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Semantic Mathematics Detailed within the DIKWP Model(初学者版)

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Semantic Mathematics Detailed within the DIKWP Model

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)


This document presents a detailed exposition of Semantic Mathematics within the context of the Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP) model. By adhering to the semantic dimensions of Data, Information, and Knowledge, characterized by Sameness, Difference, and Completeness respectively, we aim to demonstrate how Semantic Mathematics can provide a robust mathematical framework for modeling real-world semantics. This approach leverages the principles of Real Semantic Space (RSS) to capture the nuances of semantics inherent in each component of the DIKWP model, facilitating advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems with genuine semantic comprehension.

1. Introduction

The DIKWP model serves as a foundational framework in understanding cognitive processes within AI systems, outlining the transformation from raw Data to purposeful Wisdom guided by Purpose. Each component—Data, Information, and Knowledge—is characterized by distinct semantic properties:

  • Data: Representing Sameness, where elements are grouped based on shared attributes or contexts.

  • Information: Encapsulating Difference, highlighting distinctions and relationships between data elements.

  • Knowledge: Embodying Completeness, forming a coherent and comprehensive understanding derived from information.

Semantic Mathematics, operating within a Real Semantic Space, provides the tools to model these semantic dimensions effectively. This document details how Semantic Mathematics adheres to and enriches the semantic characteristics of Data, Information, and Knowledge within the DIKWP model.

2. Semantic Mathematics Framework Recap

Before delving into the specifics of Data, Information, and Knowledge, let's briefly revisit the key components of Semantic Mathematics:

  • Real Semantic Space (RSS): A multidimensional space where semantics are represented with context, dynamism, and interconnectivity.

  • Semantic Elements: Fundamental units (concepts, entities) represented as vectors or tensors in RSS.

  • Semantic Relations: Contextual and dynamic connections between semantic elements.

  • Contextualization Operators: Functions that modify semantic elements based on context.

  • Semantic Metrics: Measures quantifying similarities, differences, and distances within RSS.

  • Semantic Logic: A logical system incorporating semantics for reasoning within RSS.

3. Modeling Data: Capturing Sameness in Semantic Mathematics3.1. Understanding Sameness in Data

In the DIKWP model, Data is characterized by Sameness, where elements are grouped or identified based on shared attributes or properties. This reflects the initial stage of cognition, focusing on recognizing and categorizing raw inputs.

3.2. Representing Data in Real Semantic Space3.2.1. Semantic Elements as Data Points

Each data element ddd is represented as a Semantic Vector d\mathbf{d}d in the Real Semantic Space SSS:

d=[a1,a2,…,an]\mathbf{d} = [a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n]d=[a1,a2,,an]

Where aia_iai are attributes or features relevant to the data element.

3.2.2. Grouping by Sameness

Sameness is modeled by identifying clusters of data elements that share similar semantic attributes. In RSS, this corresponds to grouping semantic vectors that are close in the space.

  • Clustering Algorithms: Use semantic distance metrics to cluster data elements.

  • Semantic Distance Metric dSd_SdS:

    dS(di,dj)=∑k=1nwk(aik−ajk)2d_S(\mathbf{d}_i, \mathbf{d}_j) = \sqrt{\sum_{k=1}^n w_k (a_{ik} - a_{jk})^2}dS(di,dj)=k=1nwk(aikajk)2

    Where wkw_kwk are weights representing the importance of each attribute.

3.2.3. Contextual Sameness

Data elements may exhibit sameness within specific contexts. Contextualization operators adjust the representation of data elements based on context CCC:

dC=OC(d)\mathbf{d}_C = \mathcal{O}_C(\mathbf{d})dC=OC(d)

This allows for recognizing sameness in different contexts.

3.3. Example: Semantic Clustering of Data

Consider a dataset of images. Each image is represented by semantic attributes such as color, shape, and texture.

  • Semantic Vectors:

    d1=[red,circle,smooth]\mathbf{d}_1 = [\text{red}, \text{circle}, \text{smooth}]d1=[red,circle,smooth]d2=[red,circle,rough]\mathbf{d}_2 = [\text{red}, \text{circle}, \text{rough}]d2=[red,circle,rough]d3=[blue,square,smooth]\mathbf{d}_3 = [\text{blue}, \text{square}, \text{smooth}]d3=[blue,square,smooth]

  • Clustering by Sameness: Using semantic distance, d1\mathbf{d}_1d1 and d2\mathbf{d}_2d2 are grouped together due to shared color and shape.

3.4. Benefits in Data Modeling

  • Contextual Clustering: Allows for dynamic grouping based on context (e.g., grouping by color in one context, by shape in another).

  • Enhanced Categorization: Captures nuanced similarities beyond surface-level attributes.

4. Modeling Information: Capturing Difference in Semantic Mathematics4.1. Understanding Difference in Information

Information arises from recognizing Differences and relationships between data elements. It represents the transition from raw data to meaningful insights by identifying distinctions and patterns.

4.2. Representing Information in Real Semantic Space4.2.1. Semantic Relations

Information is modeled through Semantic Relations between data elements:

R(di,dj)=Tij\mathcal{R}(\mathbf{d}_i, \mathbf{d}_j) = \mathbf{T}_{ij}R(di,dj)=Tij

Where Tij\mathbf{T}_{ij}Tij is a tensor capturing the relationship's attributes (e.g., contrast, causality).

4.2.2. Measuring Difference

Semantic Mathematics quantifies differences using Semantic Metrics:

  • Semantic Distance dSd_SdS captures how different two data elements are.

  • Semantic Divergence measures the degree of difference in meaning or context.

4.2.3. Contextual Differences

Differences may vary with context. Contextualization operators adjust the perception of difference:

dSC(di,dj)=dS(OC(di),OC(dj))d_S^C(\mathbf{d}_i, \mathbf{d}_j) = d_S(\mathcal{O}_C(\mathbf{d}_i), \mathcal{O}_C(\mathbf{d}_j))dSC(di,dj)=dS(OC(di),OC(dj))

4.3. Example: Information Extraction

Using the previous image dataset:

  • Difference Between d1\mathbf{d}_1d1 and d3\mathbf{d}_3d3:

    • Semantic Distance indicates significant difference due to differing color and shape.

    • Semantic Relation captures that d1\mathbf{d}_1d1 is a red circle, while d3\mathbf{d}_3d3 is a blue square.

  • Contextual Difference:

    • In the context of color analysis, the difference is emphasized.

    • In the context of shape analysis, both are different but may share other similarities.

4.4. Information Representation

Information is represented as a set of semantic relations and differences:

I={R(di,dj)∣di,dj∈D}I = \{ \mathcal{R}(\mathbf{d}_i, \mathbf{d}_j) \mid \mathbf{d}_i, \mathbf{d}_j \in D \}I={R(di,dj)di,djD}

Where DDD is the set of data elements.

4.5. Benefits in Information Modeling

  • Rich Relationships: Captures complex relationships beyond simple differences.

  • Contextual Insights: Provides meaningful information tailored to specific contexts.

5. Modeling Knowledge: Capturing Completeness in Semantic Mathematics5.1. Understanding Completeness in Knowledge

Knowledge embodies Completeness, forming a coherent and comprehensive understanding derived from information. It involves integrating information into a structured body that reflects the entirety of relevant semantic relationships.

5.2. Representing Knowledge in Real Semantic Space5.2.1. Semantic Knowledge Graphs

Knowledge is modeled using Semantic Knowledge Graphs (SKGs), where:

  • Nodes represent semantic elements (data elements, concepts).

  • Edges represent semantic relations (information).

  • Contextual Layers: The graph may have layers representing different contexts.

5.2.2. Completeness Through Connectivity

Completeness is achieved by ensuring that all relevant semantic elements and relations are integrated within the SKG.

  • Connectivity: Every node is reachable via semantic relations, reflecting comprehensive knowledge.

  • Semantic Paths: Paths in the SKG represent reasoning or inference chains.

5.2.3. Dynamic Adaptation

Knowledge adapts over time as new information is integrated:

Kt+1=Kt∪{R(dnew,di)}K_{t+1} = K_t \cup \{ \mathcal{R}(\mathbf{d}_{new}, \mathbf{d}_i) \}Kt+1=Kt{R(dnew,di)}

5.3. Example: Building a Knowledge Graph

From the image dataset:

  • Nodes:

    • d1\mathbf{d}_1d1: Red Circle

    • d2\mathbf{d}_2d2: Red Circle

    • d3\mathbf{d}_3d3: Blue Square

  • Edges (Semantic Relations):

    • Similarity between d1\mathbf{d}_1d1 and d2\mathbf{d}_2d2

    • Contrast between d1\mathbf{d}_1d1 and d3\mathbf{d}_3d3

  • Completeness: The SKG incorporates all known images and their relationships, providing a complete understanding of the dataset.

5.4. Semantic Logic in Knowledge

Reasoning within the SKG uses Semantic Logic:

  • Contextual Propositions: Statements about the semantic elements within contexts.

  • Inference Rules: Derive new knowledge by applying logical operations considering context.


  • Proposition: In context CCC (e.g., color analysis), all red shapes are grouped together.

  • Inference: If a new data element dnew\mathbf{d}_{new}dnew is a red triangle, it is connected to other red shapes in the SKG.

5.5. Benefits in Knowledge Modeling

  • Holistic Understanding: Integrates all relevant information into a cohesive structure.

  • Adaptive Knowledge Base: Updates dynamically with new information and contexts.

  • Enhanced Reasoning: Facilitates complex reasoning through interconnected semantic relations.

6. Integration Across DIKWP Components6.1. Flow from Data to Knowledge

  1. Data (Sameness): Semantic elements are identified and grouped based on sameness in RSS.

  2. Information (Difference): Differences and relationships between data elements are captured through semantic relations.

  3. Knowledge (Completeness): Information is integrated into a Semantic Knowledge Graph, achieving completeness.

6.2. Contextual and Dynamic Modeling

  • Contextualization: At each stage, context influences the representation and relationships of semantic elements.

  • Dynamism: The models adapt over time as new data and contexts emerge.

6.3. Purpose and Wisdom

While the focus is on Data, Information, and Knowledge, Semantic Mathematics also extends to:

  • Wisdom: Applying knowledge ethically and effectively in decision-making.

  • Purpose: Guiding the transformation processes with goals and intentions, modeled using purpose-driven functions in RSS.

7. Advantages of Semantic Mathematics in DIKWP Modeling

  • Contextual Depth: Captures the nuances of semantics in each component, enhancing AI's understanding.

  • Dynamic Adaptation: Models evolve with new data and contexts, maintaining relevance and accuracy.

  • Interconnectedness: Facilitates seamless transitions between Data, Information, and Knowledge.

  • Enhanced Reasoning: Enables complex reasoning and inference through Semantic Logic and Knowledge Graphs.

8. Challenges and Considerations

  • Computational Complexity: Modeling high-dimensional semantic spaces requires significant resources.

  • Data Quality: Effective modeling depends on the availability of rich, accurately annotated data.

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Integrating insights from linguistics, cognitive science, and AI is essential.

9. Conclusion

By adhering to the semantic dimensions of Sameness, Difference, and Completeness, Semantic Mathematics provides a robust framework for modeling Data, Information, and Knowledge within the DIKWP model. Operating within the Real Semantic Space, it captures the nuances of real-world semantics, facilitating the development of AI systems with advanced semantic comprehension and reasoning capabilities.

Semantic Mathematics bridges the gap between abstract mathematical modeling and the rich, dynamic nature of human semantics, paving the way for AI systems that can understand, learn, and adapt in ways that mirror human cognitive processes.

10. References

  1. Duan, Y. (2023). The Paradox of Mathematics in AI Semantics. Proposed by Prof. Yucong Duan:" As Prof. Yucong Duan proposed the Paradox of Mathematics as that current mathematics will reach the goal of supporting real AI development since it goes with the routine of based on abstraction of real semantics but want to reach the reality of semantics. ".

  2. Russell, S., & Norvig, P. (2021). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (4th ed.). Pearson.

  3. Kriegel, H.-P., Kröger, P., & Zimek, A. (2009). Clustering High-Dimensional Data. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), 3(1), 1.

  4. Liu, H., & Singh, P. (2004). ConceptNet—a Practical Commonsense Reasoning Tool-Kit. BT Technology Journal, 22(4), 211-226.

  5. Sowa, J. F. (2000). Knowledge Representation: Logical, Philosophical, and Computational Foundations. Brooks/Cole.

11. Acknowledgments

The author extends sincere gratitude to Prof. Yucong Duan for his visionary work on Semantic Mathematics and its application within the DIKWP model. Special thanks to colleagues in the fields of mathematics, cognitive science, and artificial intelligence for their valuable insights and contributions to this exploration.

12. Author Information

For further discussion on Semantic Mathematics and its applications within the DIKWP model, please contact [Author's Name] at [Contact Information].

Keywords: Semantic Mathematics, Real Semantic Space, DIKWP Model, Data, Information, Knowledge, Sameness, Difference, Completeness, Artificial Intelligence, Contextual Semantics, Semantic Knowledge Graphs


上一篇:Semantic Mathematics: A Math for Real Semantic Space(初学者版)
下一篇:Derivation of Semantics in DIKWP Semantic Mathematics(初学者版)
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