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已有 7884 次阅读 2017-2-27 22:46 |系统分类:博客资讯| 开放获取, 学术期刊, 注释, DOAJ, 申请表


第一部分:Basic Journal Information


1. Journal Title


2. URL



3. Alternative title

(别名。期刊英文名缩写不是alternative title。)

4. Journal ISSN (print version)

(Only provide the print ISSN if yourjournal has one, otherwise leave this field blank. Write the ISSN with thehyphen "-" e.g. 1234-4321.)


5. Journal ISSN (online version)

(Cannot be the same as the P-ISSN. Writethe EISSN with the hyphen "-" e.g. 1234-4321.)


6. Publisher


7. Society or institution

(Thename of the Society or Institution that the journal belongs to.)


8. Platform, host or aggregator

(The name of the platform, host oraggregator of the journal content, e.g. OJS, HighWire Press, EBSCO etc.)


9. Name of contact for this journal

(Somebody who DOAJ can contact about thisjournal.)


10. Contact's email address


11. Confirm contact's email address


12. In which country is the publisher ofthe journal based?

(Select the country where the publishingcompany carries out its business activities. Addresses registered via aregistered agent are not allowed.)


13. Does the journal have articleprocessing charges (APCs)?


14. Enter the URL where this informationcan be found


15. Amount


16. Currency


17. Does the journal have articlesubmission charges?


18. Enter the URL where this informationcan be found


19. Amount


20. Currency


21. How many research and review articlesdid the journal publish in the last calendar year?

(A journal must publish at least 5 articlesper year to stay in the DOAJ.)

(期刊去年发表了多少篇original research article和review article?Editorial,Case Report,Communication等类型的文章不算在内。DOAJ要求期刊每年发表至少5篇originalresearch article或review article)

22. Enter the URL where this informationcan be found


23. Does the journal have a waiver policy(for developing country authors etc)?


24. Enter the URL where this informationcan be found


25. What digital archiving policy does thejournal use?

() No policy in place



() Portico

() PMC/Europe PMC/PMC Canada

() A national library

() Other

(Select all that apply. Institutionalarchives and publishers' own online archives are not valid.)


26. Enter the URL where this informationcan be found

(This field is optional if you selected"No policy in place".)

(请提供期刊存储政策所在网页的链接。如问题25选择"No policy in place",本问题无需作答)

27. Does the journal allow software/spidersto automatically crawl the journal content (also known as text mining)?


28. Which article identifiers does thejournal use?

() None

() DOI

() Handles

() ARK

() Other


29. Does the journal provide, or intend toprovide, article level metadata to DOAJ?

(If yes, metadata must be provided within 3months of acceptance into DOAJ.)


30. Does the journal provide articledownload statistics?

(If "No" proceed to question 32.)


31. Enter the URL where this informationcan be found


32. What was the first calendar year inwhich a complete volume of the journal provided online Open Access content tothe Full Text of all articles?

(Use 4 digits for the year, i.e. YYYYformat.)


33. Please indicate which formats of fulltext are available

() PDF


() ePUB

() XML

() Other


34. Add keyword(s) that best describe thejournal

(Maximum 6. Keywords must be in English.)


35. Select the language(s) that the FullText of the articles is published in

(You can select multiple languages.)


第二部分:Quality and Transparency of theEditorial Process


36. What is the URL for the Editorial Boardpage?

(A journal must have an editor and aneditorial board. Only in the case of Arts and Humanities journals we willaccept a form of editorial review using only two editors and no editorialboard. Where an editorial board present, at least 5 of its members must beclearly identifiable with their affiliation information.)


37. Please select the review process forpapers

() Editorial review

() Blind peer review

() Double blind peer review

() Open peer review

(请选择期刊的审稿类型。请不要选择peer review,该选项将在改版的申请表中去除。Editorial review指编委会审稿,不送外审;Blind peerreview指single blind peer review单盲审稿)

38. Enter the URL where this informationcan be found

(This field is optional if you haveselected "None" above.)


39. What is the URL for the journal's Aims& Scope?


40. What is the URL for the journal'sinstructions for authors?


41. Does the journal have a policy ofscreening for plagiarism?

(If "No" proceed to question 43.)


42. Enter the URL where this informationcan be found


43. What is the average number of weeksbetween submission and publication?


第三部分:How Open is the Journal?

(Please remember that all the content ofthe journal you are applying about must be available immediately uponpublication.)



44. What is the URL for the journal's OpenAccess statement?


期刊须遵循BOAI对开放获取(openaccess, OA)的定义:“允许所有使用者阅读、下载、复制、传播、打印、检索内容, 并连结至原来的网页, 爬梳内容供检索之用, 置入软件当成资料之用, 以及其它的合法用途, 除了上网本身, 没有费用、法律及技术等障碍。复制及散布的限制, 以及著作权法的施行范围, 祗限于让作者控制内容的完整性及姓名权。”(因人们对OA的理解不同,DOAJ采用的是BOAI对OA定义,详见http://www.certifiedchinesetranslation.com/openaccess/)


“This is an open access journal which meansthat all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/herinstitution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print,search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any otherlawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or theauthor. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.”

了解更多信息,请查阅https://doaj.org/publishers 网页的“Open Access statement”部分)

第四部分:Content Licensing


45. Does the journal embed or displaysimple machine-readable CC licensing information in its articles?

(For more information go tohttp://wiki.creativecommons.org/CC_REL

If "No" proceed to question 47.)



HTML articles:


(This is an open access article, free ofall copyright, and may be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted,modified, built upon, or otherwise used by anyone for any lawful purpose. Thework is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication.)

PDF articles:


(Copyright: © 2016 Frank et al. This is anopen access article distributed under the terms of the Creative CommonsAttribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source arecredited.)

了解更多信息,请查阅https://doaj.org/publishers网页“How do I know if my license information is embedded in themetadata?”部分)

46. Please provide a URL to an example pagewith embedded licensing information


47. Does the journal allow reuse andremixing of content in accordance with a Creative Commons license or other typeof license with similar conditions (Select 'Other')?

() CC BY






() Other

(For more information go to http://creativecommons.org/licenses/)


如期刊采用Creative Commons license,请在前6项中选择一种。如期刊采用其他许可使用协议,请选择Other并注明许可使用协议的类型,如publisher’s own license。选择Other的情况下,须回答问题48)

48. Which of the following does the contentrequire? (Tick all that apply.)

() Attribution

() No Commercial Usage

() No Derivatives

() Share Alike

(如果期刊采用的不是Creative Commons license,请选择期刊许可使用的要求。期刊须在网站上声明是否允许期刊内容用于商业用途Commercial Usage,是否允许制作期刊内容的衍生作品Derivatives<如改编、翻译等>)

49. Enter the URL on your site where yourlicense terms are stated


50. Does the journal allow readers to read,download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of itsarticles and allow readers to use them for any other lawful purpose?

(From the Budapest Open Access Initiative'sdefinition of Open Access.)


51. With which deposit policy directorydoes the journal have a registered deposit policy?

() None

() Sherpa/Romeo

() Dulcinea

() Héloïse

() Diadorim

() Other

(Select all that apply.)

(deposit policy directory是指记录期刊存储政策的网站。期刊可在这种网站注册,添加期刊的存储政策。读者可在该类网站查询到各种期刊的存储信息。例如,期刊Acta Mycologica在Sherpa/Romeo网站的注册信息:http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/search.php

第五部分:Copyright and Permissions


52. Does the journal allow the author(s) tohold the copyright without restrictions?


例如,有的期刊虽声称“作者拥有版权”,但同时要求作者转让给期刊“专有发表权(exclusive publishing rights)”。这种情况下,作者失去了publishingrights, 因此只拥有部分版权。该问题对此类期刊来说,答案是NO。)

53. Enter the URL where this informationcan be found


54. Will the journal allow the author(s) toretain publishing rights without restrictions?

(作者是否拥有不受限制的发表权publishing rights?

- 如文章内容的版权转让给期刊,则答案为NO;

- 如作者拥有文章内容的版权,但转让给期刊专有发表权exclusive publishing rights,答案也是NO;

- 如文章内容的版权转让给期刊,但期刊反过来许可作者non-exclusive publishing rights,这种情况下,答案是YES。

- 如作者拥有文章内容的不受限制的版权,即拥有版权的所有权利,这种情况下是YES。)

55. Enter the URL where this informationcan be found



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