Electronic structures and topological properties of TeSe2 monolayers Zhengyang Wan(万正阳), Hao Huan(郇昊), Hairui Bao(鲍海瑞), Xiaojuan Liu(刘晓娟), and Zhongqin Yang(杨中芹) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 117304 二维拓扑材料由于其深刻的物理内涵和非常广阔的应用前景吸引了凝聚态物理领域研究人员的极大关注。拓扑电子态是一种全新的量子物态,体系的表面态或边界态的电子输运特性由系统体态电子结构的拓扑性质决定。拓扑材料除了具有有趣的电输运特性以外,它的热电性能往往也非常显著。寻找实验室易于制备、观测的拓扑材料并探究其电子态及拓扑行为是当前拓扑材料研究领域的重点。通过对二维材料结构的设计,以及对材料电子结构和性质进行可控调制,可以为实现拓扑非平庸体系提供有效的思路。 我们的工作是基于密度泛函理论以及Wannier函数方法,研究了二维单层TeSe2体系的电子态和拓扑特性,探讨了α-TeSe2,β-TeSe2,γ-TeSe2三种构型的稳定性。为了能够在该体系中实现量子自旋霍尔效应,对γ-TeSe2 费米能级之上1 eV附近的特征能带进行双轴应变调控。在压缩应变从1 %到6 %的过程中,可以调控出非零的全局特征能隙,且随着应变增加能隙呈现先增加后减小的趋势,在3.5 %压缩应变时,体系具有最大的0.14 eV的全局非平庸能隙。这一非单调能隙变化现象是由Se的pz轨道与Te的px,py轨道相互作用减弱及局部能带色散减小相互竞争决定的。这一能隙的拓扑非平庸特性由Z2拓扑数以及边界态的计算来表征。体系的拓扑机制属于没有能带翻转的非狄拉克型的一类,不同于以往发现的许多量子自旋霍尔效应体系。施加正应变时,体系为拓扑半金属。 本研究展示了γ型二硒化碲的拓扑特性,拓宽了人们对量子自旋霍尔系统的认识,为量子自旋霍尔绝缘体的实验观测和实际应用提供了新的候选材料。同时,基于这一机制,人们可以从更多的非狄拉克型半导体材料中寻找可以实现量子自旋霍尔效应的体系,这需要进一步地不断探索。 原文链接 PDF Fig. 8. (a) Energy bands of the -4% strained γ-TeSe2 monolayer after doping two electrons into the unit cell. The EF is now within the global topologically nontrivial band gap. (b) Comparison of the energy bands obtained by using the Wannier function interpolation method and the DFT. (c) The Wannier charge center evolution diagram of the material. (d) The energy bands of a semi-infinite monolayer γ-TeSe2 with -4% strain. The topologically nontrivial edge states of the material are marked by arrows. Realization of semiconducting Cu2Se by direct selenization of Cu(111) Yumu Yang(杨雨沐), Qilong Wu(吴奇龙), Jiaqi Deng(邓嘉琦), Jing Wang(王静), Yu Xia(夏雨), Xiaoshuai Fu(富晓帅), Qiwei Tian(田麒玮), Li Zhang(张力), Long-Jing Yin(殷隆晶), Yuan Tian(田园), Sheng-Yi Xie(谢声意), Lijie Zhang(张利杰), and Zhihui Qin(秦志辉) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 116802 过渡金属单硫化物因其在热电方面尤其是太阳能电池方面的应用而备受关注。然而,该类材料并没有自然存在对应的层状结构。已有理论预测表明二维结构形式的该类材料具有更丰富的性质,并且在光电、催化、新能源及传感器等多个方面有更广阔更深层次的应用前景。但是,单层过渡金属单硫化物的制备非常困难,目前还处于起步阶段。 本文在超高真空环境利用分子束外延技术,通过对铜单晶表面直接硒化的方式制备出了半导体型Cu2Se。X射线光电子能谱显示所制备结构的化学组分为Cu2Se,利用高分辨扫描隧道显微镜图像及扫描隧道谱学信息研究了Cu2Se的表面结构和电子学性质。由于Cu2Se与Cu(111)衬底的晶格失配形成莫尔结构,测得Cu2Se的带隙为0.78 eV,这与第一性原理计算获得的~0.8 eV带隙符合良好。 本研究提出了一种简易且高效制备非层状二维过渡金属单硫族化合物的方法,为该类材料的未来大规模生产应用奠定了基础。 原文链接 PDF Fig. 2. The atomic structure and electronic properties of Cu2Se. (a) A large scale STM image (sample bias 1 V and tunneling current 10 pA) of Cu2Se. A line-profile across the step edge presented in the inset with a height of around 0.2 nm. (b) A zoom-in STM image (sample bias 700 mV and tunneling current 100 pA) of Cu2Se. Image inset is the FFT at (b). (c) Atomic configuration of Cu2Se at the top panel and the lower panel is the line-profile of Cu2Se. (d) dI/dV spectra of Cu2Se indicating a semiconducting feature with a band gap of 0.78 eV. Suppression of ion migration in perovskite materials by pulse-voltage method Xue-Yan Wang(王雪岩), Hu Wang(王虎), Luo-Ran Chen(陈烙然), Yu-Chuan Shao(邵宇川), and Jian-Da Shao(邵建达) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 118104 金属卤化物钙钛矿材料具有载流子扩散距离长、缺陷容忍能力强、制备成本低等优势,在光电领域具有广阔的应用前景。钙钛矿器件中的离子迁移受材料特性、外界环境和工作模式等因素的共同影响,是诱导迟滞现象和稳定性差的重要原因。因此,抑制离子迁移是提升器件性能的有效手段。本文提出了脉冲电压方法抑制甲胺铅溴单晶器件中的离子迁移,通过分析测量历史和参数,总结了脉冲电压测试的指导方案,实现了对离子迁移的抑制。通过高分辨电流演化实验证实,当单次脉冲电压时间足够短,离子不足以跨越势垒时,产生的离子迁移效应可以忽略不计。同传统长时间电压加载方法对比,脉冲电压方法能够使器件在长期测试下保持稳定。本文利用该方法研究钙钛矿材料的变化电学特性,发现排除离子迁移过程后相变温度附近仍然存在活化能的突变现象,为钙钛矿材料的电流-电压特性引入了新的物理见解。本文提出的方法为研究钙钛矿材料的本征物理特性提供了一条新途径,也为钙钛矿器件提供了全新的工作模式,这将极大地促进其在辐射和光电探测等方面的应用。 原文链接 PDF Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the principle and effect in the LDV and PV measurement. (a) LDV method. (b) PV method. The voltage duration and waiting interval is labeled as t1 and t2, respectively. (c), (d) Ion distribution before and after measurement with (c) LDV and (d) PV method. A composite micromotor driven by self-thermophoresis and Brownian rectification Xin Lou(娄辛), Nan Yu(余楠), Ke Chen(陈科), Xin Zhou(周昕), Rudolf Podgornik, and Mingcheng Yang(杨明成) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 114702 依据噪声在微纳马达运动中所扮演的角色,可以将微纳马达分为布朗马达和自推进的活性粒子。联合噪声与周期性调节的非对称外势场,布朗马达在没有净外力的作用下可以实现定向输运。噪声在布朗马达中起着诱导其定向运动的作用。然而,对于自推进的活性胶体粒子,噪声会破坏其自推进运动的方向性。噪声在这两类马达中起着截然不同的作用,那么一个有趣的问题是:活性粒子是否也能像布朗马达一样利用噪声提升自身的输运性能? 本文将自热泳驱动的活性粒子与周期性调节的非对称外势场结合起来,构造了一种复合微纳马达,并运用介观流体力学方法对其进行了广泛的模拟研究。结果表明复合马达的定向运动速度得到了较大的提升,接近传统布朗马达与自热泳活性粒子定向运动速度之和。本文进一步发现复合马达定向运动的方向可以通过非对称外势场进行调控。本工作为探索在流体环境中主动地利用噪声提升活性胶体粒子的输运能力提供了十分有益的尝试。 原文链接 PDF Fig. 2. Contour plots of the micromotor transport velocity in the x-direction as a function of the modulation period Ttot and Ton/Ttot. Brownian motor with a passive particle with (a), and without (b) hydrodynamics, (c) composite motor composed of the self-thermophoretic Janus particle, (d) an active Brownian particle moving in a ratchet potential, (e) composite motor with the self-thermophoretic Janus particle having a slip boundary on its non-heated hemisphere. The results in (a), (c), (e) are all obtained by the hybrid mesoscale simulation, while those in (b), (d) are obtained through the Brownian dynamics simulation without explicit solvent. SPECIAL TOPIC — Non-Hermitian physics SPECIAL TOPIC — Unconventional superconductivity SPECIAL TOPIC — Two-dimensional magnetic materials and devices SPECIAL TOPIC — Ion beam modification of materials and applications SPECIAL TOPIC — Quantum computation and quantum simulation SPECIAL TOPIC —Twistronics SPECIAL TOPIC — Machine learning in condensed matter physics SPECIAL TOPIC — Phononics and phonon engineering SPECIAL TOPIC — Water at molecular level SPECIAL TOPIC — Optical field manipulation SPECIAL TOPIC — Modeling and simulations for the structures and functions of proteins and nucleic acids SPECIAL TOPIC —Terahertz physics SPECIAL TOPIC — Ultracold atom and its application in precision measurement SPECIAL TOPIC — Topological 2D materials SPECIAL TOPIC — Active matters physics SPECIAL TOPIC — Physics in neuromorphic devices SPECIAL TOPIC — Advanced calculation & characterization of energy storage materials & devices at multiple scale TOPICAL REVIEW — Advanced calculation & characterization of energy storage materials & devices at multiple scale TOPICAL REVIEW — Quantum dot displays TOPICAL REVIEW — CALYPSO structure prediction methodology and its applications to materials discovery SPECIAL TOPIC — A celebration of the 100th birthday of Kun Huang TOPICAL REVIEW — A celebration of the 100th birthday of Kun Huang SPECIAL TOPIC — Strong-field atomic and molecular physics TOPICAL REVIEW — Strong-field atomic and molecular physics TOPICAL REVIEW — Topological semimetals SPECIAL TOPIC — Topological semimetals SPECIAL TOPIC — Photodetector: Materials, physics, and applications TOPICAL REVIEW — Photodetector: Materials, physics, and applications TOPICAL REVIEW — Fundamental research under high magnetic fields Virtual Special Topic — High temperature superconductivity Virtual Special Topic — Magnetism and Magnetic Materials https://iopscience.iop.org/journal/1674-1056
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