第一作者:Xingtan Zhang
通讯作者:Minsheng You
背景回顾:Tea is an important global beverage crop and is largely clonally propagated. 提出问题:Despite previous studies on the species, its genetic and evolutionary history deserves further research. 主要研究:Here, we present a haplotype-resolved assembly of an Oolong tea cultivar, Tieguanyin. 结果1-等位基因特异性表达:Analysis of allele-specific expression suggests a potential mechanism in response to mutation load during long-term clonal propagation. 结果2-群体基因组:Population genomic analysis using 190 Camellia accessions uncovered independent evolutionary histories and parallel domestication in two widely cultivated varieties, var. sinensis and var. assamica. It also revealed extensive intra- and interspecific introgressions contributing to genetic diversity in modern cultivars. 结果3-选择分析:Strong signatures of selection were associated with biosynthetic and metabolic pathways that contribute to flavor characteristics as well as genes likely involved in the Green Revolution in the tea industry. 结论:Our results offer genetic and molecular insights into the evolutionary history of Camellia sinensis and provide genomic resources to further facilitate gene editing to enhance desirable traits in tea crops. 摘 要
** 尤民生 **
个人简介: 1978-1982年,福建农业大学,学士; 1982-1984年,福建农业大学,硕士; 1985-1987年,华南农业大学,博士; 1987-1988年,福建农业大学,讲师; 1988-1989年,加拿大多伦多大学,访问学者; 1989-1990年,加拿大魁北克林业中心,博后; 1990-1995年,福建农业大学,副教授; 1995年-至今,福建农林大学,教授。 研究方向: 1. 生物多样性与害虫生态控制; 2. 小菜蛾基因组及功能基因标识; 3. 植物-害虫-天敌三营养级互作; 4. 入侵生物与转基因生物生态安全; 5. 农药环境残留与微生物降解修复。
doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-021-00895-y
Journal: Nature Genetics
Published date: July 15, 2021
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