Nuclear Science and Techniques分享 NST报道核科学与技术研究领域的科学发现、技术创新和重要成果



已有 1127 次阅读 2022-12-1 10:53 |系统分类:论文交流

Article title: A method for sharing dynamic geometry information in studies on liquid-based detectors



One sentence summary:


The simulation precision of a liquid-based detector can be enhanced by taking the dynamic geometry information into calculation.


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  The Novelty (What)

In order to enhance the simulation precision of a liquid-based detector used in the studies of particle and nuclear physics, this study has proposed a development which considered the impact of a liquid flow and non-uniformity on the detector’s accuracy. The development was based on geometry description markup language (GDML) and a tessellated detector description to share the detector geometry information between computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation software and detector simulation software. The feasibility of this method was shown in a simulation with a non-uniform medium and with a deviation in the event of a vertex reconstruction. By applying it to analyze other dynamic geometry-related problems in particle and nuclear physics, its potential and performance could be further explored as well as optimized.


为了提高用于粒子和核物理研究的液基探测器的模拟精度,本研究提出了一种考虑液体流动和非均匀性对探测器精度影响的改进方案。 该系统基于几何描述标记语言(GDML)和网格化探测器描述,实现了计算流体力学(CFD)模拟软件和探测器模拟软件之间探测器几何信息的共享。 在非均匀介质和顶点重建时有偏差的情况下,仿真结果表明了该方法的可行性。 通过将其应用于粒子与核物理中与动力学几何相关的其他问题的分析,可以进一步挖掘其潜力和性能,并对其进行优化。

The Background (Why)

A large-scale liquid-based detector is an essential tool being utilized in particle and nuclear physics experiments, especially in neutrino experiments and dark matters studies. To fulfil the requirements of the studies, liquid-based detectors with larger size have been designed. As the size increases significantly, maintaining the uniformity in the liquid will be a challenge which directly affects the performance of the detector. Furthermore, the uniformity of the optical properties (e.g. refractive index) of the liquid also depends mainly on the liquid flow in the detector. To consider the implication of the liquid flow and non-uniformity on the performance of the detector, this study has proposed a development to exchange the detector geometry information between different software programs. The output of this study sets a milestone in the design of liquid-based detectors.


大型液基探测器是粒子和核物理实验,特别是中微子实验和暗物质研究中必不可少的工具。 为了满足研究的需要,设计了更大尺寸的液基探测器。 随着尺寸的显著增大,保持液体中的均匀性将是一个挑战,直接影响探测器的性能。 此外,液体的光学性质(例如折射率)的均匀性也主要取决于检测器中的液体流动。 为了考虑液体流动和非均匀性对探测器性能的影响,本研究提出了一种在不同软件程序之间交换探测器几何信息的开发方案。 这项研究的成果在液基探测器的设计上树立了一个里程碑。

The SDG impact (Big Why)

The new development and improvement of liquid-based detectors has contributed to a series of experimental and theoretical studies to assess the astrophysical- and geo-neutrinos. Neutrinos are one of the most abundant particles in the universe. They have very little interaction with matter and that explains they are incredibly difficult to detect.  This development is a major step towards the study of neutrinos and dark matter, an innovation that potentially spins-off many other industrial and infrastructure applications (UNSDG 9: Industries, Innovation & Infrastructure).


液基中微子探测器的新发展和改进促进了一系列天体物理中微子和地球中微子的实验和理论研究。 中微子是宇宙中最丰富的粒子之一。 它们与物质的相互作用很少,这就解释了它们难以被探测到的原因。 这一发展是研究中微子和暗物质的一个重大步骤,这一创新有可能催生许多其他工业和基础设施应用(UNSDG 9:工业、创新和基础设施)。

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