第一作者:Chenglin Jiang
通讯作者:Jianbing Yan
背景+问题:Haploid induction is an important tool in crop breeding. Phospholipase A1 (ZmPLA1) / NOT LIKE DAD (NLD)/ MATRILINEAL (MTL) is a key gene controlling haploid induction in maize; however, its molecular mechanism is unknown.
主要研究:To understand the regulatory network of zmpla1, we applied a comprehensive functional analysis at multiple omic levels, integrating transcriptomes, metabolomes, quantitative proteomes and protein modifications.
结果1-ROS:Functional classes of significantly enriched or differentially abundant molecular entities were associated with the oxidative stress response, suggesting that a reactive oxygen species (ROS) burst plays a critical role in haploid induction. In support of this, we show that a simple chemical treatment of pollen with ROS reagents leads to haploid induction (HI).
结果2-ZmPOD65:Moreover, a sperm-specific peroxidase (ZmPOD65) was identified as a new gene controlling HI.
结论:The mechanism of HI revealed in this study suggests the importance of ROS balance in maintaining normal reproduction, and provides a potential route to accelerate crop breeding.
** 严建兵 **
个人简介: 1995-1999年,华中农业大学,学士; 1998-2003年,华中农业大学,博士; 2003-2005年,中国农业大学,讲师; 2005-2009年,中国农业大学,教授; 2006-2008年,国际玉米小麦改良中心,博后; 2008-2011年,国际玉米小麦改良中心,副科学家、科学家; 2010年-至今,华中农业大学,教授。 研究方向:目前主要从事玉米基因组学和分子育种方面的研究。
doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2022.04.001
Journal: Molecular Plant
Published date: April 04, 2022
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