《镜子大全》《朝华午拾》分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/liwei999 曾任红小兵,插队修地球,1991年去国离乡,不知行止。



已有 3945 次阅读 2010-5-3 17:32 |个人分类:成长花絮|系统分类:生活其它| 情人節, 禮物

06.02.14, Happy Valentine’s Day! 甜甜画的情人节图片:


當電視密集強打著各式各樣情人節禮物時? 妳是否也在苦惱著要送給自己的情人一份怎樣的禮物呢 ? 是鑽石恆久遠? 還是花語表情意? 還是各種香水還他一身幽香呢? 沒想到送一份禮物竟然如此的困難,因為沒有一份禮物可以代表自己對他的愛意和情意! 那就學這本書中的Mooch來送一份”The gift of nothing”吧!” 摘自博客 Janet Cafe
( http://spaces.msn.com/janet-cafe/http://blog.yam.com/chivalrous/article/6628643 )

以上是我在网上搜索甜甜最喜欢的小书: The Gift of Nothing, 意外发现的,很惊喜:世界上优秀的作品,总会有共鸣。甜甜自从一两年前在一个图书馆看到这本书,马上就喜欢上了。一直没有买到,现在居然在网上发现了。博客主人好像是个富有童心和爱心的教师。甜甜让我表示感谢,于是我留言:搜索我女儿最喜欢的小书 The Gift of Nothing,到你这里,看到你情人节对此书的推介和翻译,很高兴,谢谢。这本书,今天已经给女儿念了三遍了,她还是要我上床前再念一遍。这样简单的文字(4岁幼儿读物),有这样的真情、幽默和智慧,令人惊叹!

那就學這本書中的Mooch來送一份”The gift of nothing”吧!

Gift of Nothing

It was a special day.
And Mooch wanted to give his best friend, Earl, a gift.
But what to get him?
He had a bowl.
He had a bed.
He had a chewy toy.
He had it all.

Mooch thought and thought.
What do you get someone who has everything?
He would give Earl the gift of nothing.
But in this world filled with so many somethings, where could he find nothing?

Mooch often heard Frank say there was “nothing on TV.” But as far as Mooch could tell, there was always somethings on TV.
Mooch often heard Doozy and her friends say there was “nothing to do.” But as far as Mooch could tell, everybody was always doing something.
Millie came home from the store and said, “There was nothing to buy!” so Mooch went shopping.
Mooch looked up and down every aisle.
He found many, many, many something.
the latest this, the newest that….
But as far as he could tell, nothing was not for sale.

So Mooch went home.
and sat on his pillow and just stayed still (as cats often do).
And not looking for it, he found nothing.
So he went and got a box and put nothing in it.
then Mooch thought, Hmmmm….
Maybe Earl deserves more than this.
So he got a bigger box.
“Now that’s plenty of nothing!”

“For me?” Said Earl.
“Mooch, you didn’t have to give me anything.” Who told him? thought Mooch.
Earl opened Mooch’s gift.
“There’s nothing there,” said Earl.
“Yesh!” said Mooch. “Nothing….. ” “but me and you.”

So Mooch and Earl just stayed still and enjoyed nothing
and everything.

當我讀著這本繪本時, 心中一股暖流。 作者用大量的留白,簡單色調及人物,點出親蜜的友人間最可貴的東西,如同情人間最珍貴的東西一樣,”擁有彼此”勝過任何禮物. 簡單的三個單字, something, nothing and everything.

摘自 http://spaces.msn.com/janet-cafe/


上一篇:《甜甜花絮:Practice Makes Perfect》
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