面对众多优质文章在 Frontiers 的不断发表,而你可能由于种种原因错过了。为此,“主编荐读” 集合了 Frontiers 众多期刊近期发表的优质文章,由各期刊编委汇总选送。
本期由目前担任 Frontiers in Pain Research (IF: 2.5 | CiteScore: 2.1) 期刊 Pain Research Methods 栏目主编的 A Vania Apkarian 教授,对近期发表在该栏目下的部分文章进行了推荐及点评,欢迎阅读。
Prof A Vania Apkarian, Specialty Chief Editor for Pain Research Methods and the man behind the helm of Pain Research Methods section, is a true maverick in the world of neuroscience. With a PhD from SUNY and postdoctoral training in Germany, Vania has been at the forefront of pain research for decades. His journey from studying electrical engineering to delving into the intricacies of the human brain is nothing short of inspiring.
As the Director of the Center for Translational Pain Research at Northwestern University, Vania's work has focused on unraveling the mysteries of chronic pain. His groundbreaking research using human brain imaging has shed light on the neural mechanisms underlying pain perception. And if that wasn't enough, he's also been exploring the molecular pathways involved in chronic pain, with the aim of developing new treatments. His most recent work regards brain mechanisms of long-term opioid exposure in chronic pain patients. In this line of work his team have now developed a technology to marry brain activity with chemo architecture, as a result they are now able to link chronic pain processes in human brain imaging directly to molecular targets (stay tuned regarding coming publications).
Beyond his research, Vania is a dedicated educator and mentor. He has mentored countless students and young scientists, inspiring them to pursue their own research passions. His commitment to open science is evident in his role as Editor-in-Chief of Frontiers in Pain Research Methods.
What Is the Numerical Nature of Pain Relief?
https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/pain-research/articles/10.3389/fpain.2021.756680/ full?utm_source=kexuewang&utm_medium=cpm&utm_content=FPAIN01&utm_campaign=webpromochn |
Brainstem Diffusion Tensor Tractography and Clinical Applications in Pain
主编导读:这项研究勾画了慢性疼痛中脑干白质通路的成像方法。毫无疑问,脑干回路在慢性疼痛中起着关键作用。然而,目前这方面的知识几乎完全来自动物模型研究。Zhang 的研究提供了在人类临床条件下扩展这些研究的技术。
https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/pain-research/articles/10.3389/fpain.2022.840328/full? utm_source=kexuewang&utm_medium=cpm&utm_content=FPAIN02&utm_campaign=webpromochn |
A Bayesian model for chronic pain
主编导读:贝叶斯疼痛模型正被多个研究小组逐渐推广。这一主题很新颖,且其统计实现需要对贝叶斯统计有一定的熟悉度。本论文很好地从隐马尔可夫观点(Hidden Markovian viewpoint)阐明了基础概念。我认为,这种关于慢性疼痛概念的表述方式提供了新的启示,并可能成为理解其潜在机制的标准工具。
https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/pain-research/articles/10.3389/fpain.2022.966034/full? utm_source=kexuewang&utm_medium=cpm&utm_content=FPAIN03&utm_campaign=webpromochn |
Frontiers in Pain Research 是瑞士出版社 Frontiers 旗下的开放获取期刊,最新影响因子 2.5。从整体的角度对疼痛进行研究,涵盖一系列医学专业的机制、治疗、社会经济学、诊断、预防措施和疼痛管理。本刊已被 PubMed Central (PMC)、SCOPUS 和 DOAJ 等期刊收录。欢迎所有有助于深入了解疼痛病理生理学和开发新型镇痛药以改善临床治疗的研究。
Frontiers 总部位于瑞士,是全球领先的开放获取(Open Access)出版商,致力于使科学在全球范围内更加开放,其发布的研究文章已被浏览和下载超过 28 亿次。欲了解更多详情,欢迎访问 Frontiers 官方网站:www.frontiersin.org.
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