8Cl2.H2O (>70%)and ZnO

Zn stent 22mg

Theoretically, 850mL of SBFcould dissolve a degraded Znstent

A degraded Zn stent release of 0.07mg Zn ion daily


Zn stent

Diameter 3mm length 12mm

Strut thickness : 160 micrometer

Profile 1mmelectrochemically polished

radicial force 49kPa

in vivo degradation products: ZnO Zn(OH)2 Zn3(PO4)2

minimal calcium


O29‐Ceramized magnesium scaffolds withsubmillimetre channel structures for bone reconstruction: In vitrocharacterization and preliminary in vivo results

AKopp1, O Jung2,P Hartjen2, H Hanken2,R Smeets2, C Ptock1,D Porchetta1, S Schneider3,A

Klink3,F Klocke3

1MeotecGmbH & Co. KG, Aachen; 2Departmentof Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, University

MedicalCenter Hamburg‐Eppendorf; 3ManufacturingTechnology, Laboratory for Machine

Toolsand Production Engineering, Aachen University, Germany


Space for bone ingrowth and vasculariztion

Less Mg materials

Significant increased surface

Ceramic coating for degradation control


PEO coating

WE43 with E6 PEO coating show similar degradation rate


SOP36‐Early experiences with thebiocompatibility of zinc and its alloys in the murine aorta

PKBowen1, RJ Guillory II2,ER Shearier2, J Drelich1,J Goldman2

1Departmentof Materials Science and Engineering; 2Departmentof Biomedical Engineering,

MichiganTechnological University, Houghton, MI, USA


Only minor neointimal growth apparent at 4 months

4N Zn in the lumen


SOP37‐Preliminary in vivo study on iron‐based alloy implantation in rat model

APurnama1,2, MC Drolet1,J Couet1, D Mantovani2

1InstitutUniversitaire de Cardiologie et de Pnemulogie de Québec, Department ofMedicine,

LavalUniversity, Canada 2Laboratory forBiomaterials and Bioengineering, Department

Min‐Met‐Materials,Laval University, Canada

SS316L, E-Fe, A-Fe, Fe-35Mn plate

Disc implantation were accompanied with imflammatorycells







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