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The Booming Blogs and Science Journalism in China

已有 4726 次阅读 2009-7-20 16:52 |个人分类:新闻传播社区|系统分类:科普集锦

在2009年7月伦敦举行的第六届世界科学记者大会之“科学新闻的未来”讨论会上,我介绍了中国的博客与科学新闻,题目叫The Booming Blogs and Science Journalism in China点击可下载报告)。



10: The future of science news?

This session is part of the Development Strand funded by DFID

Session supported by: Knight Science Journalism Fellowships

Summary: The pioneers of news organizations that have gone from traditional news format to news ways of delivering news will tell us how they did, what they did and what will come next. A number of different kinds of stories will be told: From the transformation of Scientific American from a stodgy print magazine to a multimedia news organization to the new effort to organize thousands of bloggers around the world and then to bring journalists to the bloggers as sources. The changing world of news will be described, from the booming blogs of China to the Guardian’s award winning website.

Date: Wednesday 1st July

Time: 11.30 to 13.00

Producer: Phil Hilts

Chair: Phil Hilts

Speakers: David Dickson    Hujun Li     John Rennie    Juliana Rotich     Ian Katz



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