“青青子衿,悠悠我心。但为君故,沉吟至今。” 用曹丞相“短歌行”里的这两句诗来 形容我的思想天天被‘统计显著性’所缠绕的情形初看有点牛头不对马嘴,回味一下又似乎颇为贴切。所以特此借用曹丞相“短歌行”里的这两句诗来作为“统计显著性之歌”的引子。
不要问我什么是费雪的‘显著性检验(significance test)’,也不要问我什么是奈曼-皮尔逊的‘假设检验(test of hypothesis)’,我只需要知道标准统计教科书所教的‘无效假设显著性检验(Null Hypothesis Significance Test)’。
管它什么统计抽样分布理论,不要相信什么‘一组抽样数据’无法得出结论性答案的说法,只要你拥有了‘统计显著性’,谁还会去关注什么‘统计抽样分布理论’- 有‘结论性答案’为王 – 管他是用什么方法获取的呢。
My dearest lady ‘Statistical Significance’: ‘The Sound of Statistical Significance’ dedicated to those researchers and scholars who have learned, or been teaching, and/or been applying ‘statistical significance’, and loved and missed her so much.
Please do not ask me the question “what is the theoretic foundation that underpins ‘statistical significance’?”. What I can tell you is ‘the charm of statistical significance is irresistible’ and ‘her power is beyond measure’ as hundreds of statistics textbooks said so. In order to be able to claim my research findings being conclusive, hence publishable, it is worth searching for ‘statistical significance’ with all my heart and strength.
I don’t care what Fisher has said in his ‘test of significance’, neither would I care what Neyman-Pearson’s ‘hypothesis test’ is all about. The only thing I need to care about is the ‘Null Hypothesis Significance Test (NHST)’ as taught in almost every standard statistics textbook.
Please do not bother me with ‘sampling population’ or ‘how my sample data were selected from the population’. It is my faith that the magic of application of NHST would sift out the uncertainty from my sample data because of the ‘statistical significance’. That is why ‘statistical significance’ is a treasure in my analysis toolbox.
As long as my analysis results are statistically significant, my scientific research findings would be deemed to be confirmed – conclusive answers found! What is the point then for me to bother about the disciplinary context or scientific interpretation of my statistical analysis results?
Don’t tell me that ‘scientific findings may be established through repeated experiments’; the statement: ‘the very nature of statistical inference is exploratory’ is not something that I like to hear. My heart goes with the ‘statistical analysis miracle’ achieved by ‘statistical significance’ – any set of sample data could tell me the definite answer of ‘yes’ or ‘no’; ‘true’ or ‘false’.
Who cares about the probability distribution theory; so what if those model assumption conditions cannot be met? As long as the ‘statistical significance’ is achieved as the best stepping-stone towards publications and degrees, any ignorance or worries I had about statistics would disappear like clouds flying away from my sight.
Forget about the ‘sampling distribution’ theory; the view to believe that ‘no scientific findings can be established based on an isolated study’ should not be taken seriously. ‘Statistical significance’ is Queen in statistical analysis because she grants us the conclusive results and nobody would care how I have found her.
Trust not my scientific common knowledge and apply not my professional judgment because only ‘statistical significance’ is the golden rule to determine scientific research findings.
It is a dumb thing to do to explore scientific findings based on laborious and time-consuming repetitive experiments upon disciplinary theory. It is wasting of time trying efforts to make connections between the subject context and statistical models. The best way to fast track/achieve our research findings is to search for the ‘statistical significance’ which is a standard/routine analysis output of those wonderful statistical software.
Furthermore, employ as many as possible various ‘hypothesis tests’ to increase the ‘validity’ of my data analysis results; make my statistical models as complex as possible so that analysis outcomes would not testable. In doing so, I would be able to show how professional and smart I am in performing statistical analysis.
Furthermore, no matter it is with the p-values or confidence intervals in a frequentist approach, or it is with the Bayes factors or posterior probability credible intervals in a Bayesian approach, with all my heart and strength, I shall search for my dearest ‘statistical significance’ until I get hold of her.
Statistical Significance, Statistical Significance, My dear Statistical Significance! I shall hold you until I fall asleep into my sweet dreams.
Statistical Significance, Statistical Significance, My dear Statistical Significance! How could I survive my academic/professional life without you?!
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