CPB2021年第11期编辑推荐文章,敬请关注! COVER Electronic structures and topological properties of TeSe2 monolayers Zhengyang Wan(万正阳), Hao Huan(郇昊), Hairui Bao(鲍海瑞), Xiaojuan Liu(刘晓娟), and Zhongqin Yang(杨中芹) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 117304 Abstract PDF HIGHLIGHT Realization of semiconducting Cu2Se by direct selenization of Cu(111) Yumu Yang(杨雨沐), Qilong Wu(吴奇龙), Jiaqi Deng(邓嘉琦), Jing Wang(王静), Yu Xia(夏雨), Xiaoshuai Fu(富晓帅), Qiwei Tian(田麒玮), Li Zhang(张力), Long-Jing Yin(殷隆晶), Yuan Tian(田园), Sheng-Yi Xie(谢声意), Lijie Zhang(张利杰), and Zhihui Qin(秦志辉) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 116802 Abstract PDF HIGHLIGHT Suppression of ion migration in perovskite materials by pulse-voltage method Xue-Yan Wang(王雪岩), Hu Wang(王虎), Luo-Ran Chen(陈烙然), Yu-Chuan Shao(邵宇川), and Jian-Da Shao(邵建达) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 118104 Abstract PDF HIGHLIGHT A composite micromotor driven by self-thermophoresis and Brownian rectification Xin Lou(娄辛), Nan Yu(余楠), Ke Chen(陈科), Xin Zhou(周昕), Rudolf Podgornik, and Mingcheng Yang(杨明成) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 114702 Abstract PDF SPECIAL TOPIC—Two-dimensional magnetic materials and devices Review of Raman spectroscopy of two-dimensional magnetic van der Waals materials Yu-Jia Sun(孙宇伽), Si-Min Pang(庞思敏), and Jun Zhang(张俊) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 117104 Abstract PDF Magnetic two-dimensional van der Waals materials forspintronic devices Yu Zhang(张雨), Hongjun Xu(许洪军), Jiafeng Feng(丰家峰), Hao Wu(吴昊), Guoqiang Yu(于国强), and Xiufeng Han(韩秀峰) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 118504 Abstract PDF Carrier and magnetism engineering for monolayer SnS2 by high throughput first-principles calculations Qing Zhan(詹庆), Xiaoguang Luo(罗小光), Hao Zhang(张皓), Zhenxiao Zhang(张振霄), Dongdong Liu(刘冬冬), and Yingchun Cheng(程迎春) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 117105 Abstract PDF Observation of magnetoresistance in CrI3/graphenevan der Waals heterostructures Yu-Ting Niu(牛宇婷), Xiao Lu(鲁晓), Zhong-Tai Shi(石钟太), and Bo Peng(彭波) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 117506 Abstract PDF SPECIAL TOPIC—Optical field manipulation Superchiral fields generated by nanostructures and their applications for chiral sensing Huizhen Zhang(张慧珍), Weixuan Zhang(张蔚暄), Saisai Hou(侯赛赛), Rongyao Wang(王荣瑶), and Xiangdong Zhang(张向东) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 113303 Abstract PDF Photonic-plasmonic hybrid microcavities: Physics and applications Hongyu Zhang(张红钰), Wen Zhao(赵闻), Yaotian Liu(刘耀天), Jiali Chen(陈佳丽), Xinyue Wang(王欣月), and Cuicui Lu(路翠翠) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 117801 Abstract PDF Minimum structure of high-harmonic spectrafrom aligned O2 and N2 molecules Bo Yan(闫博), Yi-Chen Wang(王一琛), Qing-Hua Gao(高庆华), Fang-Jing Cheng(程方晶), Qiu-Shuang Jing(景秋霜), Hong-Jing Liang(梁红静), and Ri Ma(马日) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 114213 Abstract PDF Theory of multiphoton photoemission disclosing excited states in conduction band of individual TiO2 nanoparticles Bochao Li(李博超), Hao Li(李浩), Chang Yang(杨畅), Boyu Ji(季博宇), Jingquan Lin(林景全), and Toshihisa Tomie(富江敏尚) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 114214 Abstract PDF Controlled plasmon-enhanced fluorescence by spherical microcavity Jingyi Zhao(赵静怡), Weidong Zhang(张威东), Te Wen(温特), Lulu Ye(叶璐璐), Hai Lin(林海), Jinglin Tang(唐靖霖), Qihuang Gong(龚旗煌), and Guowei Lyu(吕国伟) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 114215 Abstract PDF REVIEW Accurate GW0 band gaps and their phonon-induced renormalization in solids Tong Shen(申彤), Xiao-Wei Zhang(张小伟), Min-Ye Zhang(张旻烨), Hong Jiang(蒋鸿), and Xin-Zheng Li(李新征) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 117101 Abstract PDF RAPID COMMUNICATION Photoinduced Weyl semimetal phase and anomalous Hall effect in a three-dimensional topological insulator Meng-Nan Chen(陈梦南) and Wen-Chao Chen(陈文潮) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 110308 Abstract PDF Realizing Majorana fermion modes in the Kitaev model Lu Yang(杨露), Jia-Xing Zhang(张佳星), Shuang Liang(梁爽), Wei Chen(陈薇), and Qiang-Hua Wang(王强华) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 117504 Abstract PDF Structure and frustrated magnetism of the two-dimensional triangular lattice antiferromagnet Na2BaNi(PO4)2 Fei Ding(丁飞), Yongxiang Ma(马雍翔), Xiangnan Gong(公祥南), Die Hu(胡蝶), Jun Zhao(赵俊), Lingli Li(李玲丽), Hui Zheng(郑慧), Yao Zhang(张耀), Yongjiang Yu(于永江), Lichun Zhang(张立春), Fengzhou Zhao(赵风周), and Bingying Pan(泮丙营) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 117505 Abstract PDF Tunable and highly sensitive temperature sensor based on graphene photonic crystal fiber Xu Cheng(程旭), Xu Zhou(周旭), Chen Huang(黄琛), Can Liu(刘灿), Chaojie Ma(马超杰), Hao Hong(洪浩), Wentao Yu(于文韬), Kaihui Liu(刘开辉), and Zhongfan Liu(刘忠范) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 118103 Abstract PDF Improved blue quantum dot light-emitting diodes via chlorine passivated ZnO nanoparticle layer Xiangwei Qu(瞿祥炜), Jingrui Ma(马精瑞), Siqi Jia(贾思琪), Zhenghui Wu(吴政辉), Pai Liu(刘湃), Kai Wang(王恺), and Xiao-Wei Sun(孙小卫) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 118503 Abstract PDF ARTICLE Analysis of the rogue waves in the blood based on the high-order NLS equations with variable coefficients Ying Yang(杨颖), Yu-Xiao Gao(高玉晓), and Hong-Wei Yang(杨红卫) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 110202 Abstract PDF Hardware for multi-superconducting qubit control and readout Zhan Wang(王战), Hai Yu(于海), Rongli Liu(刘荣利), Xiao Ma(马骁), Xueyi Guo(郭学仪), Zhongcheng Xiang(相忠诚), Pengtao Song(宋鹏涛), Luhong Su(苏鹭红), Yirong Jin(金贻荣), and Dongning Zheng(郑东宁) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 110305 Abstract PDF One-dimensional atom laser in microgravity Yi Qin(秦毅), Xiaoyang Shen(沈晓阳), and Lin Xia(夏林) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 110306 Abstract PDF Quantum exceptional points of non-Hermitian Hamiltonian and Liouvillian in dissipative quantum Rabi model Xianfeng Ou(欧先锋), Jiahao Huang(黄嘉豪), and Chaohong Lee(李朝红) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 110309 Abstract PDF Adjustable half-skyrmion chains induced by SU(3) spin-orbit coupling in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates Li Wang(王力), Ji Li(李吉), Xiao-Lin Zhou(周晓林), Xiang-Rong Chen(陈向荣), and Wu-Ming Liu(刘伍明) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 110312 Abstract PDF Effect of thickness variations of lithium niobate on insulator waveguide on the frequency spectrum of spontaneous parametric down-conversion Guang-Tai Xue(薛广太), Xiao-Hui Tian(田晓慧), Chi Zhang(张弛), Zhenda Xie(谢臻达), Ping Xu(徐平), Yan-Xiao Gong(龚彦晓), and Shi-Ning Zhu(祝世宁) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 110313 Abstract PDF Geometric structure of N2Oq+ (q = 5, 6) studied by Ne8+ ion-induced Coulomb explosion imaging Xi Zhao(赵曦), Xu Shan(单旭), Xiaolong Zhu(朱小龙), Lei Chen(陈磊), Zhenjie Shen(沈镇捷), Wentian Feng(冯文天), Dalong Guo(郭大龙), Dongmei Zhao(赵冬梅), Ruitian Zhang(张瑞田), Yong Gao(高永), Zhongkui Huang(黄忠魁), Shaofeng Zhang(张少锋), Xinwen Ma(马新文), and Xiangjun Chen(陈向军) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 113302 Abstract PDF A crossed focused vortex beam with application to cold molecules Meng Xia(夏梦), Yaling Yin(尹亚玲), Chunying Pei(裴春莹), Yuer Ye(叶玉儿), Ruoxi Gu(顾若溪), Kang Yan(严康), Di Wu(吴迪), Yong Xia(夏勇), and Jianping Yin(印建平) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 114202 Abstract PDF Effect of pulse duration on generation of attosecond pulse with coherent wake emission Siyu Chen(陈思宇), Zhinan Zeng(曾志男), and Ruxin Li(李儒新) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 114206 Abstract PDF Simulations on the multi-shell target ignition driven by radiation pulse in Z-pinch dynamic hohlraum Shi-Jia Chen(陈诗佳), Yan-Yun Ma(马燕云), Fu-Yuan Wu(吴福源), Xiao-Hu Yang(杨晓虎), Yun Yuan(袁赟), Ye Cui(崔野), and Rafael Ramis Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 115201 Abstract PDF Preparation of graphene on SiC by laser-accelerated pulsed ion beams Danqing Zhou(周丹晴), Dongyu Li(李东彧), Yuhan Chen(陈钰焓), Minjian Wu(吴旻剑), Tong Yang(杨童), Hao Cheng(程浩), Yuze Li(李昱泽), Yi Chen(陈艺), Yue Li(李越), Yixing Geng(耿易星), Yanying Zhao(赵研英), Chen Lin(林晨), Xueqing Yan(颜学庆), and Ziqiang Zhao(赵子强) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 116106 Abstract PDF Metal substrates-induced phase transformation of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides for hydrogen evolution catalysis Zhe Wang(王喆) and Wenguang Zhu(朱文光) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 116401 Abstract PDF Simulations of monolayer SiC transistors with metallic 1T-phase MoS2 contact for high performance application Hai-Qing Xie(谢海情), Dan Wu(伍丹), Xiao-Qing Deng(邓小清), Zhi-Qiang Fan(范志强), Wu-Xing Zhou(周五星), Chang-Qing Xiang(向长青), and Yue-Yang Liu(刘岳阳) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 117102 Abstract PDF Tuning charge and orbital ordering in DyNiO3 by biaxial strain Litong Jiang(姜丽桐), Kuijuan Jin(金奎娟), Wenning Ren(任文宁), and Guozhen Yang(杨国桢) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 117106 Abstract PDF Pure spin-current diode based on interacting quantum dot tunneling junction Zhengzhong Zhang(张正中), Min Yu(余敏), Rui Bo(薄锐), Chao Wang(王超), and Hao Liu(刘昊) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 117305 Abstract PDF Antiferromagnetic spin dynamics in exchanged-coupled Fe/GdFeO3 heterostructure Na Li(李娜), Jin Tang(汤进), Lei Su(苏磊), Ya-Jiao Ke(柯亚娇), Wei Zhang(张伟), Zong-Kai Xie(谢宗凯), Rui Sun(孙瑞), Xiang-Qun Zhang(张向群), Wei He(何为), and Zhao-Hua Cheng(成昭华) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 117502 Abstract PDF Photoemission oscillation in epitaxially grown van der Waals β-In2Se3/WS2 heterobilayer bubbles Jiyu Dong(董继宇), Kang Lin(林康), Congpu Mu(牟从普), Zhiyan Jia(贾智研), Jin Xu(徐瑾), Anmin Nie(聂安民), Bochong Wang(王博翀), Jianyong Xiang(向建勇), Fusheng Wen(温福昇), Kun Zhai(翟昆), Tianyu Xue(薛天宇), and Zhongyuan Liu(柳忠元) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 117901 Abstract PDF Effect of nitrogen gas flow and growth temperature on extension of GaN layer on Si Jian-Kai Xu(徐健凯), Li-Juan Jiang(姜丽娟), Qian Wang(王茜), Quan Wang(王权), Hong-Ling Xiao(肖红领), Chun Feng(冯春), Wei Li(李巍), and Xiao-Liang Wang(王晓亮) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 118101 Abstract PDF Nonlinear signal transduction network with multistate Han-Yu Jiang(姜寒玉) and Jun He(何军) Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (11): 118703 Abstract PDF SPECIAL TOPIC — Non-Hermitian physics SPECIAL TOPIC — Unconventional superconductivity SPECIAL TOPIC — Two-dimensional magnetic materials and devices SPECIAL TOPIC — Ion beam modification of materials and applications SPECIAL TOPIC — Quantum computation and quantum simulation SPECIAL TOPIC —Twistronics SPECIAL TOPIC — Machine learning in condensed matter physics SPECIAL TOPIC — Phononics and phonon engineering SPECIAL TOPIC — Water at molecular level SPECIAL TOPIC — Optical field manipulation SPECIAL TOPIC — Modeling and simulations for the structures and functions of proteins and nucleic acids SPECIAL TOPIC —Terahertz physics SPECIAL TOPIC — Ultracold atom and its application in precision measurement SPECIAL TOPIC — Topological 2D materials SPECIAL TOPIC — Active matters physics SPECIAL TOPIC — Physics in neuromorphic devices SPECIAL TOPIC — Advanced calculation & characterization of energy storage materials & devices at multiple scale TOPICAL REVIEW — Advanced calculation & characterization of energy storage materials & devices at multiple scale TOPICAL REVIEW — Quantum dot displays TOPICAL REVIEW — CALYPSO structure prediction methodology and its applications to materials discovery SPECIAL TOPIC — A celebration of the 100th birthday of Kun Huang TOPICAL REVIEW — A celebration of the 100th birthday of Kun Huang SPECIAL TOPIC — Strong-field atomic and molecular physics TOPICAL REVIEW — Strong-field atomic and molecular physics TOPICAL REVIEW — Topological semimetals SPECIAL TOPIC — Topological semimetals SPECIAL TOPIC — Photodetector: Materials, physics, and applications TOPICAL REVIEW — Photodetector: Materials, physics, and applications TOPICAL REVIEW — Fundamental research under high magnetic fields Virtual Special Topic — High temperature superconductivity Virtual Special Topic — Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
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