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已有 4533 次阅读 2011-3-4 07:30 |个人分类:科研|系统分类:观点评述| 创新, 思维, 博士, 直觉, 高学历

    美国科学院于发布的一本Careers in Science and Technology: A Student Planning Guide to Grad School and Beyond(http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=5129),在第133和134页谈到了念研究生应该培养什么样的能力。
Skills and Attributes that Contribute to a Successful Career as a Scientist, Engineer, Scholar, or Prof.

Intellectual Skills
1.  Honesty (诚信
2.  Curiosity (好奇心
3.  Discrimination—ability to distinguish what is important from what is trivial(处理事情,分清主次!
4.  Imagination and creativity (想象力和创造力!
5.  Common sense(理性认知和判断!)
6.  Objectivity (客观:理智对待问题,避免主观臆断!)
7.  Intuition (直觉:探索客观世界、精神情感的灵感!
8.  Skill in observation of natural, technical, or social phenomena (洞察力:对大自然、科学技术和社会!) 9.  Systematic problem-solving (系统性
10. A good memory (多思考:减少未来可能及早到来的老年痴呆!)
11. Capacity for logical reasoning, including abstract and theoretical reasoning (逻辑推理与归纳总结
12. Capacity to draw logical inferences from observational and experimental data (从表面现象推导本质问题)
13. Ability to conceive an explanatory hypothesis and design critical tests to evaluate it(对实际问题做出全面合理的假设,然后设计方案解决它!

Communication Skills
1.  Capacity to retrieve information from published sources(析取信息)
2.  Skill in learning by interview methods (接收信息)
3.  Capacity to communicate in writing (写作表达)
4.  Capacity to communicate orally (口语交流)
5.  Skill in use of computers and other information-processing devices (精通电脑)
6.  Skill in graphic display of information and ideas(会用图景表达想法!这是最直接生动表达方式!)

Personality Characteristics
1.  Maturity (人格、人生观和价值观的成熟!)
2.  Motivation and drive (自我激励!)
3.  Self-confidence (绝对自信!)
4.  Dependability (值得信赖!communication can take effect!)
5.  Independence (人格和思想的绝对独立性!)
6.  Empathy(思考神入)
7.  Capacity to work effectively with superiors, peers, and subordinates (协调能力:与老板、同学和属下。)
8.  Initiative and sense of responsibility (勇敢的行动!责任心很重要!)
9.  Capacity for objective self-criticism (客观自省!)
10.  Leadership and management skills (领导和管理的能力!)

Habits of Work
1.  Efficiency in the use of time (让时间高效。)
2.  Persistence—ability to see things through to completion (工作可行后,要坚持到最后,不能轻易放弃!)
3.  Capacity for sustained intellectual and physical work (劳逸结合!只学不玩儿,聪明的孩子会变傻!All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!!这是科研中更应该注意的。)
4.  Orderliness (条理性!)
5.  Ability to meet deadlines (设置并完成deadlines!)

Mechanical Skills
1.  Manual dexterity (动手能力!)
2.  Skill in the development, selection, and use of appropriate scientific, engineering, or artistic apparatus, machines, and models (熟练科研工具)

     所以,念硕士博士能干什么,重点不是你可能会学会做科研。更为重要的是它对自己4方面的培养:1、思维力;2、思考力;3、学习力;4、沟通力。做科研本身需要深层次的思维力和繁多的思考方式、极高的独立思考力、一流的学习能力和超强的交流能力!能看到有些人博士毕业时还没有自己的正确的、独立的思考方式,甚至不能顺利表达自己的意图。这个过程你可能还会克服自己的性格缺点、会学会倾听、学会尊重他人、欣赏他人、感谢他人、关爱他人,所以,别浪费了这个高学历。 肯定,校园和社会还是不同的。走上社会我们可能还需要更多与人交往、学会生存和生活等等能力,但也能看到很多社会上的朋友也会空虚、自卑、闭塞、无助,因为很多能力是需要静静地慢慢培养的,是渗入骨子里的。拥有这些能力,走上社会时,才会以最快的速度适应社会、工作和生活。我们应该游戏人生,但游戏有规则! 


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