


已有 1259 次阅读 2023-6-27 06:44 |系统分类:生活其它


上周我生日,我去加拿大多伦多看望我儿子。我住在一个朋友的公寓里。我儿子和别人合租在市中心。我住在多伦多附近的一个小城市,离儿子有一小时多的车程。 第一天见完儿子后,他非常想念我。毕竟,由于疫情的缘故,我们四年没有见面了。所以他要求第二天我还要去看他。他住在市中心,离学校很近。 第二天,我本来计划和他一起去吃饭。但是,我突然想起他说自己会煮肉,因为他练健身和运动,每天要消耗一公斤的肉食。所以我临时改变主意,准备去Costco买一些烤排骨和牛肉给他。 第二天我起得晚了,去了Costco,但没能买到烤排骨。可能是因为附近有很多印度移民,烤猪排不太畅销。最后,我只好买了Costco的招牌烤鸡,还有一些牛肉和水果给他。 在开车去他那儿时,不知不觉已经是下午三点了。我儿子一大早就等着我带的烤排骨,现在已经饿得肚子咕咕叫了。于是他给我打电话问我到哪里了。由于我使用的是美国手机,没有开通到加拿大的漫游,所以我儿子用了一个美国号码给我打电话。 你知道现在骗子很多,我一看到陌生电话就挂断了。结果,我儿子连续给我打了三个电话,都被我挂断了。 幸好,他聪明地想到了另一个办法,用加拿大的电话给我朋友打过去,问我们到哪里了。就在这时,我们的车子已经接近他的住所,只有几百米的距离了。 终于等到我送去的烤鸡了,他狼吞虎咽地吃了几个烤鸡腿,真是饿坏了。这次经历让我们都忍不住笑了起来,毕竟,为了一些烤排骨,我们都变得有点像"骗电话的狼人"了!

A Hilarious Adventure of Finding Barbecue Ribs for My Son

Last week was my birthday, and I went to visit my son in Toronto, Canada. I stayed at a friend's apartment where he shares with others. I live in a small town near Toronto, which is a little over an hour's drive away from my son.

After seeing my son on the first day, he missed me a lot. After all, we hadn't seen each other for four years due to the pandemic. So, he requested that I visit him again the next day. He lives downtown, very close to his school.

On the second day, I originally planned to have a meal together with him. However, I suddenly remembered that he mentioned he knows how to cook meat because he exercises and works out, consuming a kilogram of meat every day. So, I changed my mind on the spot and decided to go to Costco to buy him some barbecue ribs and beef.

The next day, I woke up late and went to Costco, but I couldn't find any barbecue ribs. Perhaps it was because there were many Indian immigrants in the area, and pork ribs weren't in high demand. In the end, I had to settle for Costco's signature roasted chicken, along with some beef and fruits for him.

During the drive, I didn't realize it was already three in the afternoon. My son had been eagerly waiting for the barbecue ribs I was supposed to bring, and now he was starving, with his stomach growling. So, he called me to ask where I was. Since I was using a US cellphone without international roaming to Canada, my son called me using a US number.

You know, there are many scammers nowadays, so as soon as I saw an unfamiliar number, I hung up. As a result, my son called me three times in a row, and I kept hanging up on him.

Fortunately, he had a quick idea and called my friend's phone using a Canadian number to ask where we were. Just then, our car was already approaching his place, only a few hundred meters away.

Finally, when I arrived, he wolfed down a few chicken legs, truly famished. This whole experience made us burst into laughter because, in the end, all of this "hanging up on phone calls" happened just for some barbecue ribs! We turned into a bit of "werewolves who trick phone calls" for the sake of those ribs!

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1 任国鹏

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