近日,《表型组学》(Phenomics)在线发表了华东师范大学通信与电子工程学院胡孟晗副教授和华东师范大学附属芜湖医院病理科戴敏主任的题为“Auxiliary Diagnosis of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Based on Spectral Phenotype”的研究论文。
研究通过光谱数据结合特征空间优化方法构建甲状腺乳头状癌(Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma,PTC)分类模型,计算竞争自适应重加权抽样 (Competitive Adapative Reweighted Sampling,CARS)算法提取得到甲状腺特征光谱与临床、图像指标的相关性,解释特征光谱在筛选范围内与氨基酸分子存在的映射关系,从光谱表型角度为甲状腺乳头状癌的可解释模型提供新的依据与见解。
扫二维码|查看原文原文pdf链接 :https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s43657-023-00113-1.pdf?pdf=button
引用格式:Zhao, B., Wang, Y., Hu, M. et al. Auxiliary Diagnosis of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Based on Spectral Phenotype. Phenomics (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s43657-023-00113-1
图1 PTC特征波长分布
图2 相关性图:a 正常细胞光谱与生理指标的相关性,b PTC 细胞光谱与生理指标的相关性,c 正常细胞参数与光谱的相关性,d PTC 细胞参数与光谱的相关性
Thyroid cancer, a common endocrine malignancy, is one of the leading death causes among endocrine tumors. The diagnosis of pathological section analysis suffers from diagnostic delay and cumbersome operating procedures. Therefore, we intend to construct the models based on spectral data that can be potentially used for rapid intraoperative papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) diagnosis and characterize PTC characteristics. To alleviate any concerns pathologists may have about using the model, we conducted an analysis of the used bands that can be interpreted pathologically. A spectra acquisition system was first built to acquire spectra of pathological section images from 91 patients. The obtained spectral dataset contains 217 spectra of normal thyroid tissue and 217 spectra of PTC tissue. Clinical data of the corresponding patients were collected for subsequent model interpretability analysis. The experiment has been approved by the Ethics Review Committee of the Wuhu Hospital of East China Normal University. The spectral preprocessing method was used to process the spectra, and the preprocessed signal respectively optimized by the frst and secondary informative wavelengths selection was used to develop the PTC detection models. The PTC detection model using mean centering (MC) and multiple scattering correction (MSC) has optimal performance, and the reasons for the good performance were analyzed in combination with the spectral acquisition process and composition of the test slide. For model interpretable analysis, the near-ultraviolet band selected for modeling corresponds to the location of amino acid absorption peak, and this is consistent with the clinical phenomenon of significantly lower amino acid concentrations in PTC patients. Moreover, the absorption peak of hemoglobin selected for modeling is consistent with the low hemoglobin index in PTC patients. In addition, the correlation analysis was performed between the selected wavelengths and the clinical data, and the results show: the refection intensity of selected wavelengths in normal cells has a moderate correlation with cell arrangement structure, nucleus size and free thyroxine (FT4), and has a strong correlation with triiodothyronine (T3); the refection intensity of selected bands in PTC cells has a moderate correlation with free triiodothyronine (FT3).
胡孟晗,华东师范大学副教授、博士生导师,入选2项上海市人才计划,上海市图像图形学学会康复辅助与健康促进专委会主任,Displays、Int. J. Agr. Biol. Eng、Intelligence & Robotics 副主编,青之助科技有限公司的联合创始人。多年来始终围绕“面向人民生命健康”战略开展相关研究工作,致力于将机器学习、信号分析、图像处理等领域相关理论和技术应用于生物医学、康复辅助、农业工程等领域。近3年以第一作者或通讯作者在IEEE TMI、IEEE TMM、IEEE TBC、AISY、IEEE IoT等期刊上发表学术论文20余篇,牵头制定团体标准 2 项,参与制定团队标准2 项。先后主持国家自然科学基金、上海市科委项目、上海市教委项目、博士后科学基金(一等资助)等在内的国家级、省部级及横向课题 10 余项。2021 年,主导 1 项产学医研合作课题“互联网青光眼智能管理平台”成功落地运营,有望服务我国 2100 多万青光眼患者。
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