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Semantic Mathematics: A Math for Real Semantic Space(初学者版)

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Semantic Mathematics: A Math for Real Semantic Space

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)


Traditional mathematics, constrained by abstraction and the limitations of human conceptualization, struggles to model the rich, context-dependent semantics essential for advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI). Prof. Yucong Duan proposes the development of Semantic Mathematics, a novel mathematical framework operating within a Real Semantic Space. This proposal outlines the foundational principles, theoretical constructs, and potential applications of Semantic Mathematics. By integrating context, dynamism, and subjective semantics into formal mathematical structures, Semantic Mathematics aims to bridge the gap between abstract mathematical modeling and the nuanced reality of human semantics, thereby advancing AI towards genuine understanding and reasoning capabilities.

1. Introduction

The advancement of AI hinges on the ability to model and interpret human semantics accurately. Traditional mathematics, while powerful in abstract modeling, lacks the capacity to capture the contextual and dynamic nature of real-world semantics. Prof. Yucong Duan's Paradox of Mathematics highlights this limitation, advocating for a paradigm shift towards a new mathematical framework—Semantic Mathematics—that operates within a Real Semantic Space.

This proposal presents an in-depth development of Semantic Mathematics, exploring its foundational principles, theoretical underpinnings, and practical applications. The aim is to establish a mathematical framework capable of modeling real semantics, overcoming the constraints of traditional mathematics, and facilitating the creation of AI systems with advanced semantic comprehension.

2. Foundational Principles of Semantic Mathematics2.1. Real Semantic Space (RSS)

Definition: A multidimensional mathematical space where each dimension represents a semantic attribute, context, or relationship inherent in real-world semantics.


  • Contextual Dimensions: Dimensions correspond to contextual factors influencing meaning.

  • Dynamic Evolution: The space evolves over time as semantics change and new contexts emerge.

  • Interconnectivity: Dimensions are interrelated, reflecting the interconnected nature of semantic attributes.

2.2. Semantic Elements and Relations

Semantic Elements: Fundamental units representing concepts, objects, or entities with semantic significance.

Semantic Relations: Connections between semantic elements that define relationships, such as similarity, causality, hierarchy, or association.

2.3. Contextualization Operators

Operators that modify semantic elements and relations based on context, enabling the dynamic adjustment of meaning.


  • Contextual Mapping: Transforms a semantic element based on a given context.

  • Temporal Operators: Adjust semantics over time, capturing evolution.

2.4. Dynamism and Adaptability

Semantic Mathematics incorporates mechanisms for models to adapt dynamically:

  • Adaptive Functions: Functions that adjust their outputs based on changes in the semantic space.

  • Feedback Loops: Systems that learn from interactions and update semantic representations accordingly.

2.5. Integration of Subjectivity

Acknowledges and formalizes subjective interpretations:

  • Subjective Weights: Assigns weights to semantic elements or relations based on individual or cultural perspectives.

  • Perspective Functions: Functions that model semantics from specific viewpoints.

3. Theoretical Constructs3.1. Semantic Vectors and Tensors

Semantic Vectors: Represent semantic elements in the Real Semantic Space, capturing multiple attributes and contexts.

Semantic Tensors: Higher-order structures that encapsulate complex relationships and interactions among semantic elements.

3.2. Semantic Calculus

A set of mathematical rules and operations for manipulating semantic elements and relations within the Real Semantic Space.


  • Semantic Addition: Combines semantic elements to form composite meanings.

  • Semantic Multiplication: Models the interaction effects between semantic elements.

  • Differential Semantics: Studies how small changes in context or attributes affect semantics.

3.3. Semantic Functions and Transformations

Functions that map between semantic elements or from semantic elements to outputs (e.g., decisions, interpretations).


  • Interpretation Functions: Map semantic elements to meanings or responses.

  • Translation Functions: Convert semantics from one context or language to another.

3.4. Semantic Metrics

Measures to quantify semantic similarities, differences, and distances in the Real Semantic Space.


  • Contextual Distance: Distance between semantic elements considering context.

  • Semantic Divergence: Degree of difference in meaning between elements.

3.5. Semantic Logic

A logical system incorporating semantic principles, allowing for reasoning within the Real Semantic Space.


  • Contextual Logic Gates: Logical operations that consider context.

  • Dynamic Truth Values: Truth values that can change based on context or time.

4. Mathematical Formalization4.1. Mathematical Representation of Real Semantic Space

Let SSS denote the Real Semantic Space, defined as:

S={(e,C,t)∣e∈E,C∈C,t∈T}S = \{ (e, C, t) \mid e \in E, C \in \mathcal{C}, t \in T \}S={(e,C,t)eE,CC,tT}


  • EEE is the set of all semantic elements.

  • C\mathcal{C}C is the set of all contexts.

  • TTT is the time dimension.

4.2. Semantic Elements and Vectors

Each semantic element eee is represented as a vector in SSS:

e=[a1,a2,…,an]\mathbf{e} = [a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n]e=[a1,a2,,an]

Where aia_iai are attributes or contextual parameters.

4.3. Contextualization Operators

Define a contextualization operator OC\mathcal{O}_COC acting on e\mathbf{e}e:

OC(e)=eC\mathcal{O}_C(\mathbf{e}) = \mathbf{e}_COC(e)=eC

Where eC\mathbf{e}_CeC is the contextualized semantic element.

4.4. Semantic Relations and Tensors

Relations between semantic elements are represented using tensors:

R(ei,ej)=Tij\mathcal{R}(\mathbf{e}_i, \mathbf{e}_j) = \mathbf{T}_{ij}R(ei,ej)=Tij

Where Tij\mathbf{T}_{ij}Tij encapsulates the relation in multiple dimensions.

4.5. Semantic Functions

Semantic functions fSf_SfS map semantic elements to outputs:

fS:S→Of_S: S \rightarrow OfS:SO

Where OOO is the set of possible outputs (meanings, actions).

4.6. Semantic Metrics

Define a metric dSd_SdS in SSS:

dS(ei,ej)=Distance between ei and ejd_S(\mathbf{e}_i, \mathbf{e}_j) = \text{Distance between } \mathbf{e}_i \text{ and } \mathbf{e}_jdS(ei,ej)=Distance between ei and ej

This metric accounts for context and time.

4.7. Semantic Logic

Extend traditional logic to include context:

  • Propositions: Statements about semantic elements within contexts.

  • Operators: Logical operators that consider context (e.g., ∧C\land_CC, ∨C\lor_CC).

5. Applications in AI and the DIKWP Model5.1. Data: Contextualized Data Representation

  • Semantic Data Structures: Store data with rich semantic annotations.

  • Dynamic Data Models: Data representations that adapt as context changes.

5.2. Information: Enhanced Information Processing

  • Contextual Information Extraction: Derive information considering context and semantics.

  • Semantic Difference Measures: Quantify information differences semantically.

5.3. Knowledge: Adaptive Knowledge Bases

  • Semantic Knowledge Graphs: Graphs that represent knowledge with semantic relations and context.

  • Dynamic Knowledge Updating: Knowledge bases that evolve with new semantic inputs.

5.4. Wisdom: Context-Aware Decision Making

  • Semantic Reasoning Engines: AI systems that reason using Semantic Logic.

  • Ethical Decision Frameworks: Incorporate ethical semantics into decision processes.

5.5. Purpose: Goal Alignment with Semantics

  • Semantic Goal Modeling: Define goals using semantic elements and contexts.

  • Adaptive Purpose Functions: Functions that adjust AI's objectives based on semantic interpretations.

6. Advantages of Semantic Mathematics6.1. Improved Semantic Understanding

  • Nuanced Comprehension: Captures subtle semantic differences and contextual meanings.

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Models can adapt to different cultural contexts and interpretations.

6.2. Enhanced AI Capabilities

  • Adaptive Learning: AI systems can learn and evolve their semantic models over time.

  • Better Human-AI Interaction: Improved understanding leads to more natural interactions.

6.3. Ethical and Responsible AI

  • Embedded Ethics: Formalizes ethical considerations within semantic models.

  • Transparent Decision-Making: Provides clarity on how AI systems interpret semantics.

7. Challenges and Research Directions7.1. Mathematical Complexity

  • High Dimensionality: Managing the vast dimensions of Real Semantic Space.

  • Computational Resources: Requires significant processing power and optimization.

7.2. Data Acquisition

  • Semantic Data Collection: Gathering data with rich semantic annotations.

  • Contextual Diversity: Ensuring data represents a wide range of contexts.

7.3. Interdisciplinary Collaboration

  • Cross-Field Expertise: Involvement of linguists, cognitive scientists, ethicists, and AI researchers.

  • Standardization: Developing common frameworks and languages for Semantic Mathematics.

7.4. Validation and Testing

  • Empirical Evaluation: Testing models in real-world scenarios.

  • Iterative Refinement: Continuously improving models based on feedback.

8. Implementation Strategies8.1. Development of Semantic Datasets

  • Annotated Corpora: Create datasets with detailed semantic and contextual annotations.

  • Collaborative Platforms: Encourage community contributions to semantic data.

8.2. Algorithm and Model Development

  • Semantic Algorithms: Design algorithms specifically for processing and reasoning within Real Semantic Space.

  • Hybrid Models: Combine Semantic Mathematics with existing AI models for enhanced performance.

8.3. Toolkits and Libraries

  • Software Frameworks: Develop libraries to facilitate the use of Semantic Mathematics in AI development.

  • Visualization Tools: Create tools to visualize high-dimensional semantic data.

8.4. Education and Training

  • Curriculum Development: Introduce Semantic Mathematics in academic programs.

  • Workshops and Seminars: Promote knowledge sharing among researchers and practitioners.

9. Case Study: Semantic Mathematics in Natural Language Understanding9.1. Traditional Challenges

  • Ambiguity: Words with multiple meanings depending on context.

  • Idioms and Metaphors: Phrases whose meanings cannot be deduced from constituent words.

9.2. Semantic Mathematics Approach

  • Contextual Vectors: Represent words as vectors in Real Semantic Space, capturing context.

  • Semantic Functions: Interpret phrases by applying semantic transformations considering context.

9.3. Outcomes

  • Improved Disambiguation: Better understanding of word meanings in different contexts.

  • Enhanced Comprehension: Ability to interpret idiomatic expressions and metaphors accurately.

10. Conclusion

Semantic Mathematics offers a transformative approach to modeling real-world semantics, addressing the limitations of traditional mathematics highlighted by Prof. Yucong Duan's Paradox. By operating within a Real Semantic Space and incorporating context, dynamism, and subjectivity into formal mathematical structures, Semantic Mathematics bridges the gap between abstract modeling and the nuanced reality of human semantics.

Implementing Semantic Mathematics requires significant research and collaboration across disciplines. However, its potential to enhance AI's semantic understanding, decision-making capabilities, and alignment with human values makes it a promising avenue for advancing AI towards true intelligence and meaningful human interaction.

11. References

  1. Duan, Y. (2023). The Paradox of Mathematics in AI Semantics. Proposed by Prof. Yucong Duan:" As Prof. Yucong Duan proposed the Paradox of Mathematics as that current mathematics will reach the goal of supporting real AI development since it goes with the routine of based on abstraction of real semantics but want to reach the reality of semantics. ".

  2. Russell, S., & Norvig, P. (2021). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (4th ed.). Pearson.

  3. Fodor, J. A. (1998). Concepts: Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong. Oxford University Press.

  4. Vaswani, A., et al. (2017). Attention Is All You Need. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.

  5. Zadeh, L. A. (1965). Fuzzy Sets. Information and Control, 8(3), 338-353.

  6. Pennington, J., Socher, R., & Manning, C. D. (2014). GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation. EMNLP.

  7. Bengio, Y., Courville, A., & Vincent, P. (2013). Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 35(8), 1798-1828.

  8. Lake, B. M., Ullman, T. D., Tenenbaum, J. B., & Gershman, S. J. (2017). Building Machines That Learn and Think Like People. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40.

12. Acknowledgments

The author extends profound gratitude to Prof. Yucong Duan for his pioneering insights into the Paradox of Mathematics and the conception of Semantic Mathematics. Appreciation is also given to colleagues and collaborators in mathematics, cognitive science, linguistics, ethics, and artificial intelligence for their invaluable contributions to this proposal.

13. Author Information

For correspondence and further discussion on Semantic Mathematics, please contact [Author's Name] at [Contact Information].

Keywords: Semantic Mathematics, Real Semantic Space, Prof. Yucong Duan, Artificial Intelligence, Contextual Semantics, Cognitive Computing, Dynamic Systems, Neuro-Symbolic Integration, Ethical AI, DIKWP Model


上一篇:Capability Limits of Conceptualization in Mathematics(初学者版)
下一篇:Semantic Mathematics Detailed within the DIKWP Model(初学者版)
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