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专刊征稿 | 采用大数据方法探索口腔健康与全身性疾病的关联

已有 2615 次阅读 2021-11-10 11:06 |个人分类:前沿专刊|系统分类:论文交流


  • 该研究领域的重要性


  • 该研究领域的前沿趋势


  • 征稿信息


  • 设计新的临床试验:


  • 基于人群的研究:调查口腔疾病与任何全身性疾病之间的联系;

  • 数据分析新进展:采用大样本量、大数据、图像数据、基因遗传数据或其他大数据方法,推断口腔与全身性疾病之间的因果关系或关联;

  • 数据驱动工具、协议或指南研发:用于识别特定高危人群;

  • 预测模型:采用现有数据预测疾病进展或轨迹识别高危人群并推荐个性化的预防或治疗策略。





Frontiers in Big Data  新晋期刊

Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence  新晋期刊

此专刊仍 接收投稿 ,截稿时间:

  • Abstract - 2021 年 01 月 15 日

  • Manuscript - 2022 年 04 月 30 日


  • 客座主编团队

Jing Kang,Lecturer / Senior Lecturer,University of Leeds,Leeds, United Kingdom

Dr Jing Kang (JK)’s research interest include public health, epidemiology, statistical modelling, and applying analytical skills in ‘big data’. JK has many publications exploring the relation between oral health and systemic diseases in general population and specific at-risk populations. JK is a regular speaker at national and international conferences and is a reviewer for several peer reviewed journals and research grants. JK has successful experience of securing research funding, including EU Framework grant (ADVOCATE), charity grants (Alzheimer’s Society, British Society for antimicrobial chemotherapy, Leeds Teaching Hospital Charitable grant), and industry grant (Colgate-Palmolive Company). 

Fang Hua,Executive Deputy Director,Centre for Evidence-Based Stomatology,School of Stomatology, Wuhan University,Wuhan, China

武汉大学口腔医院正畸一科副主任医师、硕士生导师。兼任武汉大学口腔医院循证口腔医学中心常务副主任及临床研究中心办公室副主任、英国曼彻斯特大学牙医学院名誉研究员、Cochrane 协作网口腔健康组 Editor、Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice 编委、IADR 循证牙医学专委会 Councillor、中华口腔医学会正畸专委会青年委员、湖北省睡眠研究会青年委员。入选湖北省海外高层次人才引进计划。发表第一/通讯作者 SCI 论文 50 余篇,参编国内外教材 3 部,主持国家自然科学基金 1 项。

Mark Ide,Professor,King's College London,London, United Kingdom

Prof Mark Ide’s research work has been a mixture of basic sciences, clinical and translational investigating dentine sensitivity treatment and assessment, periodontal- systemic links and inflammation including pregnancy outcome, monitoring and assessment of periodontal tissues in health and disease.

Currently focusing on biomarkers for periodontal and other diseases, periodontal-systemic links, inflammation, epidemiology, disease measurement and associations with microbiome, as well as tissues imaging and the use of technology for education and for improving the physical performance of clinicians.

Jianhua Wu,Associate Professor,University of Leeds,Leeds, United Kingdom

Dr Jianhua Wu’s main research interests are statistical application in applied oral and medical health research (particularly cardiovascular disease); data mining, machine learning analysis and methodological development for electronic health record data; understanding the relationship between oral health and systemic disease; data linkage for research-ready database, new design and analysis for clinical trials ; Trigeminal Neuralgia, GWAS study in oral health. He was recently awarded a BHF-Alan Turing Data Science Award to conduct a big data project using Hospital Episode Statistic. 

Francesco D'Aiuto,Professor,University College London,London, United Kingdom

Francesco qualified with DMD honour’s degree from the University of Naples in 1997. He attended a number of post-graduate training courses in periodontology in Italy and Sweden completing his specialty program (MClinDent) at UCL, London in 2008. His research career started with a Clinical research fellowship from the Italian Society of Periodontology (2000) followed by a PhD in clinical periodontology. He received a number of awards including the AAP clinical Research Award (2005), Antony Rizzo Young Investigator Award in (2009), Innovators in Diabetes Award from the UK Charity Diabetes UK (2012) and a Clinical Senior Lectureship from the Department of Health in UK (2010). He was appointed Professor of Periodontology and Head of the Periodontology Unit at UCL in 2017. His research focus is on the association between periodontal diseases and systemic diseases including cardiovascular diseases and diabetes and on identifying novel treatments for periodontitis (by non-surgical and surgical means). His clinical focus is on the management of periodontitis using both non-surgical and surgical means, soft and hard tissues regenerative therapies, advanced management and placement of dental implants including treatment of their complications.

Praveen Sharma,Associate Professor,University of Birmingham,Birmingham, United Kingdom

Dr Sharma is a Clinical Senior Lecturer and honorary Specialist Registrar in Restorative Dentistry at the School of Dentistry in the University of Birmingham. He completed his PhD in 2019, funded by the NIHR (National Institute for Health Research) as part of the Doctoral Research Fellowship (DRF).

His research expertise lie in the fields of big data, epidemiology, medical statistics and the interface between oral and systemic diseases. Praveen’s research has won him numerous accolades and he has been invited by national and international periodontal societies to present his research. Praveen is a calibrated assessor of dental indices used in clinical studies.

Sue Pavitt,Professor,University of Leeds,Leeds, United Kingdom

Prof Sue Pavitt is the Director at Dental Translational & Clinical Research Unit (DenTCRU) specialised in translational and Applied Health Research. Her areas of expertise include: Efficient clinical trial design; MAMS clinical trials; Efficacy & Mechanistic Evaluations; Translational Research; Patient Public Involvement & Engagement; and Oral & Systemic Health link.

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