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翻译实践:亚述王猎狮浮雕图 Ashurbanipal Hunting Lions

已有 7994 次阅读 2019-1-31 19:57 |个人分类:千里旅行,万卷阅历 Travelling and reading help yo|系统分类:科研笔记| 戴光荣翻译实践, 亚述王猎狮浮雕图

Ashurbanipal Hunting Lions 

  At once groundbreaking and subversive, these ancient stone reliefs from the royal palaces of Nineveh teach us that, in great art, nothing is as it seems.


 What strikes the eye first are the arrows. Released by the Assyrian ruler Ashurbanipal in scene after sculpted scene, the arrows soar through the stony air of the work infallibly towards their ferocious target: a snarl of lions whose primal energy appears to threaten the very existence of the kingdom. The arrows, whether drawn back and frozen in their bows, already snapped, or forever piercing the flesh of their hopeless prey, accentuate the narrative thrust of the seventh-century BC reliefs that once adorned the royal palaces of ancient Nineveh, driving the action forward in time – a groundbreaking innovation in the history of image-making which many scholars trace back to these very sculptures.

The imagined trajectory of the arrows establishes a concurrent spectrum of past-and-present that enables Ashurbanipal simultaneously to appear charioted in one scene, while he rides horseback in another. In addition to the linearity of storyline for which the reliefs are admired, an exquisiteness of chiselled detail that captures the flex and flinch of the stricken animals proved revelatory in the unfolding story of art. ‘See!’, the twentieth-century American writer William Carlos Williams will exclaim in a poem that recalls the reliefs he had encountered as a young man in the British Museum, ‘Ashur-ban-i-pal / the archer-king on horse-back’. Williams cleverly uses hyphens to thin the Assyrian king’s name into the whizz of the soaring arrows, translating into the flow of writing the stasis of the ‘archerking’ we see, frozen in stone:


with drawn bow -- facing lions

standing on their hind legs,

fangs bared! his shafts

bristling in their necks!


Though the artist responsible for creating the reliefs is forgotten, there is little doubt that the surface message he intended is the vivid illustration of the remarkable physical prowess of Ashurbanipal, who alone could be trusted with protecting the kingdom. But locked behind the façade of every great work is an irony that invigorates and unsettles its ostensible meaning. In the case of the seventh-century BC lion hunt of Nineveh, the eye-hook through which crucial visual tension is unleashed is located just above the cage from which a lion is endlessly on the verge of being released. Easily overlooked amid the frozen orgy of violence is the small enclosure out from which a man can be seen leaning, gingerly lifting the door of the trapped beast’s corral.

However mighty Ashurbanipal may appear, in truth his machismo is a choreographed act controlled by the anonymous and half-concealed figure who manipulates the artificial threat-level of the work one manicured mane at a time. He’s the wizard behind the curtain to whom Ashurbanipal would rather we paid no attention. The partially obscured figure ensures that the king’s safety is never truly in jeopardy and that, in effect, he is shooting fish in a barrel. The lions that the ruler appears heroically to be hunting, thus protecting his kingdom from fearsome predators, were in fact captured beforehand by his minions and held in pens.

Ashurbanipal is said famously to have once roared, ‘I held the bow, caused the arrow to fly, the ornament of my prowess.’ What he didn’t say is that his legendary hunts weren’t hunts at all, but staged entertainment – a fact subversively exposed by the sculptor with this incriminating detail. Without the opening of the pen, there is no hunt and there are no arrows suspended in mid-flight forever sculpting the stone into legend. The relief is a farce whose deeper meaning complicates our first impressions. What it ultimately symbolizes is not the might of the king, but the power of art to encapsulate the complexities of life. The king may hold the bow, but the arrow of art always points in one direction: it’s the artist who pulls the strings.

More modern and meta than the year of its creation might suggest, the sculpted lion hunt of Nineveh presciently limbers our eyes for appreciating the elaborate textures of every work of art that will follow. Though there is no way of proving it, I imagine that the half-hidden figure with his hand on the lever of the relief’s pulse, who alone decides when to inject another surge of aesthetic electricity rippling through the veins of his relief, is a self-portrait of the artist himself, whose identity the whirring feathers of time have slowly erased.


Cai Guo-Qiang, Inopportune: Stage Two, 2004, detail of installation consisting of nine life-sized tiger replicas (papier-maché, plaster, fibreglass, resin and painted hide), arrows (brass, threaded bamboo shafts and feathers) and a mountain stage prop (Styrofoam, wood, canvas and acrylic paint: not shown) The brutal storytelling of contemporary Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang’s fierce Inopportune: Stage Two echoes the ingenious narrative arrows invented by the nameless, forgotten sculptor of ‘Ashurbanipal Hunting Lions’ twenty-six centuries earlier.



















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