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已有 5065 次阅读 2022-12-20 15:40 |个人分类:论文|系统分类:论文交流


2022年12月15日,aBIOTECH 正式被被科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)数据库收录,ESCI 将收录 aBIOTECH 创刊以来的全部文章。2023年将获首个影响因子!

被ESCI收录意味着期刊的学术质量、期刊国际化和规范化等方面得到了充分认可和肯定。此前,aBIOTECH 已被PubMed Central(PMC), Scopus, CSCD, CABI, CNKI, Dimensions 等20余个国内外数据库收录。

ESCI(Emerging Sources Citation Index)是依据科睿唯安(原汤森路透)选刊标准遴选出的高质量期刊索引,主要收录具有区域重要性和新兴科技领域的高质量、同行评议的英文期刊。与SCI、SSCI和AHCI等共同组成Web of Science核心合集,所有被ESCI数据库收录的期刊,其文章均可以在SCI网站上被检索到,极大增加了收录文章的国际传播力。期刊被ESCI收录,意味着拿到了进入SCIE的关键入场券。




aBIOTECH , as a peer-reviewed journal, the aims are two-fold: the first is to publish seminal articles, which then serve to focus the relevant research communities to achieve the development of superior agroecosystems, globally. The second is to foster community engagement, at the regional, national, and international level, to include business, politics, and society, to foster appreciation for the capacity of modern agrobiotechnology/ genomics-empowered strategies, for revolutionizing breeding programs.

Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the followings:

TRANSGENE & GENE EDITING TECHNOLOGIES: Novel strategies including production and analysis of transgenic crops or animals; gene insertion, expression and/or silencing; commercialization of modified crops/livestock for agricultural production; safety and regulatory affairs/policies.

METABOLIC ENGINEERING: Synthesis of bioactive natural products, and study on metabolic networks and their functions, using both genetic and synthetic biology approaches.

TECHNOLOGIES FOR DISEASE CONTROL:Developmental, physiological and biochemical studies, and new strategies relevant to disease control in crop or livestock production systems.

GENOMICS & BREEDING: Genome, proteome metabolome, pan-genome and metagenome analytical approaches that can promote crop and livestock breeding programs.

OMICS: Sequence analysis, including metabolomics/ transcriptome sequencing, protein sequencing, single cell sequencing, marker-assisted genomic selection, and bioinformatics tools/ methods to advance breeding.

SOIL-MICROBIOME AGROECOSYSTEMS: Microbiome engineering directed at enhancing crop performance under non-ideal growth conditions.



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