革命性的生物医用金属材料(RMB) ...分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/郑玉峰 从事新型生物医用金属材料(镁基、铁基、钛基、BMG、纳米晶)研究



已有 3631 次阅读 2014-8-29 04:54 |系统分类:科研笔记



Session 4: In-Vitro

Time Title PresenterAffiliation Page


K3- Application of proteomics for investigating the impactof magnesium

implants on bone tissue

H. Schluter

University Medical CenterHamburg-

Eppendorf, Germany



Proteins representing 18,097 genes identified by

Wilhelm et al., Nature 2014; 509:


Classical proteomic approaches:

Cells or organs—protein extract—separation---proteins---digestion---peptides---massspectrometric analysis---MS data—database search algorithms---identification


Without Electrospray ionization (ESI) and Matrix assisted laser adsorptionionization (MALDI), no proteomic!!!!


Protein sequence: Myoglobin – plains zebra

MALDI MS peptide


Tandem mass spectrometry

Peptide fragment spectrum


Liquid chromatography (LC)

LC_MS data are huge and complex

Data processing by openMS tools


well suited for describing phenotypes on the protein level


investigation of Mg2+ on bone cells by proteomics


Mass spectrometric imaging ---measuring mass spectra dot by dot on tissue


Picosecond infrared laser-scalpel

Scar free surgery with pico-second infrared laser

Irradiation with PIRL does not change the exact chemical composition ofproteins


09:00-09:20 O19- In vitro and in vivo degradation ofultrahigh-pure magnesium J. Hofstetter ETH Zurich, Switzerland Invit-2


Impurities Fe,Ni,Cu and Co, form cathodic sites for micro-galvaniccorrosion

Purification via distillation

Measured by glow discharge mass spectrometry

XHP: Fe 2.2 ppm Si 0.3 Mn 2.7

HP Fe 37ppm Si 11 Mn 9


As cast 500 micrometer

As-extruded 60micrometer


In vivo smooth surface homogenous degradation

Corrosion rate

XHP 10 plus/min 3 micrometer/y

HP  28 plus/min 2 micrometer/y



O20- Are biodegradable Mg-based implant materials suitablefor the use in osteosynthesis systems?

J. Reifenrath

Veterinary University ofHannover,




Goal: biodegradable osteosynthesis materials:


Plate-screw system: Gas formation and bone reaction are acceptable

Different plate position, different stress, increase corrosion rate

Interlocked Intramedullary nailing system

4 point bending

Stiffness prior to implantation 2179N.mm, after implantation 1838

Finite element analysis

Development of an ovine tibia model

Implementation of the intramedullary nail


Osteosythesis systems in high loaded vone has to be considered as critical

Preferable use in smaller geometries and lower load


3.5 year follow up in rabbits. Cylindrical rods (2.5mm X 25mm)

Biomechanical stability approximately 12% of original materials

Incomplete degradation


10:10-10:30 O21- Rationalapproach for evaluating Mg alloys for their biocompatibility G.J. DiasUniversity of Otago, New Zealand Invit-4


30mL initially with 14mL replaced daily


Implanted subcutaneously in the dorsal abdominal region of Lewis rats

7,14,21 days

EBSS provides corrosion rate most similar to in vivo

In vitro should not be used alone to assess the potential biocompatibilityof a material

Inter/intramuscular biocompatibility



O22- Study on in vitro biocompatibility and macrophage phagocytosis of Mg17Al12in Mg-Al-Zn alloys

Y. Ke Chinese Academy ofSciences, China Invit-5


Al mainly concentrate in Mg17Al12, higher potential over alfa-Mg




SOP20- Effect of Mg-2Sr alloys on fracture healing inosteoporotic rats, via SMAD1/5/8 ignalling

X.H. Qu Shanghai JiaotongUniversity, China Invit-6




SOP21- In vitro study on the corrosion protective effect ofcells adhesion on biodegradable Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr alloy

F. Witte Julius WolfInstitute, Berlin, Germany Invit-7



Cell attachement could change corrosion layer


SOP22- Effect of magnesium extract on osteoblastic progenitorcells differentiation

B.J.C. LuthringerHelmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany Invit-8


Differentiation factors were added



String 9.1

Synergistic effect of Mg extract and differentiating factors ondifferentiation and proliferation


11:05-11:10 SOP23- Endothelialgrowth on fluoride and collagen coated Mg alloys D. Zhu North Carolina StateUniversity, USA Invit-9



Collagen coating, fluoride coating



O23- Magnesium alloys in implantology: the effects of high concentrationsof magnesium on human osteoblasts

J.A.M Maier Università diMilano, Italy Invit-10


Mg deficiency is linked to osteoporosis

Lancet 1972, 1, 1300-1302

High Mg, bMSC and osteoblast

High Mg inhibits primary human osteoblast activity


11:30-11:35 SOP24- In vitrobiocompatibility of novel Mg-rare earth based stent materials D. Zhu NorthCarolina State University, USA Invit-11



SOP25- Proteomics study of mouse fibroblasts exposed tobiodegradable pure magnesium

Z. Zhen Peking University,China Invit-12


ITRAQ-coupled 2D LC-MS/MS



SOP26- In vivo characterization of brushite coated Mg–Nd–Zn–Zralloy for

mandible bone repairingapplications

M. Xiong Fudan University,China Invit-13


Bonding strength >10MPa

7 month implantation in rabbit


11:45-11:50 SOP27- Osseointegrationof resorbable magnesium screws – a SR-CTstudy G. Silvia Malmö University, Sweden Invit-14





Session 5: In Vivo

Time Title PresenterAffiliation Page

16:30-17:00 K4- The application ofbiodegradable magnesium screw in hip surgery D. Zhao

Zhongshan Hospital of DalianUniversity,




Identified blood vessel

Vascularized bone flap

Bone groove at the femoral head neck junction

Bone flap fixation


Femoral neck fracture




O24- Long-term in vivo degradation behaviour of Mg alloys WZ21and ZX50 – a micro CT study

J. Eichler Medical UniversityGraz, Austria Inviv-2


920 mm3 H2 per 1 mg Mg

9-24 months observation of WZ21 and ZX50 pins

Acta Biomater 2012 T. Kraus


Tiny intramedullary islets of new bone after 24 months

Gas bubbleies with cell displacement until 12 months


Considerable for ESIN( elastic stable intramedullary nail)

Unclear if Y can harm



Complete degradation 16 weeks


Optimal clinical degradation time between 12-15 months in situ




O25- In vivo degradation and biocompatibility of linearcutter staples made

of high purity magnesium

S. Zhang

Suzhou Origin MedicalTechnology Co.,




Linear cuter stapler

3 step: Making wire---making staples---experiments

Pure Mg 99.98% 350 degreeC 20:1 ----3mm diameter rods

Cold drawn to wire

Diameter >0.05 mm UTS> 200MPa  average grain size 10 micrometer

Knotted pure Mg wire

Residual stress is a key problem affecting the stability of staples

No fracture within 10 days are needed

Stomach cutting-staple model

Well closure: no leakage, no irregular deformation, no staple missing






18:10-18:30 O26- Preclinical andclinical study of Mg-Ca-Zn alloy S.Y. Cho U&I Corporation, Korea Inviv-4


How to model load bearing capacity?

Lost volume vs maximum depth lost


在韩国得到临床试验许可Hand fracture



Mg-Ca-Zn alloy

No complication in human clinical trial as of today


18:30-18:50 O27- Degradablemagnesium plates and screws for bone fracture fixation A. Chaya University ofPittsburgh, USA Inviv-5


Progressive healing and new bone formation

Screw CR: 0.4mm/year

Plate CR: 0.55 mm/Y

Whole screw, screw head, screw shaft

No difference in flexure load for healed ulnae compare to control


18:50-19:10 O28- Magnesium/PLGAcomposite scaffolds for improved bone regeneration A.J. Brown University ofPittsburgh, USA Inviv-6


Porous Mg/PLGA composite

Dental bone grafting

Solvent casting, salt leaching

40 mg PLGA+10mg Mg, 20mg Mg, 40 mg Mg

Pore size > 50 micrometer

Max stress 200-250KPa for PLGA+40mgMg

Mg/PLGA scaffolds used for Canine socket preservation

8 weeks and 16 weeks


19:10-19:30 O29- Embolic riskmitigation in absorbable implants by composite design J.E. Schaffer

Fort Wayne Metals ResearchProducts

Co., USA



Commercialize high strength wire for SX stent, vascular implant, bonerepair

Aim: avoid harmful energy release due to stress-corrosion-cracking

Elastic energy storage in wires

Nitinol 23 mJ/mm3

Fe 35Mn 10 mJ/mm3

Energy to rupture arterial wall <20mJ/mm3

Wire with thin safety element (internal constrait)

Low stiffness Fe35Mn 管中NiTi丝为芯的复合(high strength1.6GPa  elastic strain 1%)

Fe35Mn with Ta filament



SOP28-Fact behind Zn-based alloy: cytotoxicity study of Zn-3Mg

H. Hermawan UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia Inviv-8

NS Murni

对照Zn Mg

cytoskeleton observation

DNA damage(comet assay)

Bone function marker(ALP)


Inflammatory markers

Zn-3Mg showed a threshold toxicity limit: 0.75mg/ml



SOP29- Comparison of magnesium alloy and poly-L-lactide screwsas degradable implant in canine fracture model

E. Marukawa

Tokyo Medical and DentalUniversity,





Anodizing technique WE43

commercial PLLA

crank-shaped tibial fracture model

4, 12 weeks


19:40-19:45 SOP30- The evaluationof histological methods for biodegradable magnesium H-S. Han

Korea Institute of Scienceand Technology



Goldner’s trichrome (Ferric chloride and hydrochloric acid) severecorrosion of intact Mg, and hinders the accurate evaluation


Toludine blue staining remain intact without corrosion


Villanueva stain

Advantage stain osteoid sites in different colors


Double labeling



Not all staining methods are suitable forevaluation





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