德国Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht的博士后的广告,很不幸的是不要材料专业的
本日下午是去Cilento National Park: Morigerati and Sicili,没有学术报告
Session 3: Corrosion
Time Title PresenterAffiliation Page
08:30-09:00 K2- Influence ofcorrosion on mechanical properties of Mg5Gd wire P. Maier
University of AppliedSciences Stralsund,
Wire of Mg-alloys itself are rarely discussed in literature
Possible wire application: Kirscher wires
Prebending to fit contour
Wire 1.6mm
Solution heat treatment at 500 degree for 6h
Drawing at 350 degree C
9 step (each step with thedeformation of 30%)
Finalized by anneal 470 degree Cfor15 min
Grain size -20micrometer
Second phase Gd-rich (37.5wt%)
Gd-particles of 80wt.%Gd are also found (formed during casting and heattreatment)
Three point bending
Span 25mm test speed 1mm/min(work hardening at 10mm/min only slightlyhigher)
Hardness: ad-cast HV 47---extruded 50---T4—46.8 ---wire drawging 62.9 (longitudinal) 68.7(cross section)
Hardness of pre-bent wires
Higher hardness increase at compression side (known for small thickness)
Outer strain -15% deflection 10 mm, internal angle <90degree
Corrosion of wires: pitting but all over the surface
Corrosion products Mg(OH)2
Over 3 days weight increase 10 mg ~10%
Some wire parts show residual stresses
Corrosion attacked mostly on tension
Elliptical pits developing into subsurface pitting corrosion
Hardly any corrosion attack on compression side even higher hardnessincrease at this side(in theory disclocation increase anodic dissolution)
Tensile stress increase corrosion forming passive layer opens up by thetensile stress
After corrosion, Ductility can be only found for the compression (evenhigher for bending), not for tension
Corrosion strongly reduces strength of the wire
Less microgalvanic corrosion and less residual stress
Correlation between pit shape/size to strength loss
Stress corrosion cracking
O14- Cyclic voltammetry for prediction of degradation ofresorbable metallic biomaterials: possibilities and limitations
W.D. Mueller
Charite UniversitaetsmedicineBerlin,
Discrepancies in corrosion rates between different measurements
Reliability of electrochemical testing?
Al, Fe, Zn, Mg(99.8%)
Ringer solution
Cyclic voltammogramms on Mg with different rate
1mV/S 10, 50mV/S 100 mV/S 200mV/S
H2 gas evolution, current increase
Mg2+ + 2H+ + 4e- = MgH2, pH shift
O15- How Fe35Mn alloy stent degrade in a short-term period
H. Hermawan UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia, Malaysia Cor-3
A stent experience “excessive” plastic deformation crimping and expansion,…
0.5h, 1h 24h, 168h
Degradation proceeds on the stent surface, amount of Fe and Mn decreasewhile O increases.
Degradtion rate increase pure Fe< Fe35Mn alloy< Fe35Mn stent
O16- Methodical Screening of Corrosion Iron Alloys
P. Quadbeck IFAM, BranchLabDresden, Germany Cor-4
Low mass components
Corrosion promoting elements
Adjustment of grain size
Formation of precipitates
Fe-0.6P by mixing Fe with 3.6%Fe3P
Increased sintering activity
Fe-C 0.38, 0.49, 0.65, 0.88 %C
Intermeallic phases precipationwith increase corrosion
Fe-9.3W Fe-20W 1300 degree C homogenized
S known to initiate pitting
Fe3MnS 590 micrometer/y
Fe 463 micrometer/y
Silicon Fe-0.5Si
Contact corrosion
Fe-0.6P5Ag Fe-21.3Au Fe31Ag Fe7.3Sn Fe5.9Ti
Increase corrosion by continuous phase, corrosion at phase boundaries
Carbides phosphides and intermetallic phases reduced the corrosion rate
10:30-10:50 O17- Bioactivecoatings as a key for advanced biomedical applications A. Eliezer Bialik/BaselSts. Beer-Sheva, Israel Cor-5
Most corrosion protection coatings are multi-layer systems
Proper preparation of the surface is absolutely critical to achievingaffective coating performance
The major issue driving development of corrosion protection coatingstodays is the need to meet increasingly strict regulatory requirements
Different mechanism by which bacteria can protect alloys from MIC
Corrosion change with the incubation with bacteria
Bacteria performance Biofilm
Cannulated interference screw
Corrosion Bio-reactor Cell
For uncoated sample the geometry have influence on corrosion rate, butafter coating the influence decreases.
SOP17- Comparison of the degradation behaviour of binary Mg-Agand Mg-Gd alloys in PBS and in physiological conditions
I. Marco KatholiekeUniversiteit Leuven, Belgium Cor-7
Mg-Gd (slown down)
Mg-Ag(speed up)
Pure Mg WE43 reference
PBS 37 degreeC V/S=30
5%CO2 DMEM V/S=30 37 degreeC
5%CO2 DMEM V/S=2 37 degreeC
MgCO3 Mg(OH)2 HA
SOP18- Study of magnesium fluoride and self-assembledorganosilane coatings of AZ31 and MgCa0.8 alloys
T. Hassel Leibniz UniversitätHannover, Germany Cor-8
Discharge optical emission spectroscopy
SOP19- Influence of different surface modifications of themagnesium alloy
WE43 on the electrochemicalbehaviour
C. Schille UniversityHospital Tuebingen, Germany Cor-9
To avoid the use of harmful HF, KF, NaF, NH4F, CaF2 can be used.
O18- Different approaches for invivo testing of absorbable metals inblood vessels
M. Bartosch DeutschesHerzzentrum Berlin, Germany Cor-10
Large degradable stent up to 30mmX30mm
Preselection mechanical property, cytotoxicity, hemocompatibility
Aim at establishing methods for fat and easy testing of possible stentmaterials
Different materials, process, post treatment….
Cold drawing from 6 to 40.4mm (66 pass)
Wire implantation 1,2,4,6,8 weeks
Carrier stent
Sewing Mg alloy wire on polyamide stent
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